Social Anti-Civilization

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Anonymous (not verified)
Social Anti-Civilization

So the critique of civilization comes from many directions, but most often the connection to mass and anti-mass practices is stuck in only reactive behaviors. I see a coming future: Aggressive space claims and attempting to create a sustainable infrastructure to ensure to longevity of such an aggressive move. A space claim is a move of action, not reaction in the war for the claims of physical power, for expressing autonomy. The problem is that anti-civilization critique is almost unnecessary to these actions and plays very little role in them. Instead it has been typical anti-capitalism, with anarchists and communists. How can anti-civilization critique be relevant when it is being outpaced by less marginal expressions of anarchy that are more willing to work with others? Should we perhaps turn focus from anti-civ because it has failed to be relevant to what seems to be a better and more interesting approach grounded in the reality of today's radical situations and practices?

SirEinzige (not verified)
You can't socialize against civilization

If by social you mean societal level. It's just not happening. The best you can hope for is for an anarchist exclusive post left current to arise that replaces the new left on the current elective/proposed spectacle of things. Through that you might at least give anti/acivilizational views more of an exposure and offer a different non progressive orientation.

Goku (not verified)
good artical \!!

good artical \!!

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