13 November 2018
As lame duck Congress convenes
Democrats seek agreements with Trump administration
By Patrick Martin, 13 November 2018
The likely leader of the new Democratic-controlled House, Nancy Pelosi, has dismissed opposition to Trump’s war on immigrants, saying Democrats should not “take the bait.”
After midterm elections, Democrats call for bipartisan unity with Trump
On the eve of the US midterm elections: The political issues facing the working class
“Someone is getting paid millions to provoke racism and hatred”
US autoworkers oppose anti-immigrant campaign
By WSWS Autoworker Newsletter, 13 November 2018
Autoworkers in the Detroit area contacted by the WSWS Autoworker Newsletter spoke forcefully against the attempts by the Trump administration to whip up anti-immigrant hysteria.
Fort Wayne GM worker alleges UAW-management collusion in unjust termination
Prosecutor points to UAW “culture of corruption” as union officials face sentencing
Following state election defeats
Germany’s grand coalition closes ranks and steps up right-wing offensive
By Johannes Stern, 13 November 2018
Germany’s grand coalition has responded to growing opposition to its policies by intensifying its programme of militarism, rearmament and welfare cuts.
Bitter US-European tensions mark centenary of World War I armistice in Paris
The case of Hans-Georg Maassen and the struggle against police-state repression in Germany
BlackRock boss Merz applies to head Germany’s ruling CDU
Thousands protest Trump’s visit to Paris for centenary of World War I armistice
By our reporters, 13 November 2018
During the US president’s visit on November 11, thousands of people came out on Republic Square to protest war and austerity.
Polish government officials march with the far-right
By Clara Weiss, 13 November 2018
The open alignment of the Polish government with fascist forces is symptomatic of the extreme shift to the right of the European ruling class.
Sri Lankan political crisis deepens: Prime minister splits from president
By W.A. Sunil, 13 November 2018
None of the factions of the ruling class will defend the basic rights of working people, but will ruthlessly impose the austerity dictates of the IMF and big business.
“It’s about safety but the train operating companies want to save money”
UK rail worker speaks to the WSWS about dispute over Driver Only Operated trains
By our reporter, 13 November 2018
Rail workers in the UK have been fighting for over two years against the plans by the private rail franchises to introduce Driver Only Operated (DOO) trains.
Australian Socialist Equality Party National Secretary James Cogan addresses Grenfell Fire Forum
By our reporter, 13 November 2018
Cogan explained that a fire engulfing an entire apartment building could happen in hundreds of cities around the world.
Brazil’s Bolsonaro prepares most right-wing government since end of US-backed dictatorship
By Miguel Andrade, 13 November 2018
While Bolsonaro prepares his extreme right-wing government, the defeated Workers Party is attempting to find common ground with his opponents within Brazil’s ruling circles.
ISO covers up Workers Party role in Bolsonaro’s victory in Brazil
Fujimori’s new detention sets reconfiguration of Peruvian politics
By Armando Cruz, 13 November 2018
The leader of Fuerza Popular (FP), Keiko Fujimori, was sentenced to 36 months of “preventive detention” while being investigated in the Odebrecht scandal.
New York teachers union pushes through concessions contract
By Steve Light, 13 November 2018
The United Federation of Teachers rammed through a contract that includes below inflation rate wages in order to prevent a strike in the largest school district in America.
“The UFT says there is no giveback but there is plenty giveback”
New York teachers angry as union hides givebacks in new contract
By Steve Light, 13 November 2018
Quebec: Talks to resume in ABI lockout under threat of state-imposed concessions contract
By Laurent Lafrance, 13 November 2018
USW leaders have repeatedly proclaimed their readiness to make major concessions, and are now signaling they will collaborate with Alcoa in slashing jobs.
Ex-Australian Labor Party leader joins far-right anti-immigrant One Nation
By Mike Head, 13 November 2018
The Hanson-Latham union is another stark example of the intense efforts being made to push the entire parliamentary establishment further in a Trump-style direction.
Australia: Welfare cut leaves asylum seekers facing destitution
By Max Newman, 13 November 2018
A new report shows that nearly 80 percent of those cut off benefits are at risk of homelessness.
New in French
Des tensions âpres entre les États-Unis et l’Europe marquent le centenaire de l’armistice de la Première Guerre mondiale à Paris
Alex Lantier, 13 novembre 2018
Les chefs d’État de 70 pays se sont réunis à Paris pour marquer le centenaire de la fin de la Première Guerre mondiale, mais l’ombre des conflits croissants entre les grandes puissances planait sur ce rassemblement.
