24 September 2016

Top US general warns Syrian “no-fly” zone means war with Russia

By Bill Van Auken, 24 September 2016

Marine General Joseph Dunford’s warning came amid plans for escalating the US intervention in the region and intensified fighting in Syria.

German foreign minister calls for no-fly zone over Syria

US pushes for “no fly” zone as Syrian conflict escalates

More on the war in Syria »

Jeremy Corbyn re-elected leader of UK Labour Party

By Chris Marsden, 24 September 2016

Corbyn’s victory was achieved in the teeth of a coup attempt led by the party’s Blairite wing.

Lessons of Labour’s leadership contest

By the Socialist Equality Party (UK), 24 September 2016

The following statement is being distributed at the Labour Party Special Conference and the Momentum-backed The World Transformed event this weekend.

Blairite coup to continue despite UK Labour leadership vote outcome

Clinton steps up anti-Russian campaign against Trump

By Patrick Martin, 24 September 2016

Former top national security officials are spearheading the neo-McCarthyite effort to portray the Republican presidential candidate as a tool of Moscow.

Clinton courts wealthy donors

More on the 2016 US elections »

Yahoo reports 500 million user accounts were hacked in 2014

By Kevin Reed, 24 September 2016

Although Yahoo’s assertion that the breach was the work of a state-sponsored hacker has been repeated widely in news reports, no facts have been presented to substantiate the claim.

Puerto Rico hit by nationwide blackout

By Kevin Martinez, 24 September 2016

After a breakdown of a plant that had not been maintained for decades, authorities are trading blame for the failure to maintain the island’s outdated infrastructure.

Biden meets with Central American leaders on refugee crackdown

By Genevieve Leigh, 24 September 2016

Vice President Biden met with leaders of Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala to further draconian US immigration policies against the thousands of refugees fleeing the region.

Germany: Green-conservative coalition in Baden-Württemberg backs domestic army operations

By Anna Rombach and Marianne Arens, 24 September 2016

The coalition under Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) and Thomas Strobl (CDU) has become a spearhead of militarism, austerity and attacks on refugees.

Germany and France press ahead with a European military union

SPD continues talks with the Left Party, Greens about next Berlin Senate

By Christoph Vandreier, 24 September 2016

The Social Democratic Party (SPD), Greens and Left Party have left it in no doubt that a so-called “red-red-green” Senate would pursue an extremely right-wing agenda.

The significance of the PSG’s election campaign in Berlin

Manchester, England: Labour-controlled authority threatens all firefighters’ jobs

By Linda Slattery, 24 September 2016

Firefighters the length and breadth of the UK are facing similar attacks on jobs and conditions, jeopardising their own safety and that of the public.

Unrest in the Congo: Political turmoil rocks Kinshasa

By Eddie Haywood, 24 September 2016

Washington’s concern is for the vast mineral wealth of the Congo, and for the existence of a reliable and pliant regime in Kinshasa to facilitate its exploitation.

Australia: Thousands more jobs being destroyed

By Terry Cook, 24 September 2016

Better-paying jobs are being eliminated throughout mining-related and manufacturing industries.

New in French

La BCE signale plus d’austérité au milieu de divisions économiques croissantes en Europe

Par Alex Lantier, 24 septembre 2016

En dépit d’une crise économique grandissante, le président de la Banque centrale européenne Mario Draghi a signalé que l’austérité contre les travailleurs et les cadeaux aux banques continueront.

L’importance de la campagne électorale du PSG à Berlin

Par Christoph Vandreier, 24 septembre 2016

Les travailleurs s’opposeront rapidement aux attaques sociales perpétrées contre eux par la coalition rouge-rouge-verte ainsi qu’à la poursuite des préparatifs de guerre.


New in Spanish

Socialismo contra capitalismo y guerra

Por Partido Socialista por la Igualdad, 24 septiembre 2016

El Partido Socialista por la Igualdad y los Jóvenes y Estudiantes Internacionales por la Igualdad Social realizarán una conferencia para movilizar a los trabajadores y jóvenes en contra del imperialismo y el peligro de una tercera guerra mundial nuclear.

