
'The Idol' Goes Down as HBO's All-Time Worst Series by taptapper in television

[–]JCBadger1234 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The thing is, while his character is supposed to be creepy, he's also supposed to be charming. He's supposed to be the kind of guy who can draw all these "super-talented" people into his web, and get them to do whatever he says. And they completely failed in showing him to be anything close to that sort of person. How much of that is due to acting vs direction is up in the air, but he certainly didn't do himself any favors in what was shown on screen.

You can't have a cult leader who is just all crazy and no charm - Jim Jones didn't start out with the mass suicide talk. You have to be able to draw in those followers before you can get to the "act like a petulant child 24/7 and still be worshipped" stage.

Rainn Wilson says he wasn't happy while filming 'The Office' because 'it wasn't enough' by elizebethk in television

[–]JCBadger1234 0 points1 point  (0 children)

a ripoff of Jack Black

I've never even seen this movie, but based on his performance in Avenue 5, I immediately assumed you were talking about Gad, and went to google it before reading your last paragraph where it was made clear.

All throughout Avenue 5, I kept thinking how much better it would be with a younger Jack Black instead of Josh Gad, the TV curse, in that role.

Brook Lopez signed as a 30 year old Free Agent with the Bucks in 2018 for $3m. At the end of his latest contract, he will have almost made over $100m with the Bucks. by tdotshark in nba

[–]JCBadger1234 49 points50 points  (0 children)

And when Connaughton came here, expectations were super low. I remember Blazers fans all saying "you'll love him on the team as a bench guy, but you don't want him playing any important minutes." And at the time, they were right.

But he just kept on improving, and became a legitimately good player hitting clutch 3s in a championship run (and even managed to cut down on the number of times he shows off that impressive vert with his patented "jump on a pump fake and fly by the shooter" move.)

Bobby "Know Your Role" Portis completed his 3rd consecutive season without a single unassisted 3 point make by moosehunter22 in nba

[–]JCBadger1234 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Was gonna say, no one mentioned his super slow windup/release. Half the time I'm surprised the closer doesn't get a block on him, and then it goes in.

I’m legitimately fuming by SweetSecond5900 in theidol

[–]JCBadger1234 5 points6 points  (0 children)

She was threatening to sell her to sex slavery and Rue just went back to school in everyone's loving arms.

While a fair criticism - at the same time, the drug dealer lady's share of that suitcase of drugs was really only supposed to be like three or four thousand bucks, and Rue brought a decent share of that to her with her burglary money (even not counting the jewelry). So Rue probably only really owed her maybe a thousand?

Enough to maybe do the sex slavery thing when she's already right there, trapped in your locked apartment and desperate for opiates. But to go out and kidnap her or do anything like that?

(And that's not getting into the fact that drug-dealer-lady would start having police attention on her after the business in Fez's apartment and what giant-lipped-girl said on the wire.)

After being silenced by the powers that be, droppingdimes20 is back and continuing to accurately announce free agency signings. by carefullywasnt in nba

[–]JCBadger1234 7 points8 points  (0 children)

But who else could have possibly predicted Middleton staying with the Bucks or Kyrie staying with the team that could pay him the most??? (/s)

[Amick] Harden is, according to sources close to him, extremely upset at the way in which the Sixers handled his possible free agency and has made his dissatisfaction clear to the organization. by Purple-List1577 in nba

[–]JCBadger1234 8 points9 points  (0 children)

he did sacrifice though because he could have made them sign him to a long-term max and locked in that money, but he didn't.

He didn't just do this out of the deep generosity of his heart, he did it because doing that wouldn't serve his other purpose - ring chasing.

It's not "sacrifice" if you're expecting to get it later, and it's not "sacrifice" when taking less serves his other purposes more.

He gave up money for something in return - the chance to contend. He failed, and now he's not worth quite as much. That's not getting fucked, that's just things not going the way he wanted them to.

[Amick] Harden is, according to sources close to him, extremely upset at the way in which the Sixers handled his possible free agency and has made his dissatisfaction clear to the organization. by Purple-List1577 in nba

[–]JCBadger1234 4 points5 points  (0 children)

You have no idea what he did or didn't say. If he did say something like that, then Harden was being awfully disingenuous when he soaked up the "sacrifice" aspect of the deal.

