
Chile: Claim for arson of Andrés Bello University in Santiago

  • Posted on: 22 February 2016
  • By: thecollective

Received on 21.02.16: This is a complete English translation of the communique claiming responsibility for the arson attack against the science faculty of Andrés Bello University that we previously reported on and provided some brief translated excerpts of the claim of responsibility.

Direct reply to Greek state attack to occupied Embros / Free Self-Organised Theater in Athens‏

  • Posted on: 17 February 2016
  • By: thecollective

More than 2500 people supported the great benefit concert of Void Network in Occupied Theater Embros in Athens, for the infrastructures of the Solidarity to the Refugees and Immigrants Movement in Exarchia and Lesbos island in 13/2/2016. Two days after the Greek state attacked to Embros cutting electricity.

Resist The 2016 Cleveland RNC

  • Posted on: 8 February 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

There has been a lot of talk about the annual republican national convention. There are several pages and websites as well as numerous groups physically organizing. If you are planning on heading to convention I wanted to include a few notes to keep everyone safe.

In the past Anarchists have had success in disrupting political conventions and with the republican front runner, Donald trump many believe this will be no different and even add to increased resistance and street protests in response to his recent racist and bigoted comments...

Financial office of the Greek Church redecorated

  • Posted on: 7 February 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

People going by the name the ‘Sword of Damokles’ redecorated the financial management office of the Greek Church in Thessaloniki today. The symbolic action, carried out with paint and a fire extinguisher, gave the priests’ walls a thick covering of red paint. The statement published after the action gave several reasons for targeting the church which throughout its history has often been one of the pillars of reaction in Greece.

Mexico City: Actions in solidarity with imprisoned comrades

  • Posted on: 4 February 2016
  • By: anonymous

On the 31st January we coordinated two actions of solidarity with prisoners. Not solely in solidarity with anarchist prisoners but with all who have been and are incarcerated by the state or who are escaping that vile oppression.

We carried out two simultaneous actions. We dropped banners in Av. Xola and Tlalpan (Mexico City): “Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners” and “Fire To The Prisons and All The Judges”. At the same time, in the south of Mexico City, we set fire to a TELMEX car, which belongs to the billionaire Carlos Slim.

Potential Battle On Stone Mountain, April 23

  • Posted on: 4 February 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From All Out ATL ( )
APRIL 23RD, 2016

The Ku Klux Klan and white nationalists are holding a white power march on Stone Mountain. On the same evening, a racist concert gathering will be held at a yet to be disclosed location. We are coordinating a mass gathering on Stone Mountain to shut down the march and disrupt further white supremacist efforts.

Chile: Incendiary attack against the science faculty of Andrés Bello University in Santiago by FAI-IRF

  • Posted on: 2 February 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Circle of Individualists for Anarchy and the Kapibara Group cells of the Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front (FAI-IRF) have claimed responsibility for an incendiary attack against the University of Andrés Bello (UNAB) in the early hours of January 24th that completely destroyed the science faculty of the institution. According to a communique posted by the group, cell members were able to easily gain access to the building and place a timed incendiary device that contained a mixture of potassium nitrate, gasoline and oil and then exit the building without being spotted or apprehended. The attack was carried out within the framework of an anti-civilization / anti-technology perspective and in solidarity with Transgender eco-anarchist prisoner Marius Mason, held hostage by the US state and with anarchist prisoner Natalia ‘Tato’ Collado, held hostage by the Chilean state.

Athens: Banner action in solidarity with trans prisoners

  • Posted on: 2 February 2016
  • By: thecollective


In response to the international call for solidarity with trans prisoners, some anarchist individualities hung banners on various locations in the city centre of Athens (Polytechnic School, Monastiraki, Victorias Square) on the 22nd and 23rd January 2016.

Anarchist greetings to the comrade Marius Mason, long-term prisoner in the US. Fire to the normalcy.

Trento, Italy – two repeaters sabotaged in solidarity with Silvia, Costa, and Billy

  • Posted on: 2 February 2016
  • By: thecollective

We receive from anonymous email and spread:
“On January 14 we burned and destroyed two repeaters in Trento.
Let’s stop electronic control and electromagnetic pollution.
For Silvia, Costa, and Billy, still on trial.”
