
  • joined Jul 31, 2014
  • last login May 22, 2015
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What!?! A Crack in Time is great probably the best and Full Frontal Assault is dumb arcade fun.

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It looks like the stronger Yen is driving most of the profit, and it is good Nintendo knows that. The WiiU missing forecast isn’t a shock, but the forecast for next year’s sales probably means they don’t expect to release Zelda WiiU in the same period. A title like that would drive up forecasts, so odds are good you won’t be able to buy it before spring 2016. The 3DS missing forecasts is troubling with the release of the New 3DS. However this is better news than they’ve had, it just isn’t good. It shows that the core business of Nintendo is contracting and they aren’t ready to stop that.

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I watched the whole season and while the effects didn’t get any better the story and acting did. Izzard and Copley were both good.

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