Talking about how you're taking less for the team, when you really have an expectation of some secret, backroom, handshake deal to give you "what you're worth" a year later, that seems like he'd have to be awfully full of shit.

[Amick] Harden is, according to sources close to him, extremely upset at the way in which the Sixers handled his possible free agency and has made his dissatisfaction clear to the organization. by Purple-List1577 in nba

[–]JCBadger1234 63 points64 points  (0 children)

He's in his mid-thirties, he's in physical decline, and no matter how poorly Embiid may have performed, Harden also put up the biiiiig stinkers when it counted.

If he thinks he's owed a max/supermax because he had a good (but not supermax good) regular season making "only" $36 million (or whatever it was), then he's not very good at estimating his value. It's clear that none of the teams that had cap space, including his old Rockets, thought he was worth more than that.

This is like Masai telling Derozan he wouldn't be traded before finding out they could Kawhi back for him - is it a bit of a dick move to "go back on your word?" Maybe, but it's a business decision that Harden would have had to see coming after those last two performances, just like Derozan should have known there's no true "guarantee" of not being traded (other than a NTC).

[Amick] Harden is, according to sources close to him, extremely upset at the way in which the Sixers handled his possible free agency and has made his dissatisfaction clear to the organization. by Purple-List1577 in nba

[–]JCBadger1234 7 points8 points  (0 children)

there aren't any teams out there that will pay him what he was looking for because none of them have the cap space.

Rockets had more than enough cap space. They're going with FVV instead.

He didn't get fucked. He knowingly chose to give up money to have a chance to contend. And we know this was knowingly, because he didn't fail to remind people throughout the season about his "sacrifice."

Now he's upset because no one thinks he's worth as much as he does.

Remember the Rеdditor who raised money for the “Fire GarPax” billboard? Pretty sure he stole most of the money. by MysteriousStorm2620 in nba

[–]JCBadger1234 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Oh, I have no doubt the demand is there.

But if you've ever driven on the freeway in/around Chicago, you would know how insane this company goes with their billboards.

Like, if you didn't already get the desire to look up this company with the first 30 identical billboards in a <5 mile span, another 200 probably aren't going to convince you.

Remember the Rеdditor who raised money for the “Fire GarPax” billboard? Pretty sure he stole most of the money. by MysteriousStorm2620 in nba

[–]JCBadger1234 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Jesus, how much does that hair replacement company spend per year for all those billboards along the freeways (if those are still all up, it's been a while since I've been down that way)? And that's on top of paying their spokespeople like Urlacher.

[Amick] Harden is, according to sources close to him, extremely upset at the way in which the Sixers handled his possible free agency and has made his dissatisfaction clear to the organization. by Purple-List1577 in nba

[–]JCBadger1234 88 points89 points  (0 children)

He didn't get "swindled." He took one year of reduced pay (and performed down to that pay in the playoffs) on a team that was supposed to contend. He did so after underperforming in the playoffs the year before. He could have received more money, but not from a team with any hope of getting him that ring he was chasing, so that wasn't an option.

Now, he's getting his way again, forcing his way to another team that will pay him what he was looking for from the Sixers, even after the most recent choke-job, with Bird rights intact (which he wouldn't have if he left in FA last year).

In do-or-die playoff games in their 76ers career, Harden averaged 10/5/8 with 4.5 turnovers on 47.9%TS. Ben Simmons averaged 12/8/8 with 3.7 turnovers on 63.4%TS by NarrativeEnergy in nba

[–]JCBadger1234 3 points4 points  (0 children)

It totally is. He even accuses a guy of being "Awkward Speech," an account that has been banned for years, who always argued with "club."

Which is odd for someone with a month old account.....

[Haynes] NBA star Kyrie Irving intends to meet with the Phoenix Suns when the free agency period begins on June 30, league sources tell @NBAonTNT, @BleacherReport. by Michael_B_Lopez in nba

[–]JCBadger1234 67 points68 points  (0 children)

Nah man, it was totally in solidarity with people who lost their jobs due to being too stupid to get vaccinated...