Des milliers de manifestants contre la venue de Trump à Paris le 11 novembre
nos reporters, 13 novembre 2018
Pendant la visite du président américain à Paris, dimanche, plusieurs milliers de personnes ont manifesté leur opposition, place de la République.
L’armistice du 11 novembre 1918 et les leçons pour aujourd’hui
Nick Beams, 13 novembre 2018
Quand les armes se sont tues il y a 100 ans, cela n’a pas mis pas fin à l’effusion de sang et au carnage, ce fut simplement la conclusion de la première phase de ce qui allait devenir une guerre internationale de trente ans entre les grandes puissances capitalistes.
Une enseignante mobilisée s'exprime sur l'austérité de Macron et les luttes
nos reporters, 13 novembre 2018
Des journalistes du WSWS ont rencontré Nadia, une enseignante dans un lycée professionnel de la région parisienne mobilisée hier contre les réformes de Macron.
Les enseignants mobilisés face à l'attaque de Macron sur l’Education nationale
Anthony Torres, 13 novembre 2018
C'était le première fois que l'ensemble des syndicats appelaient à une journée de mobilisation dans l'Education nationale depuis 2011.
Les négociations américano-chinoises révélent l’aggravation de l’épreuve de force
Peter Symonds, 13 novembre 2018
Pendant des années, d’abord sous Obama, puis sous Trump, les États-Unis se sont engagés dans un effort agressif pour saper économiquement la Chine et l’encercler militairement en vue d’une guerre.
New in Turkish
I. Dünya Savaşı ateşkesinin 100. yıldönümünde, ABD ile Avrupa arasında sert gerilimler
Alex Lantier, 13 Kasım 2018
Macron, geride bıraktığı 10 milyon ölüyü, 6 milyon sakatı, 3 milyon dulu, 6 milyon yetimi ve milyonlarca sivil kaybı bir kenara atarak, güya Fransa’nın sınıfsal bölünmelerinin üstesinden gelmede yurtseverliğe olanak sağladığı gerekçesiyle savaşı övdü.
New in German
Der Waffenstillstand vom 11. November 1918 und die Lehren für heute
Nick Beams, 13. November 2018
Das Schweigen der Waffen vor 100 Jahren war nicht das Ende des Blutvergießens, sondern nur der Abschluss der ersten Phase dessen, was zu einem dreißigjährigen internationalen Krieg zwischen den kapitalistischen Großmächten werden sollte.
100 Jahre Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs:
Erbitterte amerikanisch-europäische Spannungen zur Feier des Waffenstillstands in Paris
Alex Lantier, 13. November 2018
Die Feiern zum Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs in Paris, an denen Staatsoberhäupter aus siebzig Ländern teilnahmen, waren überschattet von den zunehmenden Konflikten zwischen den Großmächten.
Novemberrevolution 1918: Steinmeier verteidigt Bündnis von SPD und Reaktion
Peter Schwarz, 13. November 2018
In einer Rede im Bundestag zum hundertsten Jahrestag der Novemberrevolution rechtfertigte der Bundestagspräsident die Niederschlagung der sozialistischen Revolution.
Die grüne Staatspartei
Ulrich Rippert, 13. November 2018
Auf ihrem Europa-Parteitag vollzogen die Grünen am vergangenen Wochenende einen deutlichen Rechtsruck.
Münster: Prozess gegen SS-Wachmann im KZ Stutthof hat begonnen
Elisabeth Zimmermann, 13. November 2018
Der ehemalige SS-Mann Johann R. ist der Beihilfe zum hundertfachen Mord im Konzentrations- und Vernichtungslager Stutthof in der Nähe von Danzig angeklagt.
New in Spanish
El armisticio del 11 de noviembre de 1918 y las lecciones para hoy
Por Nick Beams, 13 noviembre 2018
El acallamiento de las armas hace 100 años no puso fin a la sangría y carnicería, sino que fue solo la conclusión de la primera fase de lo que sería una guerra internacional de treinta años entre las principales potencias capitalistas.
Cifra de muertos sube a 31
El incendio forestal en California se convierte en el más letal y destructivo en la historia del estado
Por David Brown, 13 noviembre 2018
La infraestructura social, incluyendo los departamentos de bomberos, han sido vaciados de recursos por décadas, mientras son encauzados billones de dólares a las cuentas bancarias de los ricos.
