W3C W3C in the Press in 2008

January · February · March · April · May · June · July · August · September · October · November · December

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Articles are listed on this page at the discretion of the Head of W3C Communications. Please send articles you would like us to consider to w3t-pr@w3.org, with "[Article]" in the Subject line.


Le Forum des droits sur l'Internet [19 June]
"Paris, capitale de la gouvernance de l’internet en juin", Sébastien Bachollet (in French), W3C
SLF [19 June]
"Como conseguir compatibilidad entre navegadores siempre", (in Spanish), W3C, HTML, CSS, CSS3, PNG, XHTML
iSGTW [18 June]
"Link of the week - W3C eGovernment activity to help empower citizens", W3C, eGovernment Activity, Tim Berners-Lee, Semantic Web
ZDNet.com [18 June]
"Tim Berners-Lee talks cranberry sauce and Linked Data in New York City", Paul Miller, Semantic Web, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C, HTTP, URI, RDF, XML
SmartphoneMag.com [17 June]
"Misc., multiplatform hardware, software and rebate news", Werner Ruotsalainen, W3C, Dominique Hazaël-Massieux, W3C Mobile Web Initiative
01net. [13 June]
"Firefox 3 : Mozilla répond aux lecteurs de 01net.", Guillaume Deleurence (in French), HTML 5, W3C
01net. [13 June]
"Firefox 3, une bonne nouvelle pour les entreprises... qui utilisent déjà Firefox", David Maume (in French), W3C
CMS Wire [13 June]
"W3C Tackles Web Typography with CSS 3", Marisa Peacock, W3C, CSS3, Web API Working Group, CSS Working Group, W3C, HTML
Génération 3D [13 June]
"Opera 9.5 Disponible", (in French), W3C, (X)HTML, XML, XSLT, CSS 2.1, SVG 1.1, CSS3
Rio Negro | online [13 June]
"Navegadores alternativos", (in Spanish), HTML, HTTP, W3C, Tim Berners-Lee
InfoWorld [12 June]
"Confronting the future of Web standards", Neil McAllister, W3C, HTML, CSS
NetEco [12 June]
"Accessibilité web : le FDI veut élargir le champ des possibles", Ariane Beky (in French), accessibilité, W3C, WCAG 2.0
CMS Wire [11 June]
"Web Applications Working Group Launched", Marisa Peacock, W3C, Web Applications Working Group, HTML, XHTML, SVG
Infobae.com [11 June]
"La web, sin barreras", (in Spanish), Shadi Abou-Zahra, Web Accessibility Initiative, W3C
Journal du Net|développeurs [11 June]
"Le label Accessiweb met à jour ses recommandations", (in French), W3C, accessibilité
IT Week [10 June]
"W3C plans e-gov forum", Phil Muncaster, W3C, eGovernment Interest Group, Tim Berners-Lee, Semantic Web
eWeek.com [9 June]
"Readers Welcome ARAX and More", Darryl K. Taft, DOM, HTML, CSS, XML, RDF
internetnews.com [9 June]
"Linked Data Leaders: The Semantic Web Is Here", Semantic Web, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
LeMagIT [9 June]
"Le W3C ouvre un forum sur l'e-administration ", Cyrille Chausson (in French), W3C, eGouvernement, Tim Berners-Lee, Web sémantique
SophiaNet.com [9 June]
"Le W3C lance un forum sur l'e-gouvernement", Jean-Pierre Largillet (in French), W3C, eGouvernement, Tim Berners-Lee, Web sémantique
lne.es [7 June]
"Web 3.0: inteligente y móvil", Rubén SÁNCHEZ ANTUÑA (in Spanish), RDF, W3C, Tim Berners-Lee
StraightUpSearch [6 June]
"CSS DO's and DON'Ts", CSS, W3C, (X)HTML
ELPAIS.com [5 June]
"El vídeo interactivo, otro paso hacia la Web 3.0", David Corral (in Spanish), Steve Bratt, W3C
JDJ [5 June]
"WebRenderer Swing Edition 4.2 Release - Pure Swing Mozilla Java Browser SDK", W3C, DOM, HTML, XHTML, CSS
L'EXPRESS.fr [5 June]
"Les aveugles peinent encore à surfer sur le Net", Alice Pouyat (in French), W3C, Accessibilité
bit-tech.net [4 June]
"Next IE8 beta due in August", Gareth Halfacree , W3C
CMS Wire [4 June]
"AJAX Update: Progress Events Ticking Along", Barb Mosher, W3C, Web API Working Group
Convergência Digital [4 June]
"O SMS pode vir a ser um serviço de utilidade pública?", Cristina De Luca (in Portuguese), W3C
innovations report [4 June]
"W3C eGovernment Activity to Help Empower Citizens", W3C, eGovernment Activity, Tim Berners-Lee, Semantic Web, XML, accessibility, Internationalization
