I Am Setsuna Switch

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Generally favorable reviews - based on 27 Critics What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 82 Ratings

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  • Summary: This is the story of Setsuna; a young woman of incredible inner strength and the sacrifice she must make to save the people of her land.

    The Island had a custom. To maintain peace, once a decade, a sacrifice was offered to a fiend on the island. However, one year, the fiend grew
    This is the story of Setsuna; a young woman of incredible inner strength and the sacrifice she must make to save the people of her land.

    The Island had a custom.
    To maintain peace, once a decade, a sacrifice was offered to a fiend on the island.

    However, one year, the fiend grew violent before the next sacrifice was due.
    Those living on the island were afraid and tried to calm the fiend by offering a sacrifice; Setsuna, chosen because of her powers of enchantment.

    Setsuna must leave with her safeguards for the farthest land, where the ceremony of sacrifice will be held.

    Key Features:

    * A great homage to JRPG masterpieces of yesteryear, using the latest technology to develop a truly memorable story and player experience and bring the authentic JRPG style to current hardware.
    * A new battle system inspired by the timeless JRPG classic, Chrono Trigger.
    * An emotionally impactful and memorable story which immerses players in the narrative of Setsuna, whose story portrays heartrending sorrow.
    * Beautiful character designs and varied in-game locales evoke nostalgia for classic RPGs.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
  1. 100
    That gorgeous big screen makes for an incredible display of the game's endless winter, and if you're in the mood for the big television experience, you need only dock the console once you're back at home. The added benefit is that the game doesn't tax the Switch's battery anywhere near as badly as games like Zelda does, and I've been able to use the game to make train trips absolutely bearable with a good pair of headphones, for both the trip and the return.
  2. Mar 13, 2017
    That last statement actually bears true for the whole of I Am Setsuna. Everything from the length of the game (around 25 hours), the battle system, difficult, art, music, characters — this has proven to be a treat of an experience for me and one I would happily recommend to any Switch owner.
  3. Apr 3, 2017
    I Am Setsuna does a good job of marrying old and new in one package - and it's delightful on Nintendo Switch.
  4. Mar 16, 2017
    If you are looking to play I Am Setsuna, the Switch is the best platform to purchase the game on. I Am Setsuna is a perfect fit for the handheld mode of the console. It may not be the best JRPG out there, but it is a guarantee for hours of fun.
  5. Apr 5, 2017
    All in all, a simplified and then stereotypical, but yet a JRPG made with love the best way from the 90s. Fans of Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy will feel like at home, for others it’s a good opportunity to venture into the secrets of Japanese RPGs.
  6. Mar 12, 2017
    The cool combat mechanics, its common ground with the likes of Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy VI, and the intriguing story of I am Setsuna will please fans of old school JRPGs, but it’s far from perfect: it’s quite linear and monotonous.
  7. Mar 6, 2017
    The presentation is almost as boring as the battles, which are too easy most of the time – with the exception of bosses, of course. If it wouldn’t be for the interesting story, this could have been a disaster.

See all 27 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 9
  3. Negative: 1 out of 9
  1. Mar 9, 2017
    Incredible quality and emotional level, This is the way RPG's are meant to be, unlike that trash of the likes of dark souls or the witcher orIncredible quality and emotional level, This is the way RPG's are meant to be, unlike that trash of the likes of dark souls or the witcher or fallout, a great and awesome launch title for the switch, totally enjoyable. Expand
  2. Mar 5, 2017
    It's only the same game in a new console, BUT this game is amazing and a great contribution to the catalog of the new nintendo switch, that'sIt's only the same game in a new console, BUT this game is amazing and a great contribution to the catalog of the new nintendo switch, that's enough to buy this game. Expand
  3. Mar 15, 2017
    Great port :) perfect for play on the run with the switch !! Now I can play it everywhere :) !!! Very good JRPG :) old school but with prettyGreat port :) perfect for play on the run with the switch !! Now I can play it everywhere :) !!! Very good JRPG :) old school but with pretty cool graphic :) Expand
  4. Apr 29, 2017
    This is a game that I think is perfect for the switch- I played it on the go most of the time and enjoyed the graphics, the game play and theThis is a game that I think is perfect for the switch- I played it on the go most of the time and enjoyed the graphics, the game play and the story. Quite an easy game but plenty to do and decent amount of post game content as well. Graphics are very nice but would like more than just snow. I get it but it would have been nice for a little variation here and there. Flux system is slightly annoying but minimal gripe. Would play through again someday with great pleasure. Expand
  5. Jun 27, 2017
    Soy un fiero amante de los JRPG y considero que I Am Setsuna es una gran adición al catálogo de Switch. Si eres un fan de los JRPG de la épocaSoy un fiero amante de los JRPG y considero que I Am Setsuna es una gran adición al catálogo de Switch. Si eres un fan de los JRPG de la época de 16 bits, vas a sentirte en casa pasando horas en este juego y si no estás familiarizado con el género, considero un buen inicio. El 8 se lo doy porque se me hace un tanto lineal y el setup invernal llega a aburrir a veces. Aún así, un buen juego. :D Expand
  6. May 1, 2017
    I am Setsuna sticks to the JRPG mold pretty tightly, and doesn't add much to the existing genre. However, the story goes above and beyondI am Setsuna sticks to the JRPG mold pretty tightly, and doesn't add much to the existing genre. However, the story goes above and beyond almost every other JRPG I have ever played and, arguably, has the greatest story currently available on the Nintendo Switch as of writing this review. I would definitely recommend this game to any and every JRPG fan, as well as any hardcore/indie gamers who haven't yet made the leap into JRPG's. However, for the $40 price tag I would strongly urge people to look into the game more, and be sure this is something you will like before making the jump. Not really a game that you can "just give a shot" to. Expand
  7. Jul 29, 2017
    When a boss is fine for an entire fight, then 1HKO combos your entire team from complete full HP, that's when you know your RPG has done ****When a boss is fine for an entire fight, then 1HKO combos your entire team from complete full HP, that's when you know your RPG has done **** it up. Give up, go home, lose job, go homeless, get on the dole, you're done. It's over. Life is over.

    Please go out of business, RPG Factory. Oh wait, you are.
    Cool, everything is fine all is normal.

See all 9 User Reviews