Family life

Family life


Rap dad

Dad raps to disabled son

Shirley Ferreira and Jayce Correia say Jared is an inspiration and "the true definition of courage".

family generic

Do we need parenting lessons?

A UK professor has called for all parents to be offered state funded classes in how to bring up their families. 


Godparent duties post-divorce

Do I still need to buy presents for my godchild (my ex-husband's niece)? I divorced her uncle 12 years ago.


My kids won't meet their grandparents

Since he was a baby, I'd fretted over this very moment when he'd start asking about the grandparents he will never meet.


Surprise from kids' food trial

Fast food giant McDonald's might be the healthier option when it comes to straight comparisons with other burger restaurants, but child obesity figures are enough to wipe the smile off Ronald's face.


what's in this section?


Time to be smart with money

'Tis the season for fresh starts, and unveiling the fabulous new you; happy, healthy, and wealthy.

Why kids think money is free

Young children have little understanding where money comes from, with plenty thinking there's a person hiding in ATMs handing out free money.

Health & nutrition

Five tips to stop snoring

Sleep, glorious sleep. But is someone's snoring getting in your way of catching those much needed Zzz's?


Do your lunchboxes suck?

If your kids aren't eating their lunch it probably means they don't like it. So what do kids want more of?

TV & movies

Disney's marvellous run continues

REVIEW: Big Hero 6 is 90 minutes of slick, only slightly scary for littlies, smart school holiday entertainment.

Peppa Pig

Meet the voice behind Peppa Pig

The voice behind Peppa Pig belongs to 13-year-old Harley Bird.


Online can benefit kids

Getting your child engaged with education is important and tech can be a great way to help.

disney collector

Opening toys for a living

YouTube's top earner is a woman who films clips of herself unwrapping children's toys.


Family travel in Vietnam

It all started with goats' penis soup more than 20 years ago when I backpacked through Vietnam's south.

Have kids, will travel

It's not too late to take your family on a sensational summer holiday.

Recipes gingerbread christmas biscuits

Festive gingerbread biscuits

Nothing says Christmas quite like gingerbread. For coloured icing, add a few drops of food colouring before kneading and mix it in well.


Apricot and macaroon slice

If you're not already overloaded with sweet treats this holiday season, try this yummy slice.

Books Rachel Callander

Super power babies

Families came to celebrate their super-powered children and the book honouring them.


Knock-knock bestsellers

It sounds like the usual setup for a knock-knock joke: Who is the best-selling author on all of this holiday season? Rob Elliott. Rob Elliott who?

Family dynamics adoption motherhood parent

Meeting my birth mother

My mother chose not to hold or even see me after I was born, as she knew she wouldn't be able to let me go.


Negotiating flexible visitation

I need some tips on how to approach my ex about getting to spend the odd day with my son outside of my scheduled times.

Anna Guy

About Anna Guy

Anna Guy is a busy mum of five - four school-aged kids and a baby. She shares anecdotes and experiences from her days running around after her brood.

School stationery insanity

School stationery shopping with five kids is never a good idea.

Ask an expert cv

How to update your CV

I am looking at getting back into the work force after being a stay-at-home mum. I'm worried my CV is out of date.


Exercise after caesarean

I want to get back into exercise (after a c-section), what are some good 'first-steps'?

Melody McCabe

About Melody McCabe

Melody McCabe and her husband have been trying to conceive for over a year. In this blog she shares the highs and lows of struggling with fertility issues and trying to conceive, as she embarks on fertility treatments in the quest for a family.

Melody McCabe

Picking up the pieces

After having her pregnancy hopes crushed last month, Melody McCabe talks about how she picked herself back up for another monitored cycle.

Greer Berry

About Greer Berry

After facing serious fertility issues Greer and her husband were surprised by their 'miracle baby' - a bouncing baby boy.

Greer Berry

The importance of me time

It's fair to say that when I began spending some time away from my baby I started to feel a bit more human, a bit more like me.

Matt Calman

About Matt Calman

Matt Calman is a work-from-home dad to two girls - toddler Miss A and preschooler Miss K. Matt shares his insights and experiences of raising two girls, with two very different personalities.

Miss K

Braving the cafe scene

This year I'm going to make a concerted effort to brave the café scene with my littlest monster Miss A.

Kiran Chug MILIN

Starting toilet training

Potty training is just around the corner in our house, and it's one of the phases of parenting I have least looked forward to.

Kiran phone

So, this is goodbye

Over the past two years I feel like I've gotten to know you. I've taken advice from comments and got into debates with you.

Family Time Grandparents_Strap

A Grand love

To have a grandchild and hear their laughter is to have a glimpse of eternity, the bond between grandparent and grandchild lasts a lifetime.

Mother and baby

No easy parenting answers

Being the world's best parent is easy, until you have kids, Juliet Beetham discovered.

Columns Milin and Jasmin

Birthday bashes

Isn't that just what motherhood is I wondered? Always feeling guilty about something? Even at your birthday lunch?

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