pressetext [4 June]
"E-Government profitiert von offenen Standards", (in German), W3C, eGovernment, Tim Berners-Lee, XML, accessibility
terra [4 June]
"W3C cria grupo de pesquisas tecnológicas para inclusão digital e e-gov", Fernanda Ângelo (in Spanish), W3C, MW4D, Tim Berners-Lee
UOL [4 June]
"Consórcio cria grupo de pesquisa sobre tecnologias móveis para inclusão digital no Brasil", Tatiana Schnoor (in Spanish), MW4D, W3C
WIRED [4 June]
"Long-Promised, Voice Commands Are Finally Going Mainstream", Alexander Gelfand, W3C, Voice Browser Working Group
CMS Wire [3 June]
"Heads-up: CSS Namespaces and You", Marisa Peacock, W3C, CSS, XML, XSL, HTML, XHTML, XSLT, XSL-FO, WCAG, accessibility
La République des Lettres [3 June]
"Logiciels libres : Brève histoire du navigateur Firefox de Mozilla.", (in French), W3C, HTML, XML, CSS, DOM, MathML, PNG
SUR.es [3 June]
"Sir Tim Berners-Lee,inventor de la Web, protagonista en la inauguración de Campus Party 2008", (in Spanish), Tim Berners-Lee, HTML, HTTP, W3C
Xconomy [3 June]
"W3C Launches eGovernment Forum, Encourages Public-Private Mashups", Wade Roush, W3C, “eGovernment, Tim Berners-Lee, XML, internationalization, accessibility
InformationWeek [2 June]
"Internet Explorer 8 Could Break Web Pages, Microsoft Warns", Paul McDougall , W3C, HTML5, CSS
Web Rank Info [2 June]
"Google change de fav", Olivier Duffez (in French), URL, HTML, W3C
ITR Manager [1 June]
"La troisième bataille des navigateurs aura lieu", Guy Hervier (in French), W3C, HTML


TSO [31 May]
"Internet Explorer 8 bêta 2 disponible cet été", (in French), W3C, PNG
TMCnet [30 May]
"The "semantic web" will make finding answers online as simple as asking the right question", Semantic Web, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C, RDF
Le site officiel des Jeux Olympiques de Beijing 2008 [29 May]
"Le site Internet officiel des Jeux paralympiques de Beijing est en ligne", (in French), W3C, accessibilité
PC Actual [29 May]
"Estándares web para los negocios", (in Spanish), W3C, accesibilidad, Web semántica
01net. [28 May]
"La bêta 2 d'Internet Explorer 8 attendue au troisième trimestre", (in French), W3C
Builder AU [28 May]
"HTML 5: A change in course... straight for the iceberg", Justin James, W3C, HTML5, CSS, DOM, HTTP
elmundo.es [28 May]
"'La Web móvil es uno de los principales retos del futuro'", Pablo Romero (in Spanish), Steve Bratt, W3C, web semántica, Tim Berners-Lee, HTML, RDF
Génération 3D [28 May]
"Internet Explorer 8 fait à nouveau parler de lui", (in French), W3C, CSS
Intelligent Enterprise Blog [28 May]
"Semantics and SOA: Don't Give Up", Neil Raden, Web services, RDF, W3C, SPARQL
ITR Manager [28 May]
"Les technologies mobiles pour réduire la fracture numérique", (in French), W3C, Web mobile pour le développement social, MW4D, Initiative Web Mobile
NetEco [28 May]
"Web mobile et développement : le W3C s'engage", Ariane Beky (in French), W3C, MW4D (Mobile Web For Social Development)
vnunet.com [28 May]
"W3C hopes mobile will bring internet to the masses", David Neal, W3C, MW4D (Mobile Web For Social Development)
Come4News [27 May]
"Internet Explorer 8 arrive bientôt en Bêta 2", (in French), W3C
Creative Search Media [27 May]
"U.S. Smartphone Users Love to Browse", W3C, MobileOK
Internet Journalists' Network [27 May]
"COLUMN: Webb on the Web", Amy Webb, XHTML, W3C, MobileOK
Libertad Digital [27 May]
"Internet Explorer 8 será compatible con los estándares web", (in Spanish), W3C
Noticiasdot.com [27 May]
"Hoy es el día del W3C", (in Spanish), W3C, accesibilidad, Web semántica
PC INpact.com [27 May]
"La bêta 2 d'Internet Explorer 8 durant le troisième trimestre", Vincent Hermann (in French), W3C
Under-Linux.org [27 May]
"Lançamento W3C Escritório Brasil", Marcus Maciel (in Spanish), W3C, Tim Berners-Lee, HTML, XML, CSS, eGov
ZDNet.co.uk [27 May]
"Cisco proposes open-source alternative to Soap", Peter Judge, SOAP, W3C, WSDL, Web Services Description Language
internetnews.com [26 May]
