black lives matter.

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

While the race is still undecided, a Biden win is increasingly likely, but I suspect, and worry that people are going to become complacent in the new reality of a Biden presidency, just because he’s not Trump/GOP

While that’s true, we still have to be on guard, because the reality is:

  • white supremacists/trump supporters aren’t going away 
  • We still have *crippling* wealth inequality while monopolies increase their hold over America and the world, while unions are mortally wounded
  • We still have a health care system that bankrupts and kills more people than it saves
  • Police brutality still exists and is still murderous, while xenophobia is still alive and deadly as well
  • Climate change is still real and fossil fuel companies are still too powerful

These things aren’t going away automatically with a Biden presidency.

No complacency, no more being polite to our enemies that side with fascists and giant corporations, fight back harder, larger, and more organized, don’t give up.

Source: wallisninety-six

Don’t kill yourself, please.


If you’re suffering from depression and are looking for a sign to not go through with ending your life, this is it. This is the sign. We care.

If you see this on your dash, reblog it. You could save a life.



Just in case you don’t think it can actually save a life, this is a message I got in my inbox after reblogging this post


I don’t care what the theme of your blog is. Reblog this.





I wanted to add this because I was on the fence about posting it, but I got this when I did. Please reblog this post, it really could save someone’s life.


reblogging, as a person who deals with depression..and swallow pills and overdose a few times.. ere ya go..


as a survivor, if you want to kill yourself, let me tell you one thing: don’t.


Pinky swear you won’t, you can’t break a pinky swear


As someone who’s seriously considered suicide a couple times, please stay alive. I love you🖤






this post doesnt apply to me but im passing it on cause im a hypocrite



I got this shortly after reblogging and y’all I’m gonna cry it really can make a difference to people. I BELIEVE IN YOU ALL!! I LOVE YOU!!


My blog is a safe place, if you ever need to talk about anything you can talk to me. No judgement. I promise.


Suicide is never the answer. People care about you, so so much. Stay alive and try, please, please, please try to pull through. All of the support and love I can give is there with you. ❤️


This kind of helped mw today. Thank you.


If you are feeling hopeless, don’t be afraid to reach out. Don’t tell yourself that no one cares because there are many people willing to help you. :)


i reblog this every time because i got an anon saying they were considering swallowing a bottle of pills that night, but seeing this post changed their mind


don’t kill yourself! it makes it much worse for others who care for you!


It’s hard enough being depressed and/or suicidal, but this whole coronavirus thing isn’t helping anyone.

Times like these are super tough. I’m not suicidal, never have been, but I dis go through a phase of self-harm.

Please, if you feel depressed, suicidal, or even if you’re just sad, you can come to me anytime. This blog is a safe space for anyone who needs it. I love you all dearly, and I want the best for you.

It might not seem like it right now, but things will get better with time.

Take care. 💖💖💖💖💖


Y'all can always talk with me if need to express something. ^^


I know how hard depression and pain is, i’ve gone through it, and i know it might be be the prettiest thing to admit but i don’t care, i have been suicidal before, it’s a horrible thing, it’s a horrible feeling. So if you ever need to talk to someone i’m here for you, i may be a bit shy and awkward so please excuse that, this blog is a safe place for anyone and i mean anyone, i don’t judge ❤❤❤❤

I know things seem horrible and that it feels like it’ll never get better, but believe me when i say this it will i promise you, stay safe and take care of yourself, I want you no i need you to live to see your future because believe me you’ll want to live and go through it ❤❤❤


Sending ❤️


Even if it doesn’t seem like it, there is always a way out of everything. Things will get better if you just hold on a while longer. Our planet may be filled with people who don’t care, but believe me, there are many more who do. There’s always light at the end of the tunel, and if you can’t see it right now, just keep walking and it will soon appear.

But above all else, remember that you are important, even if you don’t know it, you’ve made a good difference in other people’s life. A smile you sent someone’s way even when you were a child may have shown them that they are not worthless and that they exist. It only takes one person to change someone’s life in an instant.

If you’re feeling down and this hasn’t changed your mind, then before you do anything, please watch these two movies called “What a wonderfull life”, “Pay it forward” and this TV show called “Touch”; specially “What a wonderfull life”; I can assure you that they show how much you matter. And please don’t think that just because they’re movies and a TV show they don’t apply to real life or to you, they apply to everyone because love applies to everyone, even if right now you think it doesn’t.


^^^^^ You’re gonna be okay, the light at the end of the tunnel is coming. So please, keep walking. It’s worth it I promise




Here for y'all. I’ll always respond as soon as possible


Seriously, you are worth it. If you think you aren’t in any way, just DM me, or talk to anyone you can, even if you think that they don’t know you.

You are worth it, living is worth it, we love you <3


(I know this is long and clogs up my dash but its important)


Either you’ll get stronger, it’ll get better or even both but I promise it’ll be worth it if you stay. You’ve already come so far, just a little longer.

My inbox and dms are always open if you wanna vent or want advice, I can try my best. But just please, stay for a little longer.

You are loved, you are worth it, you don’t deserve the pain you’re going through but you’ll get through it, I promise. Just please, stay. You’re not alone.


Reblogging in case anyone needs this tonight


To whoever needs to hear this ❤️

You can talk to me too if you want ❤️


Always here for anyone who needs to talk 💙💙💙




If anyone is going through a hard time in life, lemme just say I’ll be there for you. Also, here take this as a token of you deserve this more than me. 




I don’t have many followers, but I’m re-blogging anyway, just in case


this really warmed my heart up so much, please share this




Always remember this. I care for all of you.


I cherish u all so much

Source: sweethearxt