Splatoon 2 Switch


Generally favorable reviews - based on 52 Critics

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 49 out of 52
  2. Negative: 0 out of 52
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  1. Jul 18, 2017
    Splatoon 2 is just about everything you could ask for from a sequel. It builds on everything the original set up and then some; almost every single major issue people had with the first game has been resolved, showing that Nintendo is genuinely listening and wants to deliver the absolute best experience possible. It maintains the freshness you’d expect and throws in countless big and small changes and additions, every one of them for the better. Anyone who says Nintendo can’t do online should be eating their words right now; Splatoon 2 is simply inkredible and continues Nintendo's trailblazing first year of Switch stunners.
  2. Jul 18, 2017
    Splatoon 2 has all the elements needed for a great sequel. It repairs some of the flaws from Splatoon while bringing new content. The new modes plus a great single player campaign will keep you playing for hours, besides, the online multiplayer works great. And yes, you can take the Squids on the go, which is just great.
  3. Jul 18, 2017
    If you had to describe Splatoon 2 in a single word, it would simply be "fun". Pure, unadulterated fun that will last you a significant amount of time. With competent single player mode, addictive multiplayer modes and the promise of regular content it's another top quality - and essential - Switch release. Just make the Salmon Run more frequent, Nintendo.
  4. Jul 18, 2017
    Splatoon 2 provides a fresh coat on a highly sought after sequel.
  5. Jul 18, 2017
    Splatoon is just what we wished for in a sequel, a big improvement from the previous title. It's maybe too conservative, but it's also true that the new characteristics of Splatoon 2 are awesome.
  6. 90
    The intuitive mechanics are still as addictive as the first time around, but a larger number of maps and the addition of Salmon Run cements Splatoon 2 as an excellent standalone value.
  7. Jul 18, 2017
    It's quite literally everything the first game was and more, which might not mean more revolutionary features but does mean a greater depth and variety of options for the new players it is sure to ensnare. With free updates promised for the best part of a year, the game will only improve, and this time it'll have the audience it deserves.
  8. Jul 18, 2017
    A true sequel or a glorified "more of the same". Oddly, both. There's no real revolution in Splatoon 2, just some small improvements here and there. A game that's so rich, deep and full of content, and it's only bound to grow in the upcoming months. Blessed by a solid net code, a stylish art direction, and great personality, Splatoon is sheer fun.
  9. Jul 18, 2017
    It barely classifies as a sequel, but even if you’ve played the original this is still one of the best online shooters ever made.
  10. Jul 18, 2017
    Splatoon 2 is just an easy game to like. It’s bright, cheery, and employs endless tricks in a constant quest to make you smile.
  11. Jul 18, 2017
    Splatoon 2 recaptures every moment of enjoyment of the original while finding room to add even more. Whether it's the challenging single player or the revitalized multiplayer, Splatoon 2 does a phenomenal job at making itself more than a minor upgrade.
  12. Jul 18, 2017
    A great "more of the same" title that fits like a glove on Nintendo Switch.
  13. Jul 18, 2017
    Splatoon 2 takes what was great of the original game and improves every aspect, every detail of the experience. It's a fun and compelling product, a true Nintendo game.
  14. 90
    Nintendo has delivered yet again, refining and polishing the groundwork they laid out two years ago. Simply put, Splatoon 2 is a must-have for any Switch owner.
  15. 90
    Giving players more of the same isn’t always a bad thing and Splatoon 2 gives Switch owners another fantastic game to add to their lineup. Taking the formula from the Wii U original and tweaking it here and there the game might not surprise all that much, but it does deliver a fantastic and unique shooter experience from start to finish.
  16. Jul 18, 2017
    It deepens in every aspect of Splatoon. The Addition of a coop mode, Salmon Run, the new levels in Hero mode and the original maps and weapons in online 4 v 4 battles complete a superb shooter. On the downside, we miss split screen multiplayer, more maps, and the voice chat system feels too complicated.
  17. Jul 18, 2017
    Rather than a full blown sequel, Splatoon 2 frankly feels more like an (impressive) extension of the original episode, especially if you've been splatting around since 2015. Players of the Wii U chapter will truly feel at home, with a sense of familiarity that will certainly replace the stunning surprise effect that made the franchise so unique, while the newcomers will have the pleasure to experience one of the best and most original shooters ever created (one the perfectly embodies the so called “Nintendo Difference”). That said, with more courage and better online options this sequel would have been even more impressive.