"Revisiting Semantic Web's Pros and Cons", Richard Adhikari, Semantic Web, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C, XML, RDF
Noticias.com [26 May]
"“Con la web 3.0 no es probable el colapso de Internet”", (in Spanish), Steve Bratt, W3C, web semántica, accesibilidad, XML
Rio Negro [26 May]
"Microsoft presentó la primera beta de IE8", (in Spanish), CSS, W3C
Indelv.com [25 May]
"What is Semantic Web Life Science?", Rob Johnson, W3C, URI, Semantic Web, RDF, XML
Java Developer's Journal [23 May]
"Good News for AJAX – The Browser Wars Are Back!", Jon Ferraiolo, HTML, W3C, CSS, DOM, SVG
Noticiasdot.com [23 May]
"Steve Bratt, CEO del W3C, explica la Web 3.0", Oriol Cortés (in Spanish), Steve Bratt, W3C, RDF
Builder AU [22 May]
"Opera Widget SDK released", W3C, HTML, CSS, DOM
Clubic.com [22 May]
"Kit de développement pour widgets Opera", (in French), W3C, CSS, HTML, DOM
CNET News.com [21 May]
"Opera's new software kit beckons to widget developers", Jessica Dolcourt, W3C, CSS, HTML
ELPAIS.com [21 May]
"La Web 3.0 llama a tu móvil", David Corral (in Spanish), Steve Bratt, W3C, Tim Berners-Lee, web semántica
ZDNet.fr [21 May]
"Un kit de développement de widgets disponible pour Opera", (in French), services web, W3C, CSS, HTML
CMS Wire [20 May]
"HOW Design: Print Designers Learn about the Web", Marisa Peacock, W3C, CSS
Homo Numericus [20 May]
"Paris capitale de la gouvernance de l’Internet", Sébastien Bachollet (in French), W3C
ISEdb.COM [20 May]
"How to Optimize for Google - Part 3 of 3", Scott Van Achte, HTTP, URL, XML, W3C, validator, HTML
sitepoint blogs [20 May]
"Web Directions Gov: Making eGovernment Reality", Nathanael Boehm, Accessibility, W3C, José Manuel Alonso, XML, XML Schema, RDF, Web Services, WCAG
01net. [16 May]
"Comment Voyages-sncf.com a travaillé son accessibilité", Stéphanie Renault (in French), accessibilité, WCAG 1.0, W3C, WCAG 2.0
Noticias.com [16 May]
"El bdigital Global Congress calienta motores", (in Spanish), Steve Bratt, W3C
EDN [15 May]
"When Web sites go bad", Paul Rako, Tim Berners-Lee, HTML, W3C, XML
ZDNet.com [15 May]
"Commercialising the Semantic Web", Paul Miller, Semantic Web, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C, Ivan Herman, SWEO, RDF
Bluhalo [14 May]
"Mobile Web 'to be worth $22bn by 2013'", W3C
PC Actual [10 May]
"Validación de las hojas de estilo en cascada", (in Spanish), CSS, validator
Web User News [9 May]
"MySpace joins the 'semantic' web", JJ O'Donoghue, Semantic Web, W3C
01net. [7 May]
"Pétition pour rendre les sites publics accessibles aux handicapés", Philippe Crouzillacq (in French), accessibilité, W3C
AppleInsider [7 May]
"Flash Wars: Adobe Fights for AIR with the Open Screen Project [Part 3 of 3]", Prince McLean, W3C, HTML5
ISEdb.COM [7 May]
"How to Optimize for Google - Part 2 of 3", Scott Van Achte, HTTP, URL, XML
Redes & Telecom [7 May]
"El Congreso Digital de Barcelona se renueva en su décimo aniversario", (in Spanish), Steve Bratt, W3C
AppleInsider [6 May]
"Flash Wars: The Many Enemies and Obstacles of Flash [Part 2 of 3]", Prince McLean, CSS, HTML5, W3C
InfoQ [6 May]
"SPARQL Update to Complete RESTful SOA Scenario", Thomas Bandholtz , SPARQL, RDF, URI, HTTP, RDF Data Access Working Group, Web Services, SOAP
xrings [6 May]
"Pétition pour l’accessibilité numérique des services publics", Frédéric Guerrier (in French), Tim Berners-Lee, W3C, WAI, accessibilité
AppleInsider [5 May]
"Flash Wars: Adobe in the History and Future of Flash [Part 1 of 3]", Prince McLean, HTML, W3C, SVG
lavanguardia.es [5 May]
"Web 3.0, la próxima generación de la red", Maite Gutiérrez (in Spanish), Tim Berners-Lee, web semántica, W3C
BetaNews [2 May]
"Digg makes official its adoption of a 'semantic Web' standard", Scott M. Fulton, III,, Semantic Web, HTML, XHTML, W3C, RDF, XML, HTTP
JDN|développeurs [2 May]
"Le W3C recommande WCAG 2.0 pour l'accessibilité Web", (in French), W3C, WCAG 2.0, accessibilité
NetEco [2 May]
"Accessibilité web : le W3C invite les développeurs à tester WCAG 2.0", Ariane Beky (in French), W3C, WCAG 2.0, accessibilité, WAI, Tim Berners-Lee