Amargas tensiones entre Estados Unidos y Europa marcan el centenario del armisticio de la Primera Guerra Mundial en París
Por Alex Lantier, 13 noviembre 2018
Los jefes de estado de 70 países se reunieron en París para conmemorar el centenario del fin de la Primera Guerra Mundial bajo la sombra de los crecientes conflictos entre las grandes potencias.
Negociaciones entre EUA y China dan señal de empeoramiento del conflicto
Por Peter Symonds, 13 noviembre 2018
Por varios años, primero bajo Obama y ahora bajo Trump, Estados Unidos ha estado intentado socavar económicamente a China y rodearla con fuerzas militares en preparación para una guerra.
Ian David Long, el asesino de Thousand Oaks, California:
Probable víctima de Trastorno de Estrés Postraumático
Por Rafael Azul, 13 noviembre 2018
“Entrenamos a una generación a ser lo más violenta posible. Esperamos luego que regresen y estén bien…. no respondemos a sus necesidades.
Al otro lado del viento, de Orson Welles: una película con 48 años de realización
Por David Walsh, 13 noviembre 2018
El 2 de noviembre, Netflix estrenó Al otro lado del viento, una película dirigida por Orson Welles, que murió en 1985. El material fue filmado, con muchas pausas y retrasos y cambios en los lugares de rodaje, de agosto de 1970 a enero de 1976.
New in Norwegian
Våpenhvilen den 11. november 1918 og lærdommene for idag
Nick Beams, 12. november 2018
Opphøret av kanontordenen for 100 år siden var ikke slutten på årelatingen og blodbadet, men ganske enkelt slutten av første fasen av det som skulle bli en trettiårig internasjonal krig mellom de vesentlige kapitalistmaktene.
Bitre USA-Europa spenninger preget hundreårsmarkeringen av våpenhvilen etter Første verdenskrig i Paris
Alex Lantier, 12. november 2018
Statsoverhoder fra 70 land samlet seg i Paris for å markere hundreårsdagen for våpenhvilen etter Første verdenskrig, i skyggen av stigende konflikter mellom stormaktene.
IBMs oppkjøp av Red Hat understreker teknologigigantenes voksende makt
Mike Ingram, 10. november 2018
Med sitt oppkjøp av Red Hat, et åpen-kildekode-Linux-foretak, håper IBM å kunne konkurrere med de rivaliserende teknologigigantene Amazon, Microsoft og Google, spesielt i området militære sky-kontrakter.
New in Russian
Депопуляция Украины
Джейсон Мелановски, 10 ноября 2018 г.
Спустя боле четверти века после упразднения СССР эмиграция из Украины не сокращается, поскольку рабочие уезжают за границу, спасаясь от нищеты и войны.
New in Portuguese
A vitória de Bolsonaro e o colapso do Partido dos Trabalhadores
Bill Van Auken, 6 de novembro de 2018
A eleição do fascista ex-capitão do exército sinaliza uma grande guinada à direita da classe dominante brasileira.
Quem é responsável pela ascensão do fascista Bolsonaro no Brasil?
Bill Van Auken, 6 de novembro de 2018
Uma série de grupos da pseudo-esquerda, muitos dos quais envolvidos na fundação do PT, estão defendendo o voto nesse partido capitalista de direita contra Bolsonaro.
O caminho na luta contra o perigo da extrema-direita na Alemanha
Ulrich Rippert e Johannes Stern, 6 de novembro de 2018
A enorme manifestação do último final de semana em Berlin expressou ampla oposição popular ao retorno do fascismo e do militarismo na Alemanha.
A ameaça da extrema-direita no Brasil e a responsabilidade do Partido dos Trabalhadores
Bill Van Auken, 6 de novembro de 2018
Os impressionantes 46% de votos válidos obtido pelo fascista ex-capitão do exército Jair Bolsonaro no primeiro turno da eleição brasileira é o resultado de décadas de traições do Partido dos Trabalhadores e seus cúmplices e defensores da pseudo-esquerda.
Other Languages
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Trump-Regierung führt Zwei-Klassen-Einwanderungssystem ein (27.09.2018) - Merkel verliert ihren engsten Gefolgsmann (27.09.2018)
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- Frankfurt/Oder: Oberbürgermeister der Linken will syrische Flüchtlinge ins Kriegsgebiet abschieben (27.09.2018)
- WSWS fordert von der Türkei die Freilassung von Max Zirngast, Hatice Göz und Mithatcan Türetken (27.09.2018)
- Freiheit für die Arbeiter vom Flughafen Istanbul!
