ARMS Switch

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Generally favorable reviews - based on 92 Critics What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 331 Ratings

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  • Summary: The first fighting game of its kind. Choose a fighting champion from around the world, equip your own combination of extendable arms, and then use a mix of button presses and quick hand motions to really take the fight to your opponent. Throw punches and guide them midflight to hit agileThe first fighting game of its kind. Choose a fighting champion from around the world, equip your own combination of extendable arms, and then use a mix of button presses and quick hand motions to really take the fight to your opponent. Throw punches and guide them midflight to hit agile fighters, avoid incoming attacks with dashes, or trampoline high into the air to rain down fists from above. Power-up your punches to deal extra damage or curve your fists around obstacles to hit skittish opponents. Fill up your special gauge to dish out devastating combinations and finish them off. Unleash your inner fighter in this unbelievable sporting event. Fight via simple motion and button controls Grab onto your Joy-Con with a unique "thumbs-up" grip and use simple motions and button presses to outthink your opponent. Toss and curve punches when you find an opening, and dodge a flurry of incoming attacks. It's fast-paced fun for everyone!
    * Select from a variety of fighters Select from brand-new fighting superstars like Ribbon Girl, Master Mummy, and more! Each fighter has their own special attributes to learn and master.
    * Fight in arenas with unique obstacles Throw punches around (or through) mysterious liquid-filled columns in a spooky laboratory, or in certain arenas, toss fighters onto trampolines for epic aerial skirmishes.
    * Choose your arms carefully Each weapon has its own strength. Some are slow and do tons of damage, while others are fast as lighting, but will only serve to set up larger combinations. It's up to you to mix and match your arms to fit your play style.
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 68 out of 92
  2. Negative: 0 out of 92
  1. 100
    It’s difficult to describe just how good ARMS is. The best analogy I can come up with is that it is to fighting games what Splatoon is to third-person shooters. ARMS is a bright, colorful, and welcoming game. Newcomers can easily hop in and enjoy most of the matches and modes available. Meanwhile, the more dedicated will find themselves developing complex strategies based on characters and ARMS loadouts and captivated by the opportunities to challenge others online.
  2. Jun 7, 2017
    Fighting titles have long been the most competitive and often hardest for new players to get into, but ARMS enters itself extremely well to the genre by feeling like nothing that has ever been played before.
  3. Jun 7, 2017
    A world where people fight with ramen noodles, DNA, and snakes shouldn't be this much fun. It may take a while to get the hang of the controls in Arms, but the wildly inventive characters, catchy theme music, and unique gameplay style offer enough to capture the attention of casual and competitive gamers alike.
  4. Jun 7, 2017
    Arms is a surprisingly balanced fighting game that mainly shines in it’s (online) multiplayer thanks to the huge variety in characters and boxing gear. Unfortunately, the single-player campaign offers few options.
  5. Jun 13, 2017
    ARMS is a lot of fun in a party setting, but playing alone gets boring quick as there isn’t any other mode to play solo besides the super repetitive Grand Prix.
  6. Jun 22, 2017
    ARMS is a truly unique experience that digs into my nostalgia with games like Punch Out! I just hope the free DLC will make it feel more fleshed out. Quality cannot be argued here, but content definitely feels far too light at launch.
  7. Jun 7, 2017
    Stretching your limbs across the battlefield to stop an impending throw is good fun, but there's absolute anarchy when you throw in an extra body. The mediocre mini-games, and antiquated single-player further block the punch of Arms.

See all 99 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 53 out of 68
  2. Negative: 8 out of 68
  1. Jul 16, 2017
    This game is soooo FUN! Do you love fighting games?, check - Do you like awesome gaming with persons around you?, check - do you like greatThis game is soooo FUN! Do you love fighting games?, check - Do you like awesome gaming with persons around you?, check - do you like great graphics?, check - would you love to bring your game along?, check - ARMS is a new juvell from's like MarioKart 8 Deluxe, just in the fighting genre......we all love it in the household............. + HEY motioncontrols, LOVE and HAIL for the awesome small joy-cons!!!!!! Expand
  2. Jun 17, 2017
    Mr. Yabuki brought me here. Just go and watch the ARMS exhibition matches he has with the champ at E3 and it will instantly sell the game toMr. Yabuki brought me here. Just go and watch the ARMS exhibition matches he has with the champ at E3 and it will instantly sell the game to you. We're talking next level fighting game play with this title. Expand
  3. Jun 16, 2017
    Arms is crazy good fun, and full of depth. I feel like most critics just didn't "get it", or werent very good. Motion controls are the bestArms is crazy good fun, and full of depth. I feel like most critics just didn't "get it", or werent very good. Motion controls are the best ive ever used in a game, they are spot on responsive. You can play with a pro controller, but honestly youre cheating yourself a lot on the fun factor if not using the motion controls. Right now theres not a lot of characters, but the ones there are varied and play extremely unique to each other, and more will come in the future as free dlc, starting next month.
    Honestly, this is the most fun ive ever had with a fighting game, and will be the first one i actually take to online in ranked matches.
    Give this game the chance it deserves. I find it to best the best new ip from Nintendo in years. It is worth buying a Switch just to play this game.
  4. Jul 18, 2017
    Un juego que puede parecer fácil, pero si te adentras te das cuenta de lo extremadamente dificil que es. Una curva de aprendizaje muy amplia yUn juego que puede parecer fácil, pero si te adentras te das cuenta de lo extremadamente dificil que es. Una curva de aprendizaje muy amplia y bien diseñada. Le faltan cosas, pero no se decir exactamente el que. Cada personaje está muy bien caracterizado con sus respectivos poderes. Expand
  5. Jun 24, 2017
    Surprising good game. If you like motion games this game is definitely for you especially if you will play vs/with friends. Great for partySurprising good game. If you like motion games this game is definitely for you especially if you will play vs/with friends. Great for party and you have many arms to choose from for fight Expand
  6. Jul 17, 2017
    ARMS is a lot of fun. The presentation is great, and I love the deceptively simple gameplay that prioritizes quick thinking and strategy overARMS is a lot of fun. The presentation is great, and I love the deceptively simple gameplay that prioritizes quick thinking and strategy over mashing buttons. Despite this, the singleplayer campaign is completely bare-bones and the online multiplayer’s got a few kinks that need ironing out. Expand
  7. Jul 18, 2017
    This is what Nintendo gets for trusting the press like Kotaku, and Youtubes, over us... the gamers who have known what they've wanted forThis is what Nintendo gets for trusting the press like Kotaku, and Youtubes, over us... the gamers who have known what they've wanted for years. SO they get another flop. ARMS is unique, and colorful -- that's all it has going for it. The mechanics are confusing as hell, and the game is restrictive. At first I gave this game a 3 but after more playing I now give it a 0. If you like ARMS you need help. Expand

See all 68 User Reviews