
Nihilist attack in Milan

  • Posted on: 28 July 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

The “Cenaze” Nihilist Terrorist Clan threatens civilized life

As nihilist terrorists we attacked the social and civilized life of society.

Last July 19th we left a small explosive device inside an envelope along with a piece of paper listing our name and intentions written in stencil near a cement flower bed on the Via Nato Torriani in the center of Milan.

This attack was completely covered up by the press and authorities, probably in order to not alarm the many optimists who live and prosper in that bourgeois area of the metropolis of Milan.

Communiqué of “Guamara Eco-Extremist War” and “Shadows of the Forest”

  • Posted on: 17 July 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Republished below is a recent communiqué published over at Maldición Eco-extremista. The communiqué comes from a group operating in Mexico offering praise for the recent ITS attack on a UNAM worker, as well as claiming responsibility for a host of other bombings in the area, as well as their proclamation to maintain vigilant in their fight against civilization in defense of Wild Nature. Original content here.

Twin Cities Anarchist People of Color Engage Militancy Debate

  • Posted on: 13 July 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From Unicorn Riot

Minneapolis, MN – On July 9th, 2016 Black Lives Matter Minneapolis (BLM-Mpls), along with members of other groups and non-group affiliated young people, led a protest march and shutdown of highway I-94 In St Paul, MN to demand justice for Philando Castile.

(Video) Greece: Refugees reveal the living conditions at Shisto Refugee Camp during Anarchist protest

  • Posted on: 11 July 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

On Thursday 30 June 3016 an anarchist demo took place in solidarity to refugees, outside the Shisto concentration camp (on the outskirts of the city of Athens) following a call by the Assembly of Anarchists for Social and Class Emancipation. During the solidarity demo many witness reports were documented, detailing the harsh living conditions in the camp resulting form the EU policy of closed borders.

Video at

Sydney: Anarchist anti-electoral campaign

  • Posted on: 7 July 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)


Over the past two months some anarchists around Sydney mounted a campaign against politics and the democratic process.

This election takes place in a period of historic disillusionment with the political spectacle and the politicians who represent it, and never before have so many parties been on offer, to direct that mistrust back into the electoral process.

4th of July action: upside down american flag put on bridge, anarchist flyers found in nearby neighborhoods

  • Posted on: 4 July 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

On the morning of july 4th an upside down american flag with burn holes and a circle A was put up on a bridge in downtown elgin, illinois. Scattered below on the sidewalk and in nearby neighborhoods were anarchist flyers authored by the "Revolutionary Clandestine Committee of Elgin, Illinois". The flyers read:

Theft, direct action, solidarity

  • Posted on: 2 July 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

(Pour le texte en français: ) Today is July 1st, the day when the founding of the state of Canada is celebrated. We have chosen this day to announce that over the past months we have stolen and freely redistributed a number of quality objects and food obtained from bourgeois stores to marginalized individuals and families from oppressed communities in Montreal, occupied Kanien’kehá:ka territory.

Hamilton, Ontario: This is How We Welcome You: “Try Hamilton” tries fucking itself

  • Posted on: 26 June 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Yesterday, a group of scumbags affiliated with local real estate companies organized a tour of Hamilton for a group of investors, with the goal of drawing in capital from outside the city. This project is called Try Hamilton and they describe their goals as a chance for entrepreneurs and developers to envision ‘city-changing’ possibilities. Shamelessly pro-gentrification, they talk about our neighbourhoods as blank slates, gloat about the money to be made if an area can be successfully ‘converted’ to a different kind of resident. Of course, for most of us, their financial wet dreams appear in our lives as violence, hunger, or eviction – and so of course we have to fight back against them.

When the group of investors emerged from the Ti-Cats stadium, fresh off the inspiring words of the city’s mayor, and tried to board buses, they were met by a crowd of forty angry people who encouraged them to, rather than try Hamilton, try fucking themselves. With signs reading, “Gentrification is disgusting, you rich fucks are disgusting”, “who gets off on evicting families?” and “Fuck you for trying”, we met them with a wall of rage that showed them what the class war their investments drive can mean.

June 11th reportback from Bloomington, Indiana

  • Posted on: 19 June 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Here is a short run-down of events and actions that occurred in Bloomington related to the June 11th international day of solidarity with Marius Mason and all long-term anarchist prisoners:

– A benefit in late May raised over $350 for anarchist prisoners.
– A benefit dance party in late May raised over $600 for queer and trans prisoners, including anarchist comrade Michael Kimble.
– A ‘packathon’ event put together packages of books for prisoners.
– A letter writing night signed and mailed cards and letters to over 20 anarchist prisoners in the USA, Chile, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, and Russia. Individuals’ translation skills enabled these to be written in the languages understood by comrades outside of the US.

