Had chickenpox? Look for shingles

PAINFUL SYMPTOMS: The shingles vaccine, approved for those age 60 and older, can lower your chances of getting the virus.

It's like a sci-fi film: a virus that lingers in your body until it one day emerges, bringing a world of pain.

Facing your fears on the trapeze

Gregory Pratt and many others who trapeze are surprisingly afraid of heights, but pursue the experience to overcome their fears. "I believe it makes you a better person to do things you're afraid of, aren't good at or barely understand," Pratt writes. "Especially when it's all at once."

People don't believe I'm afraid of heights. They've seen too many photos of me upside down in midair.

Battling the BMI

TALE OF TWO MEASUREMENTS: Sara Bodel, 29, has a very healthy BMI, but a high fat percentage.

You can have a healthy BMI but a too-high level of body fat: researchers are out to prove one size doesn’t fit all.

The argument for eating less

TACKLING OBESITY: As simple as eating less? Some say so.

Eat Less You Pig. This is the charming slogan one fed-up nutritionist had printed onto T-shirts for her clients. 

How to get fit at your desk

STOP HUNCHING: If your computer isn't at eye level, it's in the wrong position.

Five easy ways to keep your mind and body in top shape, even if you are stuck sitting at a computer all day.

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teach me

Had chickenpox? Watch out for shingles

PAINFUL SYMPTOMS: The shingles vaccine, approved for those age 60 and older, can lower your chances of getting the virus.

It's like a sci-fi film: a virus that lingers in your body until it one day emerges, bringing a world of pain.

Will testosterone make women happier?

Evidence that women can also become testosterone-deficient is largely ignored.

Battling the BMI

When are we least miserable?

motivate me

How to get fit at your desk

STOP HUNCHING: If your computer isn't at eye level, it's in the wrong position.

Five easy ways to keep your mind and body in top shape, even if you are stuck sitting at a computer all day.

Working her body

Ginaya Chaston's story is one of a journey from deep despair and abuse to health and happiness.

TACKLING OBESITY: As simple as eating less? Some say so.

The argument for eating less

Eat Less You Pig. This is the charming slogan one fed-up nutritionist had printed onto T-shirts.

inspire me

Facing your fears on the trapeze

Gregory Pratt and many others who trapeze are surprisingly afraid of heights, but pursue the experience to overcome their fears. "I believe it makes you a better person to do things you're afraid of, aren't good at or barely understand," Pratt writes. "Especially when it's all at once."

People don't believe I'm afraid of heights. They've seen too many photos of me upside down in midair.

Temporary tattoos for Suzie video

She wanders into the tattoo parlour with a pack of stick-ons and leaves with a huge grin.

"SENT FROM MY iPHONE": If you want to go the whole hog, feel free to throw in a few typos and extra spaces to show that you're really on the go.

Passive-aggressive emails

The words "FYI, see below" are powerful enough to ignite feelings of anger and dread in even the calmest of office workers