Digg the Blog [1 May]
"Digg Rolls Out DataPortability Enhancements", Steve Williams, RDFa, semantic web
sitepoint blogs [1 May]
"The Open Letter Initiative and the Mobile Web", Lisa Herrod, accessibility, W3C, Mobile Web Best Practices, WAI, WCAG, Mobile Web Initiative Best Practices Working Group
MSDN Magazine [May]
"Single-page Interface and AJAX Patterns", Dino Esposito, HTTP, DOM, W3C, accessibility, WCAG, ARIA, URL


Slashdot [29 April]
"NYTimes.com Hand-Codes HTML & CSS", HTML, CSS
Echos du Net [28 April]
"Opera 9.5 sort en bêta 2", (in French), CSS3, SVG, W3C
ISEdb.COM [28 April]
"How to Optimize for Google - Part 1 of 3", Scott Van Achte, URL
Arbol de Noticias [27 April]
"Del 20 al 22 de mayo de 2008 se celebrará la 10ª edición del bdigital Global Congress en Barcelona", (in Spanish), Steve Bratt, W3C
Reseaux et Telecoms [26 April]
"Un accès internet sur 4 en France s'effectue avec Firefox", Bertrand LEMAIRE (in French), W3C
sitepoint blogs [25 April]
"CSS Gradients, Transforms, Animations, and Masks", Kevin Yank, HTML, CSS, W3C, SVG, CSS3
PC INpact.com [24 April]
"Microsoft aimerait diviser HTML5 en éléments plus simples", Vincent Hermann (in French), HTML5, HTML, XML, CSS, W3C, DOM
Suivez le geek [18 April]
"Où l’on reparle de neutralité des réseaux", Samuel Laurent (in French), W3C, HTML, XHTML
ZDNet.co.uk [18 April]
"ISO may change its processes following OOXML debacle", Tom Espiner, XML, W3C
Intranet Journal [15 April]
"Semantic Outreach Group Ends on High Note", Jennifer Zaino, URIs, Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group, Semantic Web
Nice premium [15 April]
"L'Université Nice Sophia Antipolis fait du web une conférence", Franck Viano (in French), Daniel Dardailler, W3C, Tim Berners-Lee, accessibilité, Web sémantique
Nice Matin [14 April]
"agenda - NICE «Internet&Web : passé, présent et avenir»", (in French), Daniel Dardailler, W3C
IB com [12 April]
"Pourquoi et comment soigner l’accessibilité d’un site web", Christian Rufi (in French), WAI, Accessibility, W3C, CSS, CSS3, WCAG, Tim Berners-Lee
IET Engineering and Technology [12 April]
"Meaningful images", Adrian Matellanes and Simon Waddington, RDF, OWL, W3C, semantic Web
MacUser [11 April]
"Web of Tomorrow", Nik Rawlinson, CSS, W3C
SophiaNet.com [11 April]
"Nice : "Internet & Web : Past, Present, Future" par le directeur Europe du W3C", Jean-Pierre Largillet (in French), W3C, Daniel Dardailler, Tim Berners-Lee, accessibilité, Web Sémantique
AdmiNet [10 April]
"Isoc France : Trop c’est trop ! — Réponse de Sébastien Bachollet", Sébastien Bachollet (in French), W3C, Daniel Dardailler
Il Sole 24 ORE [10 April]
"ACCESSIBILITY. An interview with Vicki Hanson (IBM)", Luca Chittaro, Accessibility, W3C
Micro mart [10 April]
"Change Your Browser", Aaron Birch, W3C, HTML
Micro mart [10 April]
"Get To Grips With RSS Feeds", Roland Waddilove, RDF, XML, URL, validator, HTML
Micro mart [10 April]
"Standards Please", Mike Perry, W3C
Webuser [10 April]
"A question of semantics", JJ O'Donoghue, semantic web, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C, Ivan Herman
01net. [9 April]
"Compatibilité : le match des navigateurs Web", David Maume (in French), W3C, HTML, DOM, CSS, SVG
01net. [9 April]
"Firefox : priorité à la stabilité", David Maume (in French), W3C
01net. [9 April]
"Internet Explorer : du pain sur la planche...", David Maume (in French), W3C
InfoQ [8 April]
"Cool URIs in a RESTful World", Thomas Bandholtz, Semantic Web Education and Outreach (SWEO), W3C, Tim Berners-Lee, URI, HTTP
Hardware Magazine [8 April]
"La guerre des navigateurs", Manuel Da Costa (in French), Amaya, XML, MathML, SVG, XHTML, CSS2, HTML, W3C, PNG
SVG.org [7 April]
"The future of web graphics", W3C, CSS, DOM, HTML, PNG, SMIL, SVG, XML
Linux Pratique Essentiel #1 [5 April]
"Le Montage Vidéo", Fleur Brosseau (in French), SMIL, W3C, XML
Linux Format [5 April]
"What On Earth is... HTML 5", Graham Morrison, HTML5, URL, CSS, W3C
01net. [4 April]