  18. Jul 18, 2017
    Splatoon 2 could’ve done more to differentiate itself from its predecessor, but ultimately what we’re left with is an upgrade over the original in almost every way. Sure, returning players might be underwhelmed with the familiarity, but anyone jumping into Splatoon for the first time will be blown away. Another Switch essential, especially for those multiplayer fans – let’s just hope Nintendo’s smartphone app works as elegantly.
  19. Jul 21, 2017
    The main mantra of Splatoon 2 seems to be ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’, and this is fine. This new Switch offering is robust, full of content and fun. Go and feed your hungry home-handheld hybrid.
  20. Jul 18, 2017
    Splatoon 2 adds some great new weapons and decent new modes, but an over-reliance on the its familiar formula keeps it from feeling like a full-blown sequel.
  21. Jul 18, 2017
    Splatoon 2 is a clear evolution of the first chapter but it isn't as innovative as it has to be.
  22. Jul 18, 2017
    Splatoon 2 provides a second chance at life for the Wii U’s best game, drawing in a new Switch audience with the staples that made the first game great and adding just enough quality of life adjustments and new modes to entice veterans. Robust launch content and a steady stream of promised updates should quickly soothe series naysayers, even if there are still a few desired features off the table. Above all else, Splatoon 2 radiates silly, squiddy fun throughout; a don’t-miss title when you take the plunge and pick up a Switch.
  23. 85
    This might just be a half-step forward for Splatoon, but the first step was so good that it’s not really a bad thing.
  24. Jul 18, 2017
    Splatoon 2 is arguably the best entry in a multiplayer game from Nintendo. The game does everything better than the original Splatoon, although at first glance it could seem the same. Salmon Run and Hero Mode are just honey in the overall; it is excellent in its conception.
  25. Jul 18, 2017
    With some impressive titles already released this year, the Nintendo Switch continues its hot streak with Splatoon 2. This may seem like a bold statement but Splatoon 2 finds itself to be one of the best shooters available right now. Granted, it is hard to compare gritty AAA first-person shooters with Splatoon 2 but it's equally hard to argue against the aesthetically pleasing visuals, smooth framerate, polished gameplay, and pure fun of the game.
  26. Jul 18, 2017
    With more concessions for higher level play and a deeper meta, veterans will be jumping ship from Wii U to Switch in an instant.
  27. Jul 18, 2017
    Splatoon 2 delivers everything that made the original great and tosses in a few improvements for good measure. The Switch library just keeps getting better.
  28. Jul 18, 2017
    Splatoon 2 feels exactly the same as the predecessor and provides at least as much fun.
  29. Jul 18, 2017
    Splatoon 2 is exactly the same as the first game, which is disappointing. However, the gameplay and fresh style of Splatoon 2 make those feelings fade away quickly. It is so much fun to compete online.
  30. Jul 18, 2017
    A great evolution of Splatoon's original formula, but doesn't do enough to become a real contender on the competitive scene.
  31. Jul 18, 2017
    Although sometimes it feels like Splatoon 1.5, this sequel has some interesting additions, as well as the incredibly fun and deep gameplay from the original. Also, we've loved the new Salmon Run mode, and we can't wait to see what Nintendo has planned for this title.
  32. Jul 18, 2017
    With an great competitive multiplayer suite, a fun take on the wave-based survival formula, and an imaginative single-player mode, Splatoon 2 is an excellent evolution.
  33. Jul 21, 2017
    Splatoon 2 is a measured dose of the same game you likely remember from the Wii U, a colorfully-inked tour-de-force of multiplayer action with a single-player afterthought. You'll want to clock hours and hours in-game for sure, but you'll be left scratching your head at some of the strange decisions Nintendo made this time around. Luckily, there's still plenty of fun to be had here, even if you can't decide if you're a kid or a squid.
  34. Jul 19, 2017
    Quotation forthcoming.
  35. Jul 18, 2017
    A brilliant and refreshing competitive multiplayer experience, both online and offline, which really fills a void in that regard for the system.
