Anna Guy

Anna Guy


Anna Guy

About Anna Guy

Anna Guy is a busy mum of five - four school-aged kids and a baby. She shares anecdotes and experiences from her days running around after her brood.

School stationery insanity

School stationery shopping with five kids is never a good idea.

The school countdown

Only a few more days now until the new school year starts! And it's not only me that's getting excited; the kids are now on the countdown as well.

The never-ending holidays

We have two weeks left of holidays now and the kids and I are starting to get sick of each other.

Lazy days of summer

After a week with family it was a little hard to say goodbye, as it always is. But we know it's never long before there is another visit.


We're talking about...

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anna guy

A big year

As Anna Guy looks back on 2014 she realises how much has happened and how much the kids have grown.

anna guy

Christmas rush with a baby

This year I seem to be VERY disorganised with my Christmas shopping... I haven't actually done any at all.

anna guy

Where does the time go?

My oldest son Finn is graduating from primary school next week. Yep, my little boy is not so little anymore.

anna guy

Recording the milestones

Just the other day the kids were all asking me how old they were when they crawled and I honestly couldn't remember.

anna guy

Camping with a baby

With December approaching rapidly, we are now starting get excited about our summer holiday. This year all seven of us are off camping.

Are we there yet?

After a squabbling family road trip, Anna Guy discovers sometimes it's the destination, not the journey, that matters.

anna guy

The spirit of Christmas

This year I want to get the kids thinking more about how good it feels to give presents not that it's ALL just about receiving them.

anna guy

Capturing the moment

I know there is a saying "pick your battles" but I decided I don't ask them for too much so this one I was going to win.

anna guy

Welcoming twins

Last week Anna Guy went to visit her sister and her new twins, making her reflect on how daunting the newborn days can be.

anna guy

Teething troubles

Does anyone have any good tips for soothing teething babies? Anna Guy is open to suggestions.

anna guy

Keeping track of the kids

At one point during a chaotic sports evening Anna Guy lost track of a few children - here's why she's decided she needs a new plan.

Anna Guy

Fun and games

A ping pong table 'for the kids' brings out Anna Guy's competitive side.

anna guy

The onesie craze

Have you ever heard of a "onesie"? I would call probably call them an "all in one" and I thought they were only for babies until recently...

Anna Guy

Junk food lessons

Our kids would eat junk food every day all day if we let them. And it's probably almost cheaper to buy the junk than the good stuff.

anna guy

The birds and the bees

My eldest son has just had the 'talk' at primary school. I thought I had a bit more time up my sleeve.

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