Splatoon 2 Switch

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 286 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 27 out of 286
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  1. Jul 24, 2017
    Pretty pathetic how the devs left out split-screen. Can you believe they want you to go out and buy a whole separate Switch just to play local coop with friends? What a rip-off. Don't support such greedy business practices! Imagine if they do the same thing with Kirby and other great couch coop games?? Only us gamers can stop this horrible trend by speaking out and letting devs know it'sPretty pathetic how the devs left out split-screen. Can you believe they want you to go out and buy a whole separate Switch just to play local coop with friends? What a rip-off. Don't support such greedy business practices! Imagine if they do the same thing with Kirby and other great couch coop games?? Only us gamers can stop this horrible trend by speaking out and letting devs know it's unacceptable.

    PS - If you disagree, then you're either a brainwashed fanboy, a greedy developer or a spiteful lone-wolf who doesn't have friends to play games with. Sorry if the truth hurts.
  2. Jul 25, 2017
    I stupidly bought this game without digging much into it, assuming it would support couch co-op on splitscreen and when I got home to try it I discover I was wrong. The whole advantage of owning a switch over other consoles, personally, is Nintendo's prioritization of split screen and couch co op, so I just don't find acceptable that multiplayer based games are released on this consoleI stupidly bought this game without digging much into it, assuming it would support couch co-op on splitscreen and when I got home to try it I discover I was wrong. The whole advantage of owning a switch over other consoles, personally, is Nintendo's prioritization of split screen and couch co op, so I just don't find acceptable that multiplayer based games are released on this console without the function. It's my responsibility for not researching properly, but regardless, I find it unacceptable that the game developers opted to release the game without the splitscreen option. Wouldn't even consider buying it if I could go back. Expand
  3. Jul 24, 2017
    The game play was fun I really like the concept of a cartoon shooter that would be fun to play with my son. That being said there is no split-screen multiplayer mode. I could understand not supporting split-screen multiplayer for a game like Call of Duty but not a cartoon game that should share the same demographic as Mario Kart. With the exception of the very short campaign/tutorialThe game play was fun I really like the concept of a cartoon shooter that would be fun to play with my son. That being said there is no split-screen multiplayer mode. I could understand not supporting split-screen multiplayer for a game like Call of Duty but not a cartoon game that should share the same demographic as Mario Kart. With the exception of the very short campaign/tutorial the lion’s share of the game is online only; this becomes a problem when you find out Nintendo will be charging an annual fee for online play. On principal I’m not willing to pay full price for what is a yearly rental. Because the Switch doesn’t support voice chat it can be difficult to coordinate with your teem but that really didn’t hurt the game when I was playing it. I would have given this game a much higher score if it supported split-screen multiplayer and was either exempt from the online subscription fee or was a $40 game. Expand
  4. Jul 26, 2017
    When people start talking about Switch like it's the hype of a new century I think of the Wii U and how it was no different and those same people insulted that system. Splatoon 2... Arms... it's like Nintendo watched five minutes of Overwatch and was like "Oh wow that style is REALLY marketable, let's use it for other genres." Just another game I don't want from Nintendo.
  5. Jul 26, 2017
    Pearl and Marina are a complete waste of time.
    I don't have this many years left to live.
    Why cant I skip through that crap?
    It takes 5 minutes to start up the game.
    5 minutes of pure hatred.

    I have already had to buy 2 new Switches because I broke the 'A' button trying to skip through **** Pearl and Marina.
  6. Jul 21, 2017
    I heard only good things about Splatoon 1 and so i was curious about Splatoon 2 as i actually own a Nintendo console with one of them now. But I was severely disappointed in my experience enough that i returned the game very shortly after.

    Pros: Visual design less violence focused than other shooters tries to focus on tactical thinking gameplay respectable single player but still a
    I heard only good things about Splatoon 1 and so i was curious about Splatoon 2 as i actually own a Nintendo console with one of them now. But I was severely disappointed in my experience enough that i returned the game very shortly after.

    Visual design
    less violence focused than other shooters
    tries to focus on tactical thinking gameplay
    respectable single player but still a multiplayer focused game

    performance issues (regular fps drops)
    still favors who kills(splats) the most
    gameplay is too much like modern Mario sunshine fluud controls
    unintuitive weapon firing
    motion controls
    not friendly enough to newcomers who jump into multiplayer

    overall i really was disappointed, i had hopes this would give me a satisfying shooter experience but instead i got something that felt stuck between FPS and a weird platformy art game. I loved the visual design and wanted to love the fact it gave a match win to territorial control, but the game ended up giving up the gameplay benefits mindless shooters and keeping the whoever kills the most in practice. i did not enjoy this game and it continued my disappointment in Nintendo releases for switch after Zelda. may not keep my switch now if Mario turns out this way.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 74 Critics

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 71 out of 74
  2. Negative: 0 out of 74
  1. Jul 28, 2017
    This is one of the best third person shooters on any system, do yourself a favor and buy it now.
  2. 90
    Splatoon 2 has a lot of substance, and every bit of it is literally oozing with style. Keeping everything that made the original game great while expanding on modes, fashion, weapons and features, this is a powerfully addictive family-friendly shooter.
  3. Jul 27, 2017
    The single player feels much more fleshed out, and Salmon Run is a blast. There are just two many weird setbacks to how the game works. Rotating only two maps per mode, keeping Salmon Run online locked behind events, and of course the online app. Sure Nintendo has promised lots of updates to Splatoon 2, and I believe them, but right now I feel like there are too many barriers for me to enjoy it to its fullest potential.