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Communiqué of “Guamara Eco-Extremist War” and “Shadows of the Forest”

  • Posted on: 17 July 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From La Manta Mojada

Republished below is a recent communiqué published over at Maldición Eco-extremista. The communiqué comes from a group operating in Mexico offering praise for the recent ITS attack on a UNAM worker, as well as claiming responsibility for a host of other bombings in the area, as well as their proclamation to maintain vigilant in their fight against civilization in defense of Wild Nature. Original content here.

Our shadows began again to make their presence known in the cradle of the expansion of progress, or rather, the University City, after the killing of the Head of Services of the Chemistry Department of the UNAM, José Jaime Barrera, who was stabbed by ITS. We support this action totally, and followed up with attacks against our neighbors and not-so-neighbors who sustain the techno-industrial system. On Thursday July 7thwe detonated an explosive device of blasting powder and dynamite in an Engineering Department building in broad daylight, passing right under their noses. We hoped that the explosion would have wounded or took the life of some civilized person who happened to be passing by. We also take responsibility for the segmentation grenade that was found without exploding because of a defect in the ring which we left in the Biology Department. Even though it didn’t explode, it was intended for Dr. Faustino Sánchez Garduño and Dr. María Asunción Begoña Fernández Fernández, Doctor of Science (CINVESTAV). This goes out to them, and the next will cause greater destruction that we were prepared to unleash. Even though these acts were silenced, they have given new life to the Guamara eco-extremist war in conjunction with the individuals of the Shadows of the Forests.

Like ITS, we are ready to go out on the hunt to take scalps, and we too will plant a knife in the chest of a techno-geek and take out his heart as an offering to Wild Nature, just as our ancestors did in various wars. And we state that we will always be on the side of the wolf’s howl. We are accomplices to the hurricane that wipes entire populations off the map. We are heard side by side with the lightening strike that wreaks terror throughout the city. We attack along with the earthquake that also seeks to destroy civilization. We are vengeance on those who alter nature. We are the time bomb. We are blasting powder, bullets, and knives. Who are we pointed at? Civilization and its citizens.

P.S. We want to see another corpse in the University City, but this time hanging from one of the entrances with a sign with our name on it. We mention the following techno-geeks:

-Dr. María de Lourdes Esteva Peralta (CINVESTAV)

-Oscar Edel Contreras López of the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Center of the UNAM

-Antonio Tejada Rodríguez

-David Shimomoto Sánchez as engineer of nanotechnology

-Iván Antonio Peralta Mendoza, electrical Engineer

Among others, be vigilant ;)…

We issue a reminder here that about a month ago we attempted to hold up an armored truck in Naucalpan, opening fire against its guards and gravely wounding one of them. Some months back we detonated two explosive devices in the botanical garden of the UNAM and one of our explosives did not go off in front of the IMSS psychiatric clinic in Tlalpan. We also planted three explosive devices in fire extinguishers without detonating them, and opened fire with guns of significant caliber on the construction machinery of the overpass in the main center of Ecatepec. We also issued two bomb threats against the Attorney General of the Republic’s Office on Insurgentes in Mexico City, causing an evacuation of employees, attorneys, and officials. AND NOW GUAMARA ECO-EXTREMIST WAR AND THE SHADOWS OF THE FORESTS PRESENT ALL OF THIS, EXPECT MORE FROM US…

-Guamara Eco-Extremist War

-Shadows of the Forests.


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