Splatoon 2 Switch

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Generally favorable reviews - based on 74 Critics What's this?

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  • Summary: Ink-splatting action is back and fresher than ever. Get hyped for the sequel to the game about splatting ink and claiming turf, as the squid-like Inklings return in a colorful and chaotic 4 vs. 4 action shooter. For the first time, take Turf War battles on-the-go via local multiplayer inInk-splatting action is back and fresher than ever. Get hyped for the sequel to the game about splatting ink and claiming turf, as the squid-like Inklings return in a colorful and chaotic 4 vs. 4 action shooter. For the first time, take Turf War battles on-the-go via local multiplayer in portable play styles. You can also compete in frenetic online matches like before. Two years have passed since the release of Splatoon, and two years have also passed in the game world, leading to an evolution in fashion trends and new styles of weapons and gear. Staying fresh never looked so good. Features: New weapons New dual-wielding Splat Dualies join the action, complete with a new Dodge Roll move. Mainstays like the Splat Roller and Splat Charger have also been remixed to include new gameplay mechanics and brand-new special weapons. Local and Online Multiplayer In a first for the series, compete in local multiplayer Turf War battles, whether in TV mode or on-the-go in handheld or tabletop modes. Online battles also make a return. New ways to play Play using the Joy-Con controllers or the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller, both of which allow for gyro controls for better aiming and control. New Trends Two years have passed since the release of Splatoon in real life, and two years have also passed in the game world. Some familiar characters return under different circumstances, and new characters are introduced as well. Fresh Updates - Similar to Splatoon for Wii U, updates will roll out post-launch, adding new content. Smart Device Support An upcoming smart-phone application for the Nintendo Switch system will enhance matchmaking and allow for voice chat options. Turf War Iconic 4 vs. 4 Turf War battles return. The goal is to splat ink on as much territory as possible, while strategically submerging yourself in your team's colors and blasting your enemies. Expand
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 71 out of 74
  2. Negative: 0 out of 74
  1. Jul 27, 2017
    The improved single-player experience, the enhanced and multitude of online modes for all skill levels and Salmon Run which is just a ton of fun make Splatoon 2 the complete Switch game. The game’s style and charm are terrific and it runs at an amazing 1080p 60fps rock solid the entire time. With a year or more of updates promised and regular Splatfests planned, Splatoon 2 will among your most played games for a while to come.
  2. Jul 18, 2017
    Splatoon 2 takes what was great of the original game and improves every aspect, every detail of the experience. It's a fun and compelling product, a true Nintendo game.
  3. Jul 23, 2017
    Splatoon 2 is bursting at the seams with enjoyable ink-splattering fun both in its gameplay and presentation. With loads of ways to play and tons of rewarding goodies to discover, Splatoon 2 is clearly the next must-have Switch game.
  4. Jul 24, 2017
    There’s a lot to love in Nintendo’s second iteration of its quirky shooter, especially the way Splatoon 2 emphasizes splatting the ground just as much as it does inking your opponents. The new additions to its single-player campaign and multiplayer modes are a step in the right direction, but it still has some work to do to make joining online games and voice chat less of a hassle. Still, with an addicting new Salmon Run co-op mode and the promise of free updates like the ones that helped the original Splatoon come into its own, I expect Splatoon 2 to keep me hooked.
  5. 80
    It’s all splendid, five-star quality gaming, except none of it works with the Switch’s most distinctive characteristic: You can’t play multiplayer on split screen with a single Switch. You need two copies of the game and two consoles minimum to get your multiplayer on, a missed opportunity and a disappointment given how well this game could play with two people.
  6. Jul 18, 2017
    Splatoon 2 does not differ much from the first game, but its strong gameplay is very entertaining in multiplayer. Matchmaking and the party system are a bit of a let-down, but other than that, this is a must-have for Switch.
  7. Jul 18, 2017
    When it comes down to it, there are too many things Nintendo could have cut from Splatoon 2 to turn it into a faster, more furious, and more focused game.

See all 82 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 57 out of 71
  2. Negative: 6 out of 71
  1. Jul 21, 2017
    If you liked the first one, you´ll love this sequel. Better graphics, new modes and weapons, better single player experience, it´s just a niceIf you liked the first one, you´ll love this sequel. Better graphics, new modes and weapons, better single player experience, it´s just a nice fast and fun package that you just can´t get enough. Expand
  2. Jul 21, 2017
    Splatoon 2 has become one of my favorite games of all time. Salmon Run is the best wave defence I've ever played, it's easy in the beginningSplatoon 2 has become one of my favorite games of all time. Salmon Run is the best wave defence I've ever played, it's easy in the beginning but it becomes really hard later on. Rounds in this game is really short and intense, and you can always turn the game around so it's always fun even if you lose. The campaign is also good, the levels are varied and you unlock some weapons , the boss fights were the best part of the campaign. The music is also much better than the original game. Expand
  3. Jul 25, 2017
    This game is absolutely OUTSTANDING. The amazing graphics to the fun gameplay and perfect soundtrack. This is the BEST game sequel ever made!This game is absolutely OUTSTANDING. The amazing graphics to the fun gameplay and perfect soundtrack. This is the BEST game sequel ever made! The salmon run mode is insanely fun and the online mode is definitely improved. The single player mode is pretty similar but that's a good thing. So much more customization options and levels right out of the release. I also haven't had one connection problem the whole time I've played, so if there is a connection problems for you its just you own WiFi. AMAZING JUST AMAZING! The only issue is that there is no local 2 player mode but that's such a tiny problem cause nobody ever played it in the first place. This deserves at least a 90 from the critics. Expand
  4. Jul 23, 2017
    A huge improvement from the first, which I loved. They added new weapons and maps, but still include great ones from the first game. All theA huge improvement from the first, which I loved. They added new weapons and maps, but still include great ones from the first game. All the multiplayer modes are fun, and better. The online community is great too. Salmon Run, a new game mode, is fun and fresh. The story mode is way better than the originals, it is fun, funny, and actually has some required strategy. The graphics are also better, and is great on a hybrid console. A fun, must have Switch game. Expand
  5. Jul 26, 2017
    The game itself is a good game. 9/10. There is a coll progression system and the combat is great. Too bad it is hampered by the horrible lackThe game itself is a good game. 9/10. There is a coll progression system and the combat is great. Too bad it is hampered by the horrible lack of matchmaking and voice chat. Expand
  6. Jul 21, 2017
    Splatoon 2 is a very good sequel to the first Game.
    The Grafic looks amazing and the gameplay is still innovative.
    Only the missing,
    Splatoon 2 is a very good sequel to the first Game.
    The Grafic looks amazing and the gameplay is still innovative.

    Only the missing, seperate Sensivity-Controll for the Y-Axis by deacivating move controll is a little bad.
    But still a very very nice game, i love it ^^
  7. Jul 26, 2017
    Pearl and Marina are a complete waste of time.
    I don't have this many years left to live. Why cant I skip through that crap? It takes
    Pearl and Marina are a complete waste of time.
    I don't have this many years left to live.
    Why cant I skip through that crap?
    It takes 5 minutes to start up the game.
    5 minutes of pure hatred.

    I have already had to buy 2 new Switches because I broke the 'A' button trying to skip through **** Pearl and Marina.

See all 71 User Reviews