Candidato presidencial del PSI Jerry White inicia su campaña de otoño con encuentro en Chicago

Por nuestros reporteros, 24 septiembre 2016

Jerry While les habló a obreros y jóvenes sobre la expansión de las guerras, el aumento de desigualdad social y la necesidad de un liderazgo socialista para dirigir las luchas obreras.

New in German

Die Bombenanschläge von New York: Futter für den „Krieg gegen den Terror“

Von Bill Van Auken, 24. September 2016

Auch die jüngsten Bombenanschläge wurden von jemandem verübt, der den US-Sicherheitsbehörden schon bekannt war.

Berlin: Rot-Rot-Grün geht in die nächste Sondierungsrunde

Von Christoph Vandreier, 24. September 2016

Grüne und Linkspartei bereiten sich darauf vor, die verhasste Politik der großen Koalition fortzusetzen und den regierenden Bürgermeister Michael Müller (SPD) im Amt zu halten.

International Socialist Organization unterstützt NATO-Eskalation im Syrienkrieg

Von Alex Lantier und David North, 24. September 2016

Die amerikanische pseudolinke ISO bedient sich ähnlichen Propagandamethoden wie die CIA, um den Krieg in Syrien zu rechtfertigen.

EZB will Sparkurs fortsetzen

Von Alex Lantier, 24. September 2016

Trotz der anhaltenden Rezession deutete EZB-Chef Mario Draghi eine Fortsetzung des Sparkurses und der Geldspritzen für die Banken an.

Neofaschistin Marine Le Pen verkündet Kandidatur für Präsidentschaftswahlen

Von Kumaran Ira, 24. September 2016

Der Aufstieg des FN zum ernstzunehmenden Bewerber um die Macht ist Bestandteil der Offensive der französischen herrschenden Klasse, ihre Interessen in Frankreich und international gewaltsam durchzusetzen.

Die Zerschlagung von Kaiser’s Tengelmann und die Rolle von Verdi

Von Marianne Arens, 24. September 2016

Runder Tisch, Geheimgespräche, Fristverlängerung - die Gewerkschaft bemüht sich um eine reibungslose Abwicklung der Einzelhandelskette.

Ein Blick auf die DDR-Kunst der 80er Jahre
Zur Berliner Ausstellung „Gegenstimmen“

Von Bernd Reinhardt und Verena Nees, 24. September 2016

Im Berliner Martin-Gropius-Bau ist noch bis Montag die Ausstellung Gegenstimmen – DDR von 1976 bis 1989 zu sehen. Sie umfasst bisher wenig oder nicht ausgestellte Kunst aus der Übergangszeit bis zum Mauerfall und der Wiedervereinigung.

Socialist Equality Party (USA), Resolutionen des Parteitags 2016
Perspektiven und Aufgaben der Socialist Equality Party

24. September 2016

Vom 31. Juli bis 5. August 2016 hielt die Socialist Equality Party (USA) in Detroit ihren Vierten Nationalen Parteitag ab.

Other Languages


Police violence and the social crisis in America

24 September 2016

Both the killing of Keith Scott and the protests that have erupted in Charlotte, North Carolina starkly expose the deep social tensions and class divisions in America.

Earlier Perspectives »

Online Interview with David North

November 5 Antiwar Conference

Socialism vs. Capitalism and War
The SEP and IYSSE schedule November 5 antiwar conference in Detroit

The purpose of the conference in Detroit is to politically mobilize workers and young people against the war policies of US and world imperialism, which threaten to escalate into a nuclear Third World War.

Register today at sep2016.com/conference


Financial parasitism and the rising war danger

By Nick Beams, 24 September 2016

Far from bringing about economic “recovery,” the promotion of the very parasitism which led to the 2008 crash has become de facto the official policy of the world’s major financial authorities.

ECB signals more austerity amid mounting economic divisions in Europe

Mobilise workers against Sri Lanka’s Sirisena-Wickremesinghe-Sampanthan regime!

By V. Gnana, 24 September 2016

Workers and youth joining a rally against the Tamil Nationalist Alliance in Jaffna need a socialist perspective to unite workers of all ethnicities in struggle against war.

