

Youth unemployment rate by lukalux3 in serbia

[–]lukalux3[S] 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Eto ti Trading Economics, isti brojevi. Oni skupljaju gomilu podataka od zvaničnih statističkih agencija/zavoda. Vidim i to da ih na tviteru prati naš zavod za statistiku, toliko o tome.



„