  36. Jul 18, 2017
    Splatoon 2 does not differ much from the first game, but its strong gameplay is very entertaining in multiplayer. Matchmaking and the party system are a bit of a let-down, but other than that, this is a must-have for Switch.
  37. Jul 18, 2017
    Aside from a couple of incomprehensible mistakes (like multiplayer lobbies which can’t be escaped and the inability to change your loadout between games), Splatoon 2 is a really entertaining title with vibrant visuals and a rich and diverse offer. A suggested buy for every Switch owner.
  38. Jul 18, 2017
    Despite imperfections, Splatoon 2 improves on the original, and is a colourful, joyous addition to the Switch.
  39. Jul 18, 2017
    Splatoon 2 doesn't add much to shake up the splat-paint-everywhere formula, but I wonder if it needs to at this point. Splatoon 2 is a much stronger game at launch than its original ever was through its whole lifespan, and for that, is easily one of the best games one can own on the Switch.
  40. Jul 18, 2017
    Splatoon 2’s formula no longer feels original, but it looks great, its controls are tight, and there’s enough variety to give you dozens of hours of multiplayer fun.
  41. Jul 18, 2017
    Splatoon 2 keeps everything that worked in the first episode to deliver a strong but somehow light sequel. Fortunately, the Salmon Run mode seems new enough to bring back the fun, as this cooperative option took us by surprise. Fans will love, haters gonna hate, but Splatoon should benefit from the Switch phenomenal success to increase its fan-base.
  42. Jul 18, 2017
    It’s baffling that Splatoon 2’s best feature is held back by a frustrating lack of proper online support, and in many ways, it’s the same game with some new tricks. But there are still enough imaginative additions for anyone who played the first game to death, especially via its strange, captivating supporting cast. It may be much more of the same, but the same is still pretty fresh.
  43. Jul 18, 2017
    At first glance, Splatoon 2 seems very similar to the first game. But all the small changes, and even the bigger ones in single player and League Battles, make for a fresh take on the already unique shooter. If you played a lot of the original, the sequel has enough to keep you coming back, and if you're new to the game, it's a fantastic place to jump in.
  44. Jul 18, 2017
    Spatoon 2 may feel more like an update than a new game, but just like its predecessor it’s easy to pick up for everyone – whether you’re a hardcore Splatoon-fan or new to the series. Additionally, the new weapons and abilities are all fun to use, and really deepen the mechanics. This is in every way a better game than the first one.
  45. Jul 18, 2017
    Splatoon 2 is a far more robust, polished game, with heaps more content than its debut ever had, but still sadly retains some of its biggest shortfalls. An absurdly addictive formula of gameplay that remains unique and inviting, but with an encompassing online infrastructure that’s sometimes at odds with itself.
  46. Jul 18, 2017
    Splatoon 2 takes what made the original such a remarkable game and improves it in nearly every way: the campaign mode is better, so is the audiovisual environment, the gameplay does not lose a single trace of appeal and the local multiplayer works wonders. While the online multiplayer experience could be better and the campaign's ending feels a bit disappointing, Splatoon 2 has earned its place in Nintendo's refreshing series.
  47. Jul 18, 2017
    There is so much to like about Splatoon 2. When it comes to the actual gameplay, I don't think there are many experiences that touch it right now. It's addictive and enjoyable. It's just a shame that history is repeating itself, and the stupid things surrounding the game let it down.
  48. Jul 18, 2017
    A fairly straightforward sequel to one of the Wii U's best games, Splatoon 2's unique take on the online multiplayer shooter is as fresh as ever on Switch. Nintendo still have one foot in the past with online functionality, stubbornly sticking to their (paint) guns when they should be learning from others, but these flaws are easily covered up once you get into a game. At its heart, Splatoon 2 is a second helping of one of the most inventive shooters of the last decade.
  49. Jul 18, 2017
    Like its predecessor, Splatoon 2 is easy to play but difficult to master. The game is full of new weapons with which you can do more damage with than before. Unfortunately, it’s not a real sequel but just an update of the Wii U version. The graphics are the same and we would have liked new gameplay mechanics.
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  1. Jul 18, 2017
    Splatoon 2's basic gameplay has clearly benefited from a full two years of patching and examination of the original title's uneven launch. This is all we've wanted from Nintendo for years: to come up with wild new ideas, then actually adjust and respond to player demands for a better experience.
