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Google Research Scientist Stresses Accessibility

Impress both the Googlebot and the visually impaired

At some point, you may find yourself spending hours agonizing over a site's color scheme and fonts.  This is fine, but a post from Google's T.V. Raman should remind everyone of the more basic need for accessibility.

Making Website Accessible
 T.V. Raman And Hubbell

On the Webmaster Central Blog, Raman asks, "Why should you take the time to make your site more accessible?  In addition to the service you'll be doing for the visually-impaired community, accessible sites are more easily crawled, which is a first step in your site's ability to appear in search results."

It's important, then, to make sure that image-less versions of your pages function well.  Raman also suggests keeping things navigable by keyboard, and rather than worrying about exact shades of sky blue, you can make sure the site looks okay on a monochrome display.  Solid content is essential, too.

For anyone who's interested in more ideas, Raman suggests, "The W3C publishes numerous guidelines including Web Content Access Guidelines that are helpful for website owners and authors."

And now, with accessibility issues duly covered, the editorial "we" would just like to say what a pretty animal Raman's dog is.

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About the author:
Doug is a staff writer for WebProNews. Visit WebProNews for the latest eBusiness news.


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