
TFSRadio An interview with a member of Koko Lepo - an autonomous youth collective in Belgrade -, an update on AntiFenix, and words from Sean Swain

  • Posted on: 30 May 2016
  • By: Bursts

This week we feature an interview with Freddy, who is a member of the autonomous youth collective in Belgrade, Serbia known as Koko Lepo. We speak about the origins of the collective as growing out of a self organized kindergarten primarily for Roma children, about solidarity between anarchists and Roma people in Belgrade, about some history of the region, and about the complex nature of solidarity itself.

Athens: Themistokleous 58 - New squat in Exarchia (Greece)

  • Posted on: 10 January 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

In the evening of Sunday, January 10th 2016, we occupied the empty building on Themistokleous St. 58, in Exarchia, Athens. The intention is to open up a place where migrants who are blocked here in Greece, because of the European migration policies, can live and self-organize free from state control. We are a group of individuals from different places and of different contexts, connected through the fight against States, nations, borders, lager, prisons, capitalism; eventually against every part of this rotten system of domination that oppresses us.

(A-Radio) Eastern Europe 4: Anarchists and the tenants movement in Warsaw

  • Posted on: 22 October 2015
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

(A-Radio) Eastern Europe 3: Anarchism in Warsaw - the Syrena and Przychodnia squats

  • Posted on: 18 October 2015
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we made an interview about anarchism and the squats in Warsaw.

As part of a journey through Eastern Europe a member of the Anarchist Radio Berlin had the opportunity of talking to a comrade of Syrena. Syrena is a squat in the inner city of Warsaw and has its origins in the tenants movement. In this interview we talk about the huge amount of activities like anti-racist work, social work and anarchist activities that are getting started out of Syrena. Further we talk about the connection to the Przychodnia Squat which is located directly behind Syrena as well as about the comrade's personal opinion of the controversial selling of the Od:zysk Squat in Poznan, which is quite an current issue in the Polish movement.