Nein zu Schikane gegen die Arbeiterklasse! (27.09.2018) - Trump will Wirtschaftskrieg gegen Iran verschärfen (26.09.2018)
- Die Arbeitswelt in Amerika: ein Schlachthof (26.09.2018)
- Das Auftrumpfen der Neonazis und die Verantwortung der Historiker (26.09.2018)
- Die CIA-Demokraten und die US-Zwischenwahlen (25.09.2018)
- „Haltet eure Müden, eure Armen, eure geknechteten Massen fern...“
- Français
- La diatribe fasciste de Trump aux Nations-Unies (27.09.2018)
- Les quinze ans du World Socialist Web Site : 1998-2013 (..NaN)
- Éviction de Ian Buruma, rédacteur en chef du «New York Review of Books»: Le mouvement #MeToo attaque la liberté d'expression (27.09.2018)
- 50e anniversaire de la fondation du SEP (Sri Lanka)
De la grande trahison du parti Lanka Sama Samaja à la fondation de la RCL (27.09.2018) - 50ᵉ anniversaire de la fondation du PES (Sri Lanka)
Les leçons de la grande trahison du parti Lanka Sama Samaja (25.09.2018) - À l’assemblée générale de l’ONU
Trump va annoncer un redoublement de la guerre économique contre l’Iran (26.09.2018) - La grande coalition allemande soutient le chef des services secrets, défenseur de néonazis (26.09.2018)
- Quelle est la signification du gain en popularité de Québec solidaire? (26.09.2018)
- Deuxième série d’allégations d’agression sexuelle contre Kavanaugh avancée par les démocrates (26.09.2018)
- Le WSWS exige que la Turquie libère Max Zirngast, Hatice Göz et Mithatcan Türetken (26.09.2018)
- Español
- “Dame a tus cansados, tus pobres, tus masas amontonadas…”
Gobierno de Trump impone restricciones migratorias basadas en clase social (27.09.2018) - Trump lanza una diatriba fascista en las Naciones Unidas (27.09.2018)
- La guerra comercial entre los EUA y China se intensifica (27.09.2018)
- A los 50 años de la fundación del PSI (Sri Lanka)
Las lecciones de la Gran Traición del Partido Lanka Sama Samaja (27.09.2018) - El matadero industrial de Estados Unidos (26.09.2018)
- Contra el fondo de la Asamblea General de la ONU
Trump intensificará guerra económica contra Irán (26.09.2018) - La Administración de Trump ataca a los inmigrantes que reciben beneficios federales (26.09.2018)
- El Periódico británico The Guardian condenado por publicar "mentiras deliberadas" sobre Julian Assange (26.09.2018)
- Huelga en el sector público de Costa Rica alcanza tercera semana (26.09.2018)
- “La historia nunca le enseña nada a nadie”
Un neostalinista ruso defiende la “refundación” de la Cuarta Internacional por parte del Partido Obrero (26.09.2018)
- “Dame a tus cansados, tus pobres, tus masas amontonadas…”
- Русский
- Публикация разговоров Ельцина и Клинтона разоблачает вмешательство США в российскую политику (27.09.2018)
- Пятьдесят лет вторжению войск Варшавского договора в Чехословакию
Часть 3: Вмешательство паблоистов (24.09.2018) - Двадцать лет уходу из жизни марксистского историка и социолога Вадима Роговина (21.09.2018)
- Эта неделя в истории
25 лет назад: Ельцин присваивает себе диктаторские полномочия (21.09.2018) - Пятьдесят лет вторжению войск Варшавского договора в Чехословакию
Часть 2: «Пражская весна» (19.09.2018) - Семнадцатая годовщина атак 11 сентября 2001 года: От «войны с террором» к «конфликту с великими державами» (15.09.2018)
- Пятьдесят лет вторжению войск Варшавского договора в Чехословакию
Часть 1: Возникновение деформированного рабочего государства в Чехословакии (13.09.2018) - Политические корни террористических атак в Нью-Йорке и Вашингтоне (13.09.2018)
- Эта неделя в истории
100 лет назад: Троцкий обращается к чехословацким войскам (13.09.2018) - Эта неделя в истории
100 лет назад: Красная армия начинает наступление на Казань (10.09.2018)
- Português
- Partido Obrero na Argentina busca “refundar” a Quarta Internacional em aliança com o Stalinismo (18.06.2018)
- Trump e Jerusalém: o fim da farsa no processo de paz do Oriente Médio (10.03.2018)
- Conflitos dentro da classe dominante dos EUA se intensificam após Flynn declarar-se culpado (10.03.2018)
- A extrema-direita e a virada em direção ao militarismo na Alemanha (10.03.2018)
- O governo Trump intensifica as ameaças de “destruição total” da Coréia do Norte (10.03.2018)
- Prestes a terminar seu mandato, presidente do Fed procura reconfortar mercados enquanto adverte sobre crise da dívida e desigualdade social (26.02.2018)
