


couple talking

Too soon to step-parent?

I've been dating a guy for three months. Most weekends he brings his two-year-old daughter to my place. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed.

Date nights not enough

If you're waiting for date night to remind yourself that you actually like your partner marriage can feel like an uphill climb.

Sex during pregnancy

I'm an expectant father, and my sex life has completely disappeared. My wife seems to have lost all interest. Are we EVER going to have sex again?

Unfair expectations

My husband is really tough on our younger son - more so than on our older son. It's the biggest problem in our marriage. How can I get him to see that he is damaging all of us?

Coping with a hyperactive stepson

I'm struggling to bond with my new husband's 8-year-old son. Everything he does gets on my nerves.


what's in this section?


Christmas post-divorce

My husband and I divorced a few years ago, and on every holiday we split custody. I think that it is beginning to take a toll on my sons.


Ex going against my wishes

I recently fell out with my father and don't want my kids around him, but my ex is insisting on taking them to my parents on Christmas.

Sad woman, depressed, grieving

The death of a child

Our daughter passed away recently and my wife and I struggling with grief. Now I'm worried about losing our marriage as well.

sleep deprivation

Keep your relationship on track

As a new mum, I went from feeling content and happy in my marriage to feeling overworked, bone tired and drained out physically and emotionally.

Water birth

Will childbirth kill your sex life?

I was there during the bursting of waters and the 17 hours of probing and searching. I was in and out of showers, sworn at and an assistant in epidurals.

unhappy couple

A marriage deal-breaker?

Marina Kamenev yearns for another baby. Her husband is adamant that one is enough.


Kids don't want me dating

I've been divorced for nearly a year and am thinking about dating again. When I told my kids they got really angry.

His son's reaction isn't 'nonsense'

My new boyfriend's son can't stand that we're together and demands constant attention. We have no alone time and I can't handle it.

Dad kissing baby bump

Pregnancy and relationship rifts

A life-changing event like pregnancy can have a big impact on your relationship ... for better or worse.

Single parent

Sorting out custody

I'm going through a divorce and my ex and I are leaning towards joint custody. A friend says this never works. What should I do?

Wise words after 65 years married

OPINION: What does it really take to have long and healthy marriage?


Why am I so emotional?

Is there a switch that gets turned on at birth that makes us more sensitive and emotional?


Struggling stepmum

I really like my new husband's kids, but they treat me horribly. He tends to take their side. I'm worried our marriage is doomed.

Aminah Hart and Scott Anderson with their daughter Leila

Engagement for sperm donor family

The romantic tale of the single mum who fell in love with her sperm donor continues - with news of an engagement and Hollywood interest.

I'm not the person my husband married

In the six years since we tied the knot, I've changed - and I'm ok with that.

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