Communiqué of “Guamara Eco-Extremist War” and “Shadows of the Forest”

  • Posted on: 17 July 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Republished below is a recent communiqué published over at Maldición Eco-extremista. The communiqué comes from a group operating in Mexico offering praise for the recent ITS attack on a UNAM worker, as well as claiming responsibility for a host of other bombings in the area, as well as their proclamation to maintain vigilant in their fight against civilization in defense of Wild Nature. Original content here.

07-05-2016 Anarchy Radio

  • Posted on: 6 July 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Listen Here:

Fear of slaves, indigenous evident in Declaration of Independence. Adventures
in podcasting; Hillary-booster Chomsky declines dialog with JZ. "No Going Back" -
really? Rio Olympics "catastrophe". The answer to VR's fake world? More VR! New
ITS interview: same no-hope-ism. Income inequality still growing. Florida Atlantic
coast fouled, global air worsens, dam-building craze continues. Ad of the Week
(afiniti). Fine report on Fireflies gathering. Action news, three calls.


Interview of ITS with the Mexican press

  • Posted on: 3 July 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Interview of the In the Morning (Por La Mañana - EPM) Team with the group, "Individualists Tending Toward the Wild" after its taking responsibility for the murder of José Jaime Barrera Moreno, Head of Services in the Department of Chemistry of the UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico)

Found on the Facebook page of Ciro Gómez Leyva, a Mexican journalist

July 1st , 2016

EPM: Why kill?

Topic of the Week: Green Anarchism

  • Posted on: 21 March 2016
  • By: thecollective

How do green or ecological factors affect your thoughts or actions as anarchists, if at all?

What is the importance of indigenous resistance or solidarity as green anarchists, now and moving into the future? What are the implications of the notion that civilization has encroached over every space on the planet, and is there any hope for escape? Would such an escape look like something completely different than anything we’ve known in the past, or would it resemble historical modes of living such as hunter/gatherers? Are tools and technology separated from or a part of nature, i.e. is there a distinction between what is natural and what is artificial? If so, what importance does such a distinction play in the everyday life of people (or yourself) today? Can terms such as wildness or domestication be useful or elaborated on or are they merely jargon or loaded concepts?

First Communique of the Individualists Tending Toward the Wild (2016)

  • Posted on: 28 January 2016
  • By: Chahta-Ima

“We love tranquility, we let the mouse play; when the forests whisper, we are unafraid”

Individualists Tending Toward the Wild (ITS, before “Individualities”), is the continuation of the eco-terrorist Project begun in the year 2011. After the death of “Wild Reaction” in 2015, we have decided to continue this project…


Action and Response

  • Posted on: 28 November 2015
  • By: rocinante

From Black and Green Review #1

There has been an uproar, stemming from the logical and important critique of activism, that fears the reemergence of a civil disobedience ethic. On the other side of action, theoretically, sits ITS. The Individualists Tending Towards the Wild (ITS) are individuals who have sent bombs to numerous universities, professors, researchers, as well as journalists and non-profits in the name of wild human nature. ITS has its cut throat communiqués stylized to provoke anger and wrought with strands of logic pulled harshly and quickly together, making arguments that seem pointless to engage with. In its communiqués ITS, though contradictory at times, aims to be another theoretical bullet (as opposed to the actual bombs) against the plague of pointless property destruction and “sentimental environmentalism”. Swallowed in is indeed civil disobedience and all other actions that would seem trivial (including non-human targeted arson as they have specifically named ELF as a sentimental “group”) in the face of a bomb.

Toward Savagery: Recent Developments in Eco-Extremist Thought in Mexico

  • Posted on: 23 June 2015
  • By: worker

From Ritual Mag - by Abe Cabrera

It was called the Chichimeca War, and it began near the moment of Hernan Cortes’s death (1547), symbolically closing the “first” conquest of Mexico. The new war, fought in the vast wilderness stretching northward from the lands of Cortesian victory, bloodied four decades, 1550-1590, the longest Indian war in North American history. It was the continent’s first full and constant contest between civilization and savagery.
