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mum and baby

New mum loneliness

When your only company for the majority of the day does not much more than eat, sleep and poop, you can get lonely.


The 'burden' of happily married parents

The one time I consulted a psychiatrist I explained that no two people in history could ever have been more happily married than my parents.


ScarJo surprised by baby's looks

Scarlett Johansson admits she was 'surprised' by her daughter’s looks.

toddler playing

'Creepy' imaginary friends

I made the mistake once of asking what he looks like. My son said 'Oh, he doesn't have a face.'


Caring for baby

Top baby name trends

The Anzac Centenary and the birth of a royal baby will be likely to inspire parents when it comes to baby names this year.

Baby Mum pushing baby in a stroller

Baby must-haves or must-heaves?

Note to new parents: You don't really need all that stuff.

Caring for baby

Blinks are the new naps

Hollywood hunk Ryan Reynolds says he sees blinking in a whole new way since having a newborn.


Battery leaves baby struggling

Tauranga baby may never talk or breathe on his own after swallowing a button battery.

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Blog: Greer Berry

After struggling with fertility issues Greer is now sharing her pregnancy journey.
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Blog: Matt Calman

At-home dad Matt Calman talks about life at home with his two girls.
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Blog: Kiran Chug

Kiran has a toddler and a baby and has recently moved back to her hometown of London.
Five to ten generic, school, bag, schoolbag, pupil, student, kids, parent

When there's no-one to play with

Last year I was that nervous parent taking my first-born to her first day of big school.

Big kids Children fighting, kids fight

Ganging up on the babysitter

My kids are being really rude to their new babysitter. I've never seen them behave like this before. What can I do?

Family life Couple arguing in front of child

Godparent duties post-divorce

Do I still need to buy presents for my godchild (my ex-husband's niece)? I divorced her uncle 12 years ago.

little-kids-big-kids-picks toddler

The new normal isn't so normal

There's a few things I've started doing since becoming a parent that seem so normal to me now, but I've noticed other people find them a bit strange.

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Blog: Melody McCabe

Melody shares the highs and lows of struggling with fertility issues and trying to conceive.
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Blog: Anna Guy

Anna shares tales of parenting four kids - with another on the way.
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Ask an expert column

Got a parenting question? Let us know and we'll get an expert to answer it for you.

Why kids think money is free

Young children have little understanding where money comes from, with plenty thinking there's a person hiding in ATMs handing out free money.

Health & nutrition

Five tips to stop snoring

Sleep, glorious sleep. But is someone's snoring getting in your way of catching those much needed Zzz's?

TV & movies

Disney's marvellous run continues

REVIEW: Big Hero 6 is 90 minutes of slick, only slightly scary for littlies, smart school holiday entertainment.

Competitions SPECS COMP

Win: Designer kids' glasses

Specsavers are offering one lucky Essential Mums reader the chance to win a voucher for two pairs of designer kids' glasses.


Online can benefit kids

Getting your child engaged with education is important and tech can be a great way to help.


Family travel in Vietnam

It all started with goats' penis soup more than 20 years ago when I backpacked through Vietnam's south.

Relationships couple talking

Too soon to step-parent?

I've been dating a guy for three months. Most weekends he brings his two-year-old daughter to my place. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed.

TV & movies

DVD review: Call The Midwife

It’s hard to believe that a television series based around the simple act of birth could sustain itself beyond a couple of series.

Mum's life

How to talk about weight

My mum has spent her life believing that she's fat and hating herself for it. Her dearest wish was to spare me that fate.

Mum's life

Back-to-work blues?

Back at work and not happy about it? Take a closer look...

Celebrities Kimye

Kimye's pregnancy plans

Kanye West reportedly feels "the world's been waiting" for Kim Kardashian to pose nude while pregnant.


7 awkward beauty problems

Instead of suffering bacne or fungus in silence, here are some solutions to embarrassing issues.