Reap what you sow or burn the field down

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277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna


This is fucking sick. Fuck capitalism and fuck private healthcare. This system is so disgusting. Vote for Bernie Sanders we need Medicare for All. 


[Video transcript start: “Alright, y’all like the desk shit, and I’ve got plenty of it. So here’s another scenario: you go to the emergency room, you get a bill for a thousand dollars. The very first thing you do, other than calling and asking for a ‘review of the level of care,’ that’s the first thing you do. While on the phone, while they’re doing that, you also say, ‘I want an itemized bill with every single charge.’

“Now what they’re going to do on the back end of that–because they don’t want you to know that they’ve charged you thirty-seven dollars for a fucking band-aid–they’re going to take that thirty-seven dollar charge right off of there. Before they send you the itemized statement, any of those stupid charges? They’re gonna take them right off. Generally, my bills go from a thousand dollars to seven-hundred and fifty, they take about two-hundred dollars off just for stupid shit. All you have to do is ask for an itemized bill with every charge, and they’re gonna take those charges off, ‘cause they don’t want you to know that they’re charging you thirty-seven dollars for a fucking band-aid, and guess what? That’s how much they charge for a fucking band-aid. So, when you actually can say, ‘You charged me thirty-seven dollars for a band-aid?’ They don’t like that. So they remove-” Audio cuts off mid-sentence and ends.]


Wish I would have known this when I had to go to the hospital a couple years ago. Over 500 dollar bill for a band aid & antibiotic cream that I put on myself 🙃

Dont let them screw you.


You can also write a Letter of Hardship if you’re in financial distress and they’ll reduce the bill drastically. I had a $2.5K ER bill, wrote to the billing department saying I’m unmarried, unemployed, and uninsured, and they knocked it down to $125.

That’s not a typo. $125.


Reblogging to save a llife.


Ok so I work in the billing cycle for a very large hospital system and I’m here to tell you to always ask for an itemized statement and ask if you can be billed later. I will say that the people who generate the itemized bills in our company do not have access to changing charges on your bill BUT it can give you a breakdown of what you were charged for and you can dispute the charges from there. It should also have a list of all the payments you/your insurance made so you’ll know if your insurance paid for what their supposed to. And you can use the itemized statement to appeal to your insurance company. Now if you don’t have insurance hopefully you can apply for some type of hardship. It will be harder if you went to a smaller healthcare system but many can help. Also you can ask about their self pay system because if you don’t have insurance pay they’ll knock around 40% off the charges (that’s an example not a rule).

Now I say all this in an attempt to help but if there’s been one thing I’ve learned — healthcare is a fucking racket and some of the biggest winners being insurance companies (hospitals also win big but the idealist in me also hopes some of that goes towards research and saving lives but we’re talking about capitalism so). Healthcare is right not a privilege and if I can help 1 person not pay a dime you best believe I’m gonna because capitalism shouldn’t be involved. We were told everyone has the rights of life and liberty and capitalism, especially in healthcare, is counterproductive to both.

Source: ltycupid
“ alterboyx:
“ kyraneko:
““The axe forgets, but the tree remembers.” ”
This is a huge thing ESPECIALLY with kids. To the parent, they lashed out when they were mad and forgot about it, expecting the kid to forget too. To the kid? It...

“The axe forgets, but the tree remembers.”


This is a huge thing ESPECIALLY with kids. To the parent, they lashed out when they were mad and forgot about it, expecting the kid to forget too. To the kid? It was a big moment that defined your relationship with your parents. Stuff my parents don’t remember doing or saying were things that to me spoke very, very loudly, that I was not safe to be open and honest with my parents.

The axe forgets, but the tree remembers, indeed.


This quarantine has showed me different sides of my parents and honestly? I’m not sure whether I’m the axe or the tree, but the stuff that’s happened? I’ll remember.

Source: twitblr

“Kids these days are always on their phones” As opposed to literally what else? Reading a magazine? Staring blankly at my surroundings? Arguing with my parents? Why does your generation cling to this rabid shaming of people for using interpersonal communication devices to stay in touch with the world? What do you want from me


The previous generation seems to universalise the usage of electronics in general under ‘waste of time/lazy activity’. My mom goes “you just go from gadget to gadget to gadget why don’t you get up and do something” like, seriously dude?? I just finished reading an paper on why the Japanese real estate market crashed after 1986 and still hasn’t recovered as of 2020, on my lazy activity phone here, what exactly did you do with your last half hour?


Once when my dad got pissed that I apparently wasn’t studying enough and spending all my time on my laptop I told him I was about to start doing some stuff for my Computing A-level, and after an hour and a half he said “are you actually gonna do any work?” because I was still on my laptop.

I showed him my screen and told him there isn’t really any other way I could do Computing work.

Source: biggest-gaudiest-patronuses
“ imaverysadgirl:
“ uwu-theory:
“ thehugwizard:
“ yeahhiyellow:
“ xeppeli:
“ mooserattler:
“ jjflow:
“ freshrosemary:
“ allthelittlebeagles:
“ moonblossom:
“ mooserattler:
“ Reblog this picture of me holding a Family Size...

Reblog this picture of me holding a Family Size box of Honey Nut Cheerios? I’d really appreciate it.


How can I say no to such a great photo and such a polite request?


i will always support this post


@mooserattler back on my dash!


Why isn’t this at a million notes, yet, Dante???


I’m not sure. Hey lovely people who have taken me over half way to a cool million! If you’d like to reblog again, I’d love that, if not, I still love you, and hope you’re having a great day. I’m gonna go do some stand up tonight.


he is more powerful than god


I can’t not reblog this


Reblog for my dude with the honey nut cheerios


imagine not rebloging this


I feel like I just joined a cult


I want this on a poster in my room just because it looks so wholesome

Source: mooserattler