... Just ignore that part where once the city pushed through an exception from the mandate for athletes/entertainers, he immediately stopped caring about that cause. Whoops.

Exclusive: WHO's cancer research agency to say aspartame sweetener a possible carcinogen-sources by lukalux3 in news

[–]JCBadger1234 17 points18 points  (0 children)

It just irks me to try and find canned fruit, and they add sweeteners! Who needs added fucking sugar to peaches or pears?! Or Applesauce?

Pretty sure that's because the canning process (without adding sugar) leads the fruits losing flavor and sweetness. And reading about it now, adding sugar apparently helps the fruit keep its form, texture, and color, so you're not just getting generic fruit mush when you buy canned fruit.

So it's not just adding sugar for sugar's sake like soda, but actually has a purpose. (Though some or all of those purposes may be able to be accomplished through other means.)

Iron Range man sentenced to 12 years for child sexual abuse by uniqualykerd in news

[–]JCBadger1234 5 points6 points  (0 children)

All I said was they don’t deserve any special protections

Uh huh. Here's what you actually said:

that’s unfair to their victims that they get a humane treatment

Don't be a puss and walk it back now, own what you meant to say the first time.

A 33-year-old man fell 4,000 feet to his death from the Grand Canyon Skywalk in Arizona, authorities say | CNN by librarianjenn in news

[–]JCBadger1234 2 points3 points  (0 children)

And I have to wonder about those other statistics about how many people regret the attempt, how those studies were conducted, etc.

Any person who has dealt with mental illness to the point of attempting suicide would know that there are some things you can't say out loud about your struggles to various people, if you're not looking to get sent (back) to a psych ward as "a danger to yourself." And hearing stories about how "suicide watch" in places like hospitals and prisons operate, I can't imagine too many people want to experience THAT more than once, regardless of whether they regret the attempt or not.

So I'd have to imagine there's definitely a non-zero percent share of the group that says they regret it, who actually don't.

/r/nba mods close the sub during the closeout game of the Finals. They finally reopen the sub yesterday, and it turns out they were still making threads to discuss the game and the championship while everyone else was locked out. Needless to say that the comeback announcement hasn't gone well... by Common_Crane in SubredditDrama

[–]JCBadger1234 46 points47 points  (0 children)

I use the mobile site as well (I think I tried RIF a while ago and didn't like it for some reason), but you have to admit the mobile site sucks.

Especially with all the "Hey, you should view this in the app" pop-up things, that will sometimes pop up for me when I click to expand some comments (and take me back up to the top of the comments, losing my place.)

At this point, I'm essentially using the mobile site out of spite, not wanting to let that intrusive advertising win by getting me to download any app from them. The fact that their app apparently sucks major balls and is probably worse than the mobile site is just a happy coincidence.

Reddit CEO slams protest leaders, calls them 'landed gentry' by OutsideObserver2 in news

[–]JCBadger1234 32 points33 points  (0 children)

And the guy is worth like $10 million, in California. So basically nothing special.

Bitch, you aren't the slave master in this hypothetical, you're one of the first easy targets.

Unabomber Ted Kaczynski found dead in prison cell by Schiffy94 in news

[–]JCBadger1234 43 points44 points  (0 children)

And not for a positive feel good story.

Eh, I always saw him as a positive example of doing the right thing (and of him and his wife "cracking the case" when countless federal agents couldn't), and maybe I've just managed to avoid it, but I've never seen anyone else say anything bad about the brother.

I'm sure it's not a positive subject when brought up to him as many times as I'm sure it has by strangers/reporters, but he seems to have lived a pretty normal life all things considered, for having the former most wanted domestic terrorist as a brother.

Officer who raced to Parkland massacre scene testifies against deputy who stayed outside by ArmandNinja in news

[–]JCBadger1234 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Hey now, technically he didn't get promoted....

.... he just got elected by a majority/plurality of his fellow officers to be their union president!

Only lasted one term though. Apparently picking your leader based on who can get away with the most incompetence on the job without being fired isn't the best strategy for running a union, who'd have known?