  2. Jul 18, 2017
    An improvement in nearly every way on one of Nintendo's finest games in years, Splatoon 2 is only let down by a lack of big new ideas. [Recommended]
  3. Jul 18, 2017
    Splatoon 2 builds on what its successor did so well, with a much larger base of assets that has allowed Nintendo to provide more to consumers right off the bat.
  4. Jul 18, 2017
    It feels as if the paint had just begun to dry on Splatoon after its release on the Wii U in 2015 when Nintendo applied a fresh coat and relaunched it with Splatoon 2 on the Switch. That may be why this sequel feels less like a whole new game than a new version of the first one that rolls up the best post-launch updates to the colorful and adorably non-violent team-based shooter and adds some new toys. Of course, considering the first game is a lot of fun, that’s not necessarily a bad thing, especially if you missed it for lack of a Wii U. And despite some questionable choices that can leave you trapped in matchmaking purgatory, the addition of a stand-out and clever take on a co-op horde mode provides some seriously addicting fun that has me coming back for more. [Tentative Score = 83]
  5. Jul 18, 2017
    The single-player campaign feels more robust, with inventive, puzzle-like levels and challenging boss battles. There are also some useful new weapons, including my personal favorite, a pair of paint pistols you can dual-wield. There’s new clothing and gear to buy, and overall the game looks much more vibrant and detailed. I found myself stopping in levels just to ogle the scenery.
  6. Jul 18, 2017
    Take away the poor pitch and consider Splatoon 2 the definitive version of the original game and you’ll be fine. It’s still a fantastic experience, but for fans who ploughed plenty of hours into the original game, you may have expected more from the next entry in the series.
  7. Jul 18, 2017
    The original Splatoon was a success despite the platform it was released on. So for a second outing, Nintendo really didn't have to do too much, but they did anyway. Splatoon 2 manages to take the original game, beef up the weak points of that game and make everything else great even better.
  8. Jul 18, 2017
    And in a world where boss battles are, with the exception of Souls-like games, seemingly falling out of vogue, Splatoon 2 makes an argument it's only because of lacking creativity. Each of the game's five worlds hides a wholly unique monstrosity, demanding players exploit the game's mechanics in a different way. Even if Nintendo hadn't asked me to keep quiet about the nature of the Splatoon 2's bosses (in the third world and beyond) I'd still be loathe to spoil the game's best surprises.
  9. Jul 18, 2017
    That gripe aside, Splatoon 2 subtly refines its predecessor, glossing it with a fresh coat of ink and adapting it to the flexibility of the Switch.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 138 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 36
  2. Negative: 1 out of 36
  1. Jul 21, 2017
    If you liked the first one, you´ll love this sequel. Better graphics, new modes and weapons, better single player experience, it´s just a niceIf you liked the first one, you´ll love this sequel. Better graphics, new modes and weapons, better single player experience, it´s just a nice fast and fun package that you just can´t get enough. Full Review »
  2. Jul 21, 2017
    I haven´t played Splatoon, but I love this game. I was sceptical at first, but this game is so much fun. If you have a Switch, you shouldI haven´t played Splatoon, but I love this game. I was sceptical at first, but this game is so much fun. If you have a Switch, you should definitely buy this game. Full Review »
  3. Jul 21, 2017
    Le doy un 9.3 (Ya que no deja decimales, why not, le doy el 10) porque me parece que es el Splatoon 1 llevado a la perfección. Ya que "casiLe doy un 9.3 (Ya que no deja decimales, why not, le doy el 10) porque me parece que es el Splatoon 1 llevado a la perfección. Ya que "casi todo" son puntos positivos, voy a decir las pocas cosas que no me convencen. Primero, que no te deje salir de la lobby cuando aun está buscando partida. Tampoco me gusta que en la propia lobby no se te permita cambiar el arma y que tengas que salir cada vez que quieres usarla. Por el momento, si quieres jugar con amigos el juego no te asegura que estará en tu equipo (o al menos es lo que me ocurrió en las partidas públicas). Eso es todo, por lo demás se merece todas las buenas notas que le den. Un aplauso, Nintendo, otro imprescindible para la consola. Full Review »