Kellyanne Conway allegedly punched a tuxedo-clad man repeatedly in the face as she broke up a fight at inauguration ball

  • Top Trump adviser 'intervened in a fist fight between two members of her entourage' during the Liberty Ball in Washington on Friday
  • Fox Business Channel's Charles Gasparino said he saw Conway 'throw some mean punches' at one guy 
  • Charles in Charge star Scott Baio also claims he was attacked on his way to the Liberty Ball 
  • Gasparino claimed he 'stopped a thug from attacking' Baio
  • A protester reportedly called Baio a 'f**king fascist' and lunged at him 

Kellyanne Conway was hired by President Donald Trump because she pulls no punches – literally.

The special counselor to the president allegedly punched a rowdy tuxedo-clad man during the Liberty Ball in Washington on Friday after the inauguration, according to witnesses.

Conway was apparently forced to intervene when two larger men were involved in an altercation at Washington Convention Center on Friday.

When it became apparent that the two men were not going to stop fighting, Conway stepped in and punched one of them with a closed fist in the face at least three times, a witness told the News

 There was no word as to what precipitated the fight. 

The witness' account was corroborated by a Fox Business Channel reporter who said that Conway punched the man several times in the face with a closed fist.

The Liberty Ball was one of the inaugural galas held in the capital to celebrate Trump’s taking the oath of office just hours earlier at the US Capitol.

Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway talks with former vice president Dan Quayle prior to the inauguration of Donald Trump on Friday

Kellyanne Conway (seen above with President Trump during an inaugural dinner in Washington on Thursday) is said to have intervened in a fist fight between two members of her entourage

As the fight began to escalate, Conway is said to have stepped in and supposedly threw ‘mean punches’ at one of the combatants.

‘Inside the ball we see a fight between two guys in tuxes and then suddenly out of nowhere came Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway who began throwing some mean punches at one of the guys,’ Fox Business Channel’s Charlie Gasparino wrote on his Facebook page.

‘Whole thing lasted a few mins no one was hurt except maybe the dude she smacked. Now I know why Trump hired her.’

The fight was said to have started near a VIP section just after Trump and First Lady Melania Trump finished their first dance.

Claim: Fox correspondent Charles Gasparino took to Facebook to post his account of the alleged incident 

The alleged incident took place just as Trump and First Lady Melania Trump (above) were finishing their first dance at the Liberty Ball

The alleged Conway fisticuffs were one of just a number of notable events to take place at the Liberty Ball.

Gasparino also wrote that he successfully thwarted an attempted attack against Charles in Charge star Scott Baio as the two men were walking toward the gala.

The alleged incident was said to have been witnessed by Fox Business Channel reporter Charlie Gasparino (above)

According to Gasparino, he 'stopped a thug from attacking' Baio.

A protester reportedly called Baio a 'f**king fascist', and lunged at him.

Another group of protesters approached Baio and his wife Renee as they attended the Freedom Ball the same evening, and had to be 'extracted by police'.

It's not the first time Baio has been attacked for his support of the 45th President.

The actor filed a police report in December over an alleged altercation with the wife of the Red Hot Chili Pepper's drummer Chad Smith at an elementary school function where both their children were in attendance.

Smith's wife Nancy Mack reportedly began berating Baio and shouting 'grab em by the p***y', at at one point physically grabbed him, according to TMZ.

The Ventura County District Attorney is still deciding whether to prosecute Mack for the incident.

Baio was an ardent supporter of Trump very early on in the campaign.

Gasparino also claims that TV actor Scott Baio (seen above at the Inaugural Ball next to a man wearing a yarmukle adorned with an American flag and 'Make America Great Again') with the caption: 'We are proud to support Israel'

He told to the Hollywood Reporter when he arrived in Washington DC on Thursday:

'I'm looking forward to seeing the guy I backed take the oath of office,' he said. 'I'm looking to get the country back on track.'

He stated simply that his goal is 'the resurgence of the United States of America and the resurgence of the American dream.'            

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