
Water Cannons Vs. The Black Bloc: The Story Of The G20 Protests

  • Posted on: 9 July 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From Buzzfeed

Friday’s G20 was the first time in 16 years that the leaders of the world’s 20 largest economies had gathered in a city, and German authorities anticipated trouble. In the end, the clashes were milder than expected, thanks to tactics that isolated the most aggressive anarchists.


Two attacks, two perspectives: Enedis trucks and office torched in France

  • Posted on: 7 July 2017
  • By: thecollective

The attacks these reports are referring to both occurred last month in response to the call for a Dangerous June of rebellious acts in solidarity with anarchist prisoners in Italy. Both targeted the energy company Enedis, though for different reasons in addition to solidarity. The first attack, a torching of vans in Grenoble, takes a specific anti-technology stance; the latter offers a friendly critique of the focus on technology by expanding the fight to society and civilization itself.

Why am I facing 75 years in prison?

  • Posted on: 3 July 2017
  • By: thecollective

From Al Jazeera by Carlo Piantini

On January 20th, during the inauguration of Donald Trump, the DC Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) violently and indiscriminately attacked scores of protesters, journalists, legal observers, medics, and bystanders in the vicinity of an anti-fascist/anti-capitalist march. The MPD trapped, or "kettled", more than 200 people, arresting them on a single felony riot charge with a boilerplate affidavit.

Here’s What Happened When I Debated Nazi Richard Spencer

  • Posted on: 30 June 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From Idavox - by Lacy MacAuley

We are not going to reach common ground, and I’ll try not to punch him. By Lacy MacAuley.

“Antifa never take showers,” was one of the first things that Richard Spencer, the country’s most notorious Nazi, said to insult me. He was facing the interviewer, Chris Kilmer of the ABC National News program, 20/20. The on-camera debate had just begun.*

“So, if antifascist activists only took showers more frequently, you would respect them more?” I interrupted. He said yes. “This is the most ridiculous ad hominem attack,” I laughed.

An Anarchist Guide to the 2017 G20 Summit in Hamburg

  • Posted on: 26 June 2017
  • By: thecollective

From CrimethInc.

With a Review of Previous G8 and G20 Protests

This July, the rulers of the twenty most powerful nations in the world—the G20—will meet in Hamburg to coordinate the preservation of capitalism and state power at the expense of the natural world and the freedom and dignity of humanity as a whole. Anarchists and other foes of tyranny will be in Hamburg, as well, to demonstrate the kind of assertive resistance it will take to put control of our destinies back in our hands. For your convenience, we have prepared an overview of the actions that are planned in Hamburg, and a variety of resources on the mobilizations against previous G8 and G20 summits. In addition, this week we will publish retrospectives on the demonstrations that took place in Scotland and Germany against the G8 summits of 2005 and 2007.

June 11th reportback from Plain Words

  • Posted on: 22 June 2017
  • By: thecollective

via Plain Words in Bloomington. Please visit the source to see some nice pictures of these actions!

We receive and transmit:

In the month leading up to the June 11th International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners, we set up two tables at Boxcar Books with an array of free zines, stickers, and posters for June 11th and about anarchist prisoners.

[J11] Thessaloniki, Greece: Responsibility claim for placement of incendiary device

  • Posted on: 22 June 2017
  • By: thecollective

We perceive anarchist and antiauthoritarian spaces as structures in which we organize struggles and live collective moments outside the authoritarian relations that the State and capitalism would like to impose on us daily.

Lately, the State has carried out various attacks against squats and hangouts in Athens, Thessaloniki, Agrinio and Larissa [see this article for more context].

Beyond ‘Bash the Fash’: A Critical Discussion

  • Posted on: 20 June 2017
  • By: thecollective

From It's Going Down

There’s no question that antifascism has taken up a lot of space on both IGD and within the wider anarchist movement. Talk about antifascists has also spilled into the mainstream, with many journalists treating it, along with the tactics like the black bloc, as a new phenomenon that has arisen in the past few months in reaction to Trump.

Santiago, Chile: Anarchists erect barricades in solidarity with the two murdered Mapuche activists

  • Posted on: 18 June 2017
  • By: thecollective

From Insurrection News

June 14th, Santiago, Chile. About a dozen encapuchadxs (hooded ones) blocked traffic, distributed leaflets and raised banners outside the Metropolitan Technological University in solidarity with the Mapuche who were murdered in the south during a land reclamation action. “The weichafes (warriors) Luis Marileo and Patricio Gonzales will be avenged with blood.”