International Socialist Organization backs NATO escalation in Syria

By Alex Lantier and David North, 21 September 2016

The New York bombings: Feeding the “war on terror”

By Bill Van Auken, 23 September 2016

SEP 2016 US Election Campaign

Jerry White speaks in Detroit and Ann Arbor
SEP presidential candidate warns of war dangers

By a reporting team, 24 September 2016

The meetings in both Ann Arbor and Detroit sparked intense discussion, questions and interest in the party’s election campaign and its history.

SEP candidate restored to ballot in West Virginia

By our reporter, 23 September 2016

Socialism and the 2016 elections
Socialist Equality Party campaign launches fall election meetings

Socialist Equality Party (US) 2016 Congress Resolutions
Perspectives and Tasks of the Socialist Equality Party

Autoworkers Struggles

Vote “No” on GM Canada contract
Build rank-and-file committees to resist Unifor sellout!

By Roger Jordan, 24 September 2016

A “No” vote is an important first step in galvanizing the opposition of autoworkers throughout North America to concessions and givebacks enforced by Unifor and the UAW.

Opposition mounts among GM Canada workers
Unifor refuses to release “contract” before Sunday vote

By Carl Bronski, 23 September 2016

Demand release of full details and two weeks to vote
Contract “framework” at GM Canada continues attack on autoworkers

Workers Struggles

Australian brewery still operating as unions isolate sacked workers

By Frank Gaglioti and Chris Sinnema, 24 September 2016

The trade unions have opposed any unified industrial and political action to win reinstatement of the Carlton & United Breweries maintenance workers.

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

24 September 2016

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Allina nurses’ strike and the union’s fraudulent “corporate campaign”

By Ron Jorgenson, 21 September 2016

Minnesota nurses strike at critical juncture

India-Pakistan Conflict

India’s Defence Minister reaffirms vow to “punish” Pakistan

By K. Ratnayake and Keith Jones, 23 September 2016

India and Pakistan teeter on the precipice of war

Arts Review

Leonardo da Vinci–The Genius in Milan: The marketing of genius

By Lee Parsons, 23 September 2016

The film is being distributed in over 50 countries this year and comes out of the largest exhibition ever mounted in Italy of the work of the great polymath, Leonardo da Vinci.

American playwright Edward Albee: The character of his opposition to the status quo

By David Walsh, 22 September 2016

International Committee of the Fourth International

Public meeting in Chennai, India: Oppose the imperialist war drive! Fight for socialist program!

21 September 2016

“You are a man of unimpeachable revolutionary integrity”
On the 75th birthday of Sri Lankan Trotskyist leader Wije Dias

By David North, 9 September 2016

In his greetings, David North reviewed the significance of the more than 50-year struggle for revolutionary internationalism waged by Wije Dias, the leader of the SEP in Sri Lanka.

25 years ago: US stages new provocation against Iraq

On September 24, 1991, the United States dispatched a Patriot missile team from Germany to Saudi Arabia in a new threat to Iraq.

More »

50 year ago: North Vietnam rejects US surrender demand

On September 23, 1966, the government of North Vietnam rejected a US proposal for a halt to the American bombing campaign against North Vietnamese targets.

More »

75 years ago: Nazi forces complete capture of Kiev

On September 19, 1941, the Soviet city of Kiev, capital of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, fell to German military forces.

More »


100 years ago: German Social Democrats hold last united conference

On September 21, 1916, the German Social Democratic Party (SPD) held its last united national conference, amid irreconcilable divisions between different factions over Germany’s role in World War I.

More »

25 years since the death of Bill Brust

A remembrance of veteran Trotskyist Bill Brust, twenty-five years after his death

By Fred Mazelis, 15 September 2016

Today marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the death of veteran Trotskyist Bill Brust, whose political struggle as a revolutionary socialist spanned 53 years.

The Life and Times of Bill Brust

By David North, 15 September 2016

This speech, originally delivered by David North at a memorial meeting in Minneapolis in 1991, reviews the life and political legacy of Bill Brust.
