Shocked villagers capture monstrous snake that gorged on TWO of their goats and became too stuffed to move

  • The python slithered through a wire fence and devoured the small hapless goats
  • It was then too full to move as it tried to digest the two farm animals in it stomach
  • But villagers captured the snake and poked it with sticks for killing their livestock
  • It was then loaded on to the back of a lorry and carted away from the Malaysian village 

This is the horrific moment furious villagers in Malaysia captured a giant python after it gorged on two of their goats and was too full to move.

The greedy reptile, which appeared to be 16 feet long, devoured the hapless farm animals after managing to slither through a wire fence in a rural village in the state of Pahang.

Later horrified villagers found the serpent sprawled out in the mud as it attempted to digest its large meal.

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Furious villagers in rural Malaysian found the python trying to digest two goats that it had swallowed whole 

The greedy reptile, which appeared to be 16 feet long, devoured the hapless farm animals after managing to slither through a wire fence

Its body bulged in the middle with an enormous limp where the two partially digested goats lay.

Villagers who discovered the snake were too afraid to go to close to the creature at first so instead poked it with sticks as it sluggishly reared up to bare its fangs.

But the greedy python could not muster a defence and was eventually tied up and carted away in a truck.

Local Akouck Joe Gank said: 'This was the longest python I have ever seen.

Villagers who discovered the snake were too afraid to go to close to the creature at first before getting close

The snake bared its fangs as the villagers tied it up but could not fight back as it was too full 

'He ate two goats from a farm and couldn't move.

'That'll teach him to be so greedy. It needed three of four men to lift the python away. He was long, very long.'

Scientists say that after feeding on large animals, the python’s body undergoes some dramatic changes to cope with its meal.

It organs rapidly change size and function at many times their resting rate.

But the greedy python could not muster a defence and was eventually tied up and carted away in a truck


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