Chaand Nagpaul


GP, London, Chair BMA Council, past chair BMA GP c'tee (2013-2017). The NHS is a revered public service not a shopping mall. All views expressed are personal

Se unió en marzo de 2012

los Tweets

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  1. Tweet fijado
    1 ene.

    2020 will be remembered as the most physically and emotionally challenging year in our professional lives. My New Year message looks back at the last year and a look forward to 2021 as the year to rebuild.

  2. retwitteó
    22 abr.

    "The COVID-19 pandemic has shone a critical light on the communication and dissemination of health information to patients and the public." Read the blog from on the importance of our Patient Information Awards

  3. retwitteó
    hace 7 horas

    Productive week at World Medical Association virtually, in Korea with

  4. hace 7 horas

    The pandemic will not end until we tackle Covid in every nation and this is a time for global cooperation, solidarity and support for one another. Pleased to have proposed this motion on behalf of at World Medical Association Council today with unanimous support.

  5. retwitteó
    hace 8 horas

    Delighted that world health leaders have unanimously backed a motion proposed by our chair of council today for urgent, practical action to be taken to tackle the crisis around the world. The pandemic will not end until we tackle Covid in every nation.

  6. retwitteó
    22 abr.

    How do we tackle structural racism and inequality? Via at the

  7. hace 13 horas

    So good to see newly created regional networks supporting and giving voice to ethnic minority doctors and medical students on the ground

  8. hace 13 horas

    This flies in the face of the Sewell report’s assertion of ‘the onward march of minorities into positions of power and responsibility in medicine’ .. need to openly accept clear evidence of structural barriers to progression for ethnic minorities if we’re to achieve change in NHS

  9. hace 14 horas

    Promising real world data showing vaccines are working but reinforces that Covid endgame depends on global vaccination coverage - needs collective commitment across all nations to equitable international vaccine supplies

  10. retwitteó
    22 abr.

    "Written in a sensitive manner...with a fantastic impact." We're delighted that our guide for gay and bi men with or worried about prostate cancer has been longlisted for this year's PLG Patient Information Awards. Download or order the booklet:

  11. retwitteó
    22 abr.

    Our members have told us they had to resort to buying their own PPE or relied on donations from schools to protect themselves and their colleagues … this report is, sadly, not news to us. Read the full response from

  12. retwitteó
    22 abr.

    "If there is any doubt in people’s minds about the existence of structural racism, let alone its damaging effects on health, several recent BMJ articles should help." in the latest Editor's Choice

  13. retwitteó
    22 abr.

    Today on , we remember Stephen and celebrate his legacy of change. We must keep working towards a society of greater equality and inclusion for all.

  14. retwitteó
    22 abr.

    Members of our UK IMG healthcare community will be concerned about friends and relatives abroad as the situation worsens in India, Brazil and many countries. Our wellbeing services are here to support you - and you don’t need to be a BMA member

  15. retwitteó
    21 abr.

    Reminder that our Divisional meeting with and takes place this evening at 7pm

  16. retwitteó
    21 abr.

    Dame Donna Kinnair , and I all share the clear view that must act to support and give them hope that the help they so desperately need will come

    Mostrar este hilo
  17. retwitteó
    19 abr.

    After years of lobbying and negotiations, are being offered new roles with better recognition and career prospects.  has interviewed a number of doctors on the story so far, and their hopes for the future:

  18. retwitteó
    18 abr.

    Member event reminder 🔊 Divisional meeting ‘Protecting, supporting & representing doctors through the pandemic & beyond’ on 21/04, 7pm via MTeams Guest speakers Chair of BMA council, Chair of BMA NI council Email to register

  19. retwitteó
    15 abr.

    Our latest COVID tracker survey for doctors and medical students is now open. This is your chance to get involved with our lobbying work across the media, and directly with politicians and policy makers.

    Two people are shown walking a busy street, with face masks. The caption is: "COVID-19 survey for NHS doctors."
  20. retwitteó
    18 abr.
    En respuesta a y a

    Policies to bring people out of poverty,to have opportunities,a stake in society,to have the basics provided for-well,& not have absolutely everything monetised;for every life to be valued-no matter the skin colour,is the foundation for the change that needs to happen

  21. 18 abr.

    Thanks for a great thread with wise tips to support equality for ethnic minority medical students and doctors


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