"Compatibilité : le match des navigateurs Web", David Maume (in French), W3C, HTML, DOM, CSS, SVG
Bakchich.info [4 April]
"Les empereurs du Net au pays des sites cantonnés", Nidam Abdi (in French), W3C, Tim Berners-Lee, HTML, XML, CSS
Computeractive [3 April]
"Designing web pages", Bill Munns, W3C
Linux + [3 April]
"HTML next generation", (in French), HTML, W3C, HTML5, XHTML, XML, Dan Connolly, Karl Dubost
TMCnet [3 April]
"Execs at CTIA From W3C to Virgin Mobile and Start-Ups Produce Fresh Advice for Bringing Web 2.0 to the Handset", Steve Bratt, W3C
TOOLinux [3 April]
"La normalisation du format MS-OOXML à l’ISO a bien eu lieu", (in French), XML, W3C
InfoQ [2 April]
"XSD, Schematron, and the Real World", Thomas Bandholtz, XSL, SVG, XQuery, XML, W3C, XML Schema, WSDL, SAWSDL, Semantic Web
ITR Manager [2 April]
"Normalisation Open XML : Les points de vue de l'April et de l'Aful", (in French), W3C
Sophianet [2 April]
"L'enjeu Galileo au 2ème Pacific Workshop à Sophia", Jean-Pierre Largillet (in French), W3C
<XML>fr [1 April]
"Version de travail stcML 1.0", Eric van der Vlist (in French), W3C, XML Schema
Database and Network Journal [1 April]
"Businesses are embracing an XML future to prepare for changing times", Alex Brown, XML, W3C
Enjeux [1 April]
"WEB SERVICES POLICY 1.5, SPÉCIFICATION CLÉ POUR LE W3C", Jean-Claude Tourneur (in French), W3C, Web Services Policy, WS-Addressing
Programmez [1 April]
"HTML5 : le langage qui va changer le visage du web", Jean-Baptiste Boisseau (in French), HTML, XHTML, DOM, W3C, HTML5, XML, SVG
Programmez [1 April]
"Quelle interopérabilité Java / .NET ?", Loic Guillois (in French), W3C, SOAP, WSDL
Respect Magazine [1 April]
"L'internet du futur", Jean-Marie Bagayoko (in French), Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
The New Straits Times Online [1 April]
"Not blind to the Internet ", Ridzwan A. Rahim , Accessibility, WAI, W3C, WCAG
Abondance [April]
"La commande DOCTYPE est-elle importante pour le référencement ?", (in French), HTML, W3C, XML, XHTML, URL
Computer Shopper [April]
"Build a Better Website", Tom Gorham, HTML, CSS, W3C, validator
Computer Shopper [April]
"Web-design software", Karl Wright, W3C, HTML, CSS
PC PRO (UK) [April]
"Content is king", Tom Arah, XML, HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, HTML5, W3C, CSS, accessibility


<XML>fr [31 March]
"Dix années de XML à l'ABES", Eric van der Vlist (in French), XML, XSLT, XQuery, W3C XML Schema, XForms, RDF, Web Sémantique
INFOBAEprofesional.com [31 March]
"¿Qué hay detrás del anuncio de Microsoft sobre los estándares abiertos?", Federico Heinz (in Spanish), W3C
Macworld [31 March]
"The browser bunch", Joe Kissell, HTML, W3C, XHTML, CSS, XML, Web Services
TechRepublic.com [31 March]
"Disclose data collection practices via privacy policies", Tony Patton, W3C, HTML, URL, HTTP
Telegraph.co.uk [30 March]
"Tim Berners-Lee: a very British boffin", Alastair Smart, Tim Berners-Lee, HTML, URL
InformationWeek [29 March]
"HTML5 Jumps Off The Drawing Board", Mike Lee , XML, World Wide Web Consortium, HTML, W3C, XHTML, CSS, HTML5, DOM
guardian.co.uk [28 March]
"Escape from the Technological Maze", Charles Arthur, HTML, W3C, Cascading Style Sheets, W3C Validator
Mundo Móvil [28 March]
"Tecnologías móviles para el desarrollo social", (in Spanish), José Manuel Alonso, Stéphane Boyera, W3C
ZDNet.com [28 March]
"The Semantic Web - Why kill Google?", Paul Miller , Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
BetaNews [27 March]
"Safari for Mac, Opera for Windows both claim 100% on Acid3", Scott M. Fulton III, SVG, W3C
MacMod.com [27 March]
"Opera & WebKit score 100% and fails.", Chris Tangora, W3C
sitepoint blogs [26 March]
"Microsoft set to launch Semantic Web light", David Peterson, Semantic Web, W3C, RDF
PC Authority [25 March]
"Getting to grips with HTML basics", Will Head, W3C, Tim Berners-Lee, HTML
ReadWriteWeb [25 March]
"Semantic Web Patterns: A Guide to Semantic Technologies", Alex Iskold, Semantic Web, Tim Berners-Lee, RDF, OWL, web services, W3C, HTML, CSS, XML
Business Standard [24 March]
"The not so open debate", XML, W3C
CNews [24 March]
"Russian voice technologies available to foreigners", W3C, VoiceXML, SSML
LinuxWorld [24 March]
"A hard problem", Patent Policy, W3C
Creative Search Media [25 March]
"How Sloppy Website Design Hinders Online Success", HTML, W3C, accessibility, CSS, HTML validator
Openweb.eu.org [21 March]
"Pourquoi les standards du W3C ?", Denis Boudreau, Tristan Nitot (in French), W3C, HTML, XML, Web services, CSS, XHTML, validateur, DOM
internetnews.com [20 March]
"Yahoo Wants Sites to Play Ball on Semantic Web", Kenneth Corbin, Semantic Web, RDF, W3C, HTML
Virtualization [20 March]
"TopQuadrant Software Imports Email MetaData into Enterprise-Class Semantic Applications", GRDDL, RDFa, RDF, SPARQL, W3C, Semantic Web
Webuser [20 March]
"Surfing the semantic web", JJ O'Donoghue, Semantic Web, Tim Berners-lee, W3C
BLORGE.com [19 March]
"Flash is outgrowing Adobe, time for it to go open source?", Matt Jansen, SVG, W3C
Builder AU [19 March]
"Firefox 3 offers numerous features for developers", Tony Patton, HTML, PNG, W3C, DOM, XSLT
InfoWorld [19 March]
"iPhone 2.0: Safari hosts local apps; SQL on a smartphone!; go get Safari 3.1 now", Tom Yager, CSS, XML, W3C, HTML 5, CSS 3, SVG, DOM, HTTP
"Exclusive Q&A on SMash with IBM's Rod Smith", Jeremy Geelan, W3C, XML, Web Services
BusinessWire [18 March]
"W3C Welcomes Community Discussion at WWW2008 Track", W3C, World Wide Web Consortium, Tim Berners-Lee, Accessibility, HTML, Internationalization, Semantic Web
internetnews.com [18 March]
"Apple Safari 3.1 - The Fastest Browser Yet?", Sean Michael Kerner, HTML 5, W3C, CSS
Search Engine Roundtable [18 March]
"Search Engine Friendly Design", URL, accessibility, HTML, W3C, CSS
The Financial Express [18 March]
"British scientist warns against 'Big Brother' software", Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
BBC News [17 March]
"Web creator rejects net tracking", Rory Cellan-Jones , Tim Berners-Lee
InformationWeek [17 March]
"Internet Explorer 8 Could Break Applications, Gartner Warns", Paul McDougall , W3C, HTML 5
The Inquirer [17 March]
"Web's creator slams targeted ads", Sylvie Barak, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
WebProNews [17 March]
"Google Research Scientist Stresses Accessibility", Doug Caverly , Accessibility, W3C
Web Worker Daily [17 March]
"File Conversion Tools for Saving Time and Hassle", Samuel Dean, HTML, W3C
sitepoint blogs [16 March]
"Why RDFa is the only Web scaleable metadata format for next-generation search engines", David Peterson, RDFa, semantic web, accessibility, W3C, URL
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog [15 March]
"Tips for making information universally accessible", T.V. Raman, HTML, W3C, Web Content Access Guidelines, accessibility
TechRepublic.com [14 March]
"How do I… Use Flash animation to duplicate the marquee tag effect?", John Lee, CSS, HTML, W3C
Tomb Raider Chronicles [14 March]
InfonoNEWS [13 March]
"El W3C examina el El Papel de las Tecnologías Móviles en la Promoción del Desarrollo Social", (in Spanish), W3C
ZDNet.co.uk [13 March]
"Breaking the Web", Gary Edwards, W3C, HTML, CSS, XHTML
BusinessWire [11 March]
" W3C to Examine Role of Mobile Technologies in Fostering Social Development Workshop Participants Will Discuss How To Unleash the Power of Mobile Phones for Delivering eServices", W3C
Virtualization Journal [11 March]
"New Perspectives on Governance, Management, and Industry Standards in the Service-Oriented Enterprise", Web services, W3C
"Podcast with Steve Bratt", World Wide Web Consortium, W3C
AppScout [10 March]
"SXSW: Browser Wars Become Browser Peace? Not Quite", Kyle Monson, HTML, CSS, W3C, SVG, Dan Connolly
Builder AU [6 March]
"WaSP releases Acid3", Lana Kovacevic, W3C Document Object Model
CIO [6 March]
"Internet Explorer 8 Promises Better Standards Compliance...and a Whole Lot More", Esther Schindler, CSS, HTML 5, W3C, accessibility, ARIA
Digital Trends [6 March]
"Internet Explorer 8 Beta Touts Standards", Geoff Duncan, W3C, CSS
Dr. Dobb's Portal [6 March]
"SD West: HTML 5", Kevin Carlson, HTML 5, W3C, CSS, DOM
ITworld.com [6 March]
"Microsoft debuts IE 8, aims for CSS interoperability", Elizabeth Montalbano, CSS, W3C
TechNewsWorld [6 March]
"Microsoft Gives Web Devs New Tools in IE8 Beta", Richard Adhikari, HTML, CSS, XHTML, W3C, XML
RealTechNews [5 March]
"Microsoft Demos, Releases First Beta of Internet Explorer 8", Michael Santo, CSS, W3C, web services
Wired Blog Network [4 March]
"Microsoft Backs Down: Internet Explorer 8 Will Embrace Web Standards After All", Scott Gilbertson, W3C, HTML, CSS
PCWORLD.ca [3 March]
"Internet Explorer 8 coming soon", Megan Burger, W3C
revista80dias.es [3 March]
"Paradores simplifica y agiliza su página ‘web’", (in Spanish), accesibilidad, W3C
ZDNet.co.uk [3 March]
"ISO Credibility", Gary Edwards, W3C
TECH.BLORGE.com [2 March]
"Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 8 enters beta testing", Jonathan Schlaffer, W3C
Inter CDI [1 March]
"Le groupe W3C vient de livrer la première ébauche de ce que pourrait être le HTML5", (in French), W3C, HTML, HTML5, Tim Berners-Lee
ZDNet.co.uk [1 March]
"Not 1,500 extensions", Buck ("Marbux") Martin , W3C, Compound Document Formats, XML, HTML, CSS


toolinux [29 February]
"L’éditeur Web Amaya à la puissance 10.0", Amaya, W3C, HTML, XHTML, SVG, MathML, CSS, XML, HTTP, SMIL
silicon.fr [28 February]
"Amaya, l'éditeur officiel du W3C, est mis à jour", David Feugey (in French), Amaya, W3C, HTML, XHTML, CSS, MathML, SVG, SMIL
GNT Generation Nouvelles Technologies [27 February]
"Amaya: version 10.0 pour le navigateur et éditeur Web du W3C", Jérôme G. (in French), Amaya, W3C, HTML open source, CSS, SMIL, XHTML
LINUXFR.ORG [27 February]
"Sortie d'Amaya 10", Emilien Kia (in French), Amaya, W3C, XHTML, MathML, XML, CSS
Talis (Podcast) [27 February]
"Sir Tim Berners-Lee Talks about the Semantic Web", Paul Miller, Tim Berners-Lee, World Wide Web Consortium, GRDDL, OWL, SPARQL, W3C, Tim Berners-Lee
ZDNet [26 February]
"Sir Tim Berners-Lee: Semantic Web is open for business", Paul Miller, Semantic Web, Tim Berners-lee, W3C, World Wide Web Consortium, SPARQL, HTML, SML, RDF
REG Developer [20 February]
"All aboard the WS-* standards express", Tom Welsh, web services, SOAP, W3C, HTTP, WSDL
NetEco [13 February]
"Le W3C fête les 10 ans du XML", Ariane Beky (in French), W3C, XML, XSLT, XQuery, DOM, SVG, VoiceXML, SOAP, HTTP
ad.hoc.news [12 February]
"W3C XML is Ten!", W3C, XML, interntionalization, XSLT, XQuery, XML Schema, XML Signature, SVG, VoiceXML, SOAP, World Wide Web Consortium
centredaily.com [12 February]
"W3C XML is Ten!", W3C, XML, World Wide Web Consortium, interntionalization, XSLT, XQuery, XML Schema, SVG, VoiceXML, SOAP
InfoWorld [12 February]
"XML 10th anniversary celebration set", Paul Krill, XML, World Wide Web Consortium, W3C, XSLT, XQuery, XML Signature
xconomy [12 February]
"Happy 10th Birthday, XML", Wade Roush, XML, World Wide Web Consortium, W3C
ComputerWeekly.com [11 February]
"Web 2.0: What does it constitute?", Nick Langley, Tim Berners-Lee, XML, HTML, CSS, W3C, SOAP, HTTP, Semantic Web, Steven Pemberton, RDF
HWSW [7 February]
"Megjelent a HTML 5 első nyilvános vázlata (Approx transl: HTML 5 First Public Draft published)", (in Hungarian), HTML, W3C, SVG, XForms, CSS
DiarioTi.com [6 February]
"Nombran a los 45 principales pioneros de las TI", (in Spanish), Tim Berners-Lee
hobo [2 February]
"Time To Clean Up The Web With HTML 5", Shaun Anderson, HTML, W3C, CSS, World Wide Web Consortium, Tim Berners-Lee
.net [February]
"Kath Moonan on... Anti-social networks", Kath Moonan, W3C, WAI, HTML, accessibility


Metro Teknik [29 January]
"Den semantiska webben automatiserar surfandet (Approx transl: "The semantic web automates web surfing")", Aron Andersson (in Swedish)
CIO.com [28 January]
"Will your Company “Sparkle” in 2008? The State of Semantic Web", Mitch De Felice, World Wide Web Consortium, W3C, SPARQL, OWL, RDF, Resource Description Framework, XML
CNET [25 January]
World Wide Web Consortium releases draft of HTML 5, Adrian Bridgwater, HTML 5, W3C, Royalty-Free
Computer Sweden [25 January]
"Smarta sökningar med semantik (Approx transl: "Smart searching with semantics")", Anders Lotsson (in Swedish)
Internetnets.com [25 January]
HTML 5 Hits First Public Working Draft , Sean Michael Kerner, HTML 5, W3C
LeMondeInformatique.fr [24 January]
"Le W3C lève un coin du voile sur HTML 5", Cyrille Chausson, W3C, HTML, DOM, XML
écrans [23 January]
"« Premier brouillon » pour le futur du web", Sébastien Delahaye (in French), HTML, W3C, World Wide Web Consortium, XHTML
"Le W3C publie le premier document de travail sur HTML 5", (in French), W3C, HTML, XML
LINUXFR.ORG [23 January]
"Le W3C met en route le premier brouillon de HTML 5", zchark (in French), W3C, HTML, XHTML
NetEco [23 January]
"Le W3C publie une prémière ébauche de HTML5", Ariane Beky (in French), W3C, HTML, World Wide Web Consortium, Tim Berners-Lee
PCINpact.com [23 January]
"Le W3C publie le premier brouillon du HTML 5", Vincent Hermann (in French), W3C, HTML, Tim Berners-Lee
silicon.fr [23 January]
"Le W3C vient de publier un premier brouillon pour l'HTML 5", Arnaud Dimberton, W3C, HTML, World Wide Web Consortium, Tim Berners-Lee, XML, CSS
Sophianet [23 January]
"Langage de balisage Web : en route vers HTML 5 ! ", Jean-Pierre Largillet (in French), HTML, World Wide Web Consortium, W3C, Tim Berners-Lee, XML
ZD Net [23 January]
"How will HTML 5 change the Web?", Dana Blankenhorn, W3C, HTML 5
ad.hoc.news [22 January]
"W3C Publishes HTML 5 Draft, Future of Web Content", W3C, HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, XML, World Wide Web Consortium, Patent Policy
ars technica [22 January]
"First HTML 5 working draft arrives from W3C", Ryan Paul, HTML, W3C, World Wide Web Consortium, Tim Berners-Lee, accessibility, CSS, CSS 3
InfoWorld [22 January]
"W3C offers HTML 5 draft", Paul Krill, W3C, HTML, World Wide Web Consortium, XML, DOM, Patent Policy
ZDNet.fr [21 January]
"Le W3C donne un coup d'accélérateur au Web sémantique avec Sparql", Peter Judge (in French), W3C, Web Sémantique, Sparql, World Wide Web Consortium, Tim Berners-Lee, RDF, WSDL
ITPRO [17 January]
"Semantic web adds a touch of SPARQL", Miya Knights, Semantic Web, SPARQL, World Wide Web Consortium, W3C, RDF, Tim Berners-Lee, web services, OWL, GRDDL, WSDL, XQuery
Reseaux-Telecoms.net [17 January]
"SPARQL, des recommandations du W3C pour faire décoller le Web sémantique", Cyrille CHAUSSON (in French), SPARQL, W3C, Web Sémantique, RDF, Tim Berners-Lee, OWL, GRDDL, XML, RDF Data Access Working Group
Sophianet [17 January]
"W3C : un grand pas vers le Web Sémantique avec "sparkle"", Jean-Pierre Largillet (in French), W3C, Web Sémantique, SPARQL, World Wide Web Consortium, RDF, Tim Berners-Lee, XQuery, HTTP, SOAP, OWL, GRDDL, WSDL, Web Services
centredaily.com [16 January]
"W3C Opens Data on the Web with SPARQL", W3C, SPARQL, http Semantic Web, Tim Berners-Lee, XQuery, SOAP, WSDL, RDF, XML, World Wide Web Consortium
"Le W3C ouvre les données sur le Web avec SPARQL", (in French), W3C, SPARQL, XQuery, HTTP, SOAP, OWL, RDF, GRDDL, WSDL, Web Services
LeMondeInformatique.fr [16 January]
"Le W3C fait un grand pas en avant pour le Web sémantique", Cyrille Chausson (in French), WC3, Web Sémantique, RDF, SPARQL, Tim Berners-Lee, OWL, GRDDL, XML, RDF, Data Access Working Group
onestopclick [16 January]
"W3C boosts semantic web", W3C, Semantic Web, World Wide Web Consortium, SPARQL
Slashdot [16 January]
" SPARQL Graduates to W3C Recommendation", W3C, Semantic Web
Information Technology News [15 January]
"W3C Opens Data on the Web with SPARQL", W3C, SPARQL, World Wide Web Consortium, Semantic Web, XQuerty, RDF, OWL, GRDDL, Web Services, WSDL
InfoWorld [15 January]
"Semantic Web takes big step forward", Paul Krill, Semantic Web, World Wide Web Consortium, SPARQL, W3C, RDF, healthcare and life sciences, OWL, GRDDL, WSDL, XML