- Três meses após o furacão Harvey: Dezenas de milhares ainda sem-teto após o pior desastre natural na história dos EUA (26.02.2018)
- O Partido Socialista pela Igualdade na Alemanha exige novas eleições (26.02.2018)
- Eric Schmidt do Google admite censura política de resultados de busca (26.02.2018)
- Audiência no Senado americano expõe perigo de guerra nuclear (22.02.2018)
- 中文
- >>
Great powers commemorate First World War, and plan the next one
13 November 2018
The talk by Merkel and Macron of the “tragedy” and “suicide” of World War I could not hide the fact that the imperialist powers are engaged in active preparations for a new and deadly world military conflict.
Featured Commentary
The armistice of November 11, 1918 and the lessons for today
By Nick Beams, 12 November 2018
The silencing of the guns 100 years ago was not the end of the bloodshed and carnage but was simply the conclusion of the first phase of what was to become a thirty-year international war between the major capitalist powers.
French President Macron hails fascist dictator Philippe Pétain
By Alex Lantier, 10 November 2018
One hundred years since the November Revolution in Germany
By Ulrich Rippert and Peter Schwarz, 9 November 2018
History of the Fourth International
David North lecture tour
Nearly 100 attend meeting in New York City on the 80th anniversary of the Fourth International
By our reporters, 13 November 2018
David North spoke on the need for a scientific understanding of history to an audience at New York University composed of workers, students and professionals from the New York and New Jersey area.
David North lecture tour
More than 100 attend meeting at MIT on anniversary of the Fourth International
By Kate Randall, 9 November 2018

David North, the chairperson of the international editorial board of the World Socialist Web Site, will be speaking in the United States this fall to mark the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Fourth International.
Friday, November 30, 6pm for 6:30. Admission free, please RSVP to Gleebooks.
Indian Trotskyists to hold meeting on 80 years of the Fourth International
6 November 2018
Eighty Years of the Fourth International: The Lessons of History and the Struggle for Socialism Today
By David North, 9 October 2018
Large Colombo audience hears David North’s lecture on the history of the Fourth International
On the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Fourth International
By David North, 3 September 2018
Meetings in Australia and New Zealand to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Fourth International
19 October 2018
Workers Struggles
Workers Struggles: The Americas
13 November 2018
The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature
After campaign of threats and intimidation, Teamsters announces “yes” vote on sellout UPS Freight contract
By Will Morrow, 12 November 2018
Break the isolation of UPS Freight workers! Form rank-and-file committees to unite workers against the company!
“The Teamsters union is with the company”
UPS workers oppose Teamsters isolation of freight division, call for united struggle
Trudeau threatens to criminalize Canada Post strike
By Roger Jordan, 10 November 2018
Sheffield Labour Students cancels anti-war meeting, citing police investigation of anti-Semitism allegations
By Laura Tiernan, 12 November 2018
US multinationals dodge $180 billion in taxes on foreign profits per year
By Barry Grey, 10 November 2018
Tensions mount over US election contests in Florida, Georgia, Arizona
By Fred Mazelis, 10 November 2018
Asylum ban: Trump eliminates right to asylum for immigrants crossing without documentation
By Eric London, 9 November 2018
Child detainees speak out: “I just wanted a hug from someone”
The view from inside America’s child immigrant detention shelters
More on the attack on immigrants »
White House report on socialism
The specter of Marx haunts the American ruling class
By Barry Grey, 6 November 2018
Arts Review
The Hate U Give: Police brutality in America and its consequences
By Nick Barrickman, 12 November 2018
House of Cards Season 6: The King is dead, long live the Queen!
By Joanne Laurier, 10 November 2018
Mehring Books
David North in conversation with Nick Beams
Book launch of The Heritage We Defend in Sydney, Australia
9 November 2018
Why are they back?
New title from Mehring Books explains resurgence of fascism in Germany
By our reporters, 19 October 2018
Author Christoph Vandreier presented the book in a well-attended lecture at the Frankfurt Book fair last Saturday.
SEP 2018 Election Campaign
Significant vote for SEP candidate Niles Niemuth in Michigan’s 12th district
By our reporters, 8 November 2018
Final campaign meeting for Niles Niemuth reviews experiences from campaigning
By our reporters, 7 November 2018
Vote Niles Niemuth, Socialist Equality Party, for US House of Representatives in Michigan’s 12th district!
Democratic Party mailer removes SEP candidate Niles Niemuth from sample ballot
International Youth and Students for Social Equality
The way forward for young people: Not Democratic Party politics, but the fight for socialism!
By Genevieve Leigh, 6 November 2018
Against the right-wing attacks of university administrators and the far-right
Successful solidarity event for the student union of Humboldt University
By our reporters, 2 November 2018
Socialist Equality Party (Australia)
Watch: Two Hundred Years Since the Birth of Karl Marx
By Nick Beams, 31 October 2018
Nick Beams delivers successful lectures on the contemporary relevance of Karl Marx at Australian universities
By our reporters, 31 October 2018
World vertebrate populations have fallen 60 percent since 1970
By Bryan Dyne, 1 November 2018
The latest Living Planet Report demonstrates the far-reaching implications of human activity on both the climate and the degradation of the natural environment.
Book review
55 Strong, Inside the West Virginia Teachers’ Strike
DSA covers for unions and Democrats in new book on walkout by West Virginia teachers
By Nancy Hanover, 18 October 2018
A new book promoted by the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is centered on the lie that the West Virginia teachers’ strike, which set off the series of strikes nationally last spring, was a “victory” in which the unions played a heroic role.
Vadim Rogovin and the sociology of Stalinism
By Andrea Peters, 25 September 2018
September 18 marked the 20th anniversary of the death of Soviet Marxist historian and sociologist Vadim Rogovin, the author of a seven-volume series on Stalinism and the Marxist opposition to the Soviet bureaucracy.
Twenty years since the death of Marxist historian and sociologist Vadim Rogovin
By David North, 18 September 2018
International Committee of the Fourth International
Resolution of the SEP (US) Fifth National Congress
The Resurgence of Class Struggle and the Tasks of the Socialist Equality Party
8 August 2018
This resolution was unanimously adopted by the Socialist Equality Party Congress, held from July 22–27, 2018.
Opening report to the Fifth National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (US)
By David North, 4 August 2018
The 50th anniversary of the founding of the SEP (Sri Lanka)
The lessons of the Lanka Sama Samaja Party’s Great Betrayal
By Rohantha De Silva and Vilani Peiris, 24 September 2018
Support the Socialist Equality group in Turkey!
Statement of the SE group, in sympathy with the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI), on the snap elections in Turkey
Security and the Fourth International
An “Exemplary Comrade”: The Socialist Workers Party’s 40-year-long cover-up of Stalinist spy Sylvia Callen: Part one
By Eric London, 14 August 2018
This is the first part in a four-part series examining the cover-up by the Socialist Workers Party beginning in 1947 of information exposing the role of Sylvia Callen, the personal secretary of long-time party leader James P. Cannon, as a Stalinist agent.
Part two | Part three | Part four
Seventy-eight years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky
By Eric London and David North, 21 August 2018
On August 21, 1940, Leon Trotsky, the founder of the Fourth International and the co-leader of the Russian Revolution, died from wounds inflicted the day before by an assassin, the Stalinist GPU agent Ramon Mercader.
WSWS 20th Anniversary
Twenty years of the World Socialist Web Site: 1998–2018
By David North and Joseph Kishore, 14 February 2018
As the WSWS marks its 20th anniversary of daily posting, it is taking the lead in exposing the conspiracy by governments and corporations to censor the Internet as the ruling class prepares for war and domestic repression.
Lenin, Trotsky and the Marxism of the October Revolution
By David North, 19 March 2018
David North, chairperson of the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site and of the Socialist Equality Party (US), delivered this lecture at the University of Leipzig on March 16.
Follow the WSWS