Mel's back on the frontline: It's the bloodiest film about a pacifist you'll ever see - and promises to fire director Mel Gibson back to the top of the Hollywood tree

Hacksaw Ridge (15)


Sing (U) 



Desmond Doss was a simple God-fearing boy from rural Virginia who became a hero in World War II, despite having registered as a conscientious objector, by single-handedly moving 75 of his wounded comrades from the battlefield to safety during the brutal Allied assault on Okinawa island in 1945.

That’s simple in the sense of uncomplicated, by the way, rather than mentally deficient, though in the first half of Mel Gibson’s powerful if somewhat calculating film, Andrew Garfield plays Desmond more or less as Forrest Gump with a bible.

Let’s just stick with film’s power, though. I first saw Hacksaw Ridge at the Venice Film Festival in September, and afterwards, as I made my way out of the cinema, I noticed an elderly woman, sitting on her own, clapping and weeping all the way through the credits.

A still from the film Hacksaw Ridge staring Andrew Garfield as Desmond Doss, a Forrest Gump with a bible writes Brian Viner

Since the film’s release in the U.S. two months later, the response has been similarly emotional, sweeping it all the way to six Oscar nominations.

It is up for Best Picture and Best Director, which would appear to seal Gibson’s rehabilitation in the eyes of his peers. A history of erratic and abusive behaviour, shocking even by Hollywood standards, had made him something of a pariah.

His film, though, has gone down a storm in the U.S., especially with the so-called Christian Right, who predictably relish the way Desmond is driven by his faith even if he also refuses to exercise his ‘God-given’ right to bear arms.

Gibson has found a true story undoubtedly worth telling, and he does so in a thunderously crowd-pleasing way, although the more squeamish in the crowd might want to hide behind their seats during the long battle scenes.

For a film about a man who abjured violence, it could hardly be bloodier or more graphic, with particularly gruesome shots of men being burned alive by flamethrowers.

But it starts in backwoods Virginia, where Desmond and his brother are raised as Seventh Day Adventists by their mother (Rachel Griffiths), while their bullying father (Hugo Weaving) drinks himself silly. He is still trying to come to terms with his experiences in World War I, from which his three best friends returned in coffins.

Meanwhile, Desmond grows up and Forrest Gump-ishly pursues a pretty nurse, Dorothy (Teresa Palmer). Then he joins the army, but only on condition that he will never have to wield a rifle.

Not that his conditions cut much ice with his superiors at military-training camp, where, in the time-honoured way of the movies, every possible barrack-room cliche is wheeled out to make his life a misery.

Can Desmond reconcile his urge to serve his country in the crucible of warfare, with his conviction that it is a sin to kill? ‘Ah don’t know how ahm gonna live with mahself if ah don’t stay true to what ah believe,’ he says, with further echoes of Gump. Not to mention Trump. There is plenty in this film that would appeal to the 45th President, another mocked outsider who confounded expectations.

So, will Desmond’s fellow recruits, and his shouty sergeant (Vince Vaughn), stop being horrible to him and learn to respect and eventually revere him?

Naturally, we know the answers to all these questions long before they’re resolved, but Gibson keeps the story chugging along extremely watchably. Garfield, once we stop half-expecting him to seek out ‘Lootenant Dan’, gives a terrific performance that I don’t expect will quite bag him an Academy Award, but certainly deserves to put him in the frame.

Moreover, the scenes in which Desmond drags wounded soldiers to the edge of an escarpment called Hacksaw Ridge, and contrives a way of lowering them to safety below, are tremendously accomplished.

Even though the director was raised in Australia, the hero is played by a Brit and his parents and girlfriend by Aussies, here is a picture that seems engineered to manipulate entire U.S. audiences into standing up and bellowing The Star-Spangled Banner.

When footage pops up at the end of the real Desmond Doss, who was awarded the Medal of Honour in 1945 and died in 2006, I might have done so myself if I’d known the words.

So for Gibson, whose own supposedly devout Christianity has not precluded all those drunken rages, all those assaults, all the bizarre misogynistic and anti-Semitic outbursts, this is a job exceedingly well done.

It takes him precisely two hours and 11 minutes to convince Hollywood that it should turn the other cheek.

The U rated film Sing features Matthew McConaughey as the voice of dapper Koala Buster Moon (left) while writer Garth Jennings voices the elderly lizard Miss Crawly (right)

Sing is another film featuring a single-minded figure who overcomes great challenges to become a hero. Only this one is an animated koala bear.

Buster Moon (voiced by Matthew McConaughey) is a theatrical impresario who, in a last-ditch bid to rescue his failing business, launches a singing competition which quickly attracts widespread attention on account of having a lavish prize: $100,000.

It was supposed to be $1,000, but Buster’s secretary, an elderly iguana called Ms Crawly (voiced by the film’s British writer-director, Garth Jennings), sent out the leaflets with two mistakenly added zeroes. So the stage is set for all the pop-star wannabes in a town populated, as in last year’s superior Zootropolis, entirely by animals.

They include a pig called Rosita (Reese Witherspoon), whose 25 piglets and husband Norman take her entirely for granted; a scheming, Sinatra-like crooning mouse called Mike (Seth MacFarlane); a punk porcupine called Ash (Scarlett Johansson); a shy elephant crippled with stage fright called Meena (Tori Kelly); and Johnny (Taron Egerton), a Cockney gorilla who has been forced into a life of crime by his gangster father, but wants only to play the piano and sing.

Buster and his proteges lurch from one misadventure to the next, all of which is great fun and very impressively animated by Illumination, the outfit also responsible for Despicable Me, Minions and The Secret Life Of Pets.

I loved a scene in which Buster, on his uppers, is compelled to start a car-wash, with himself doubling as a sponge, and his friend Eddie (John C. Reilly), a sheep, doing the drying. And the voice cast, which also includes Jennifers Saunders and Hudson, could hardly be starrier.

At almost two hours, though, it feels a little too long.

Also, if like me you’ve already had it up to the larynx with singing competitions on TV, you might not want to subject yourself to an animated version.

But Sing has marvellous verve and it’s easy to see why, across the Atlantic, it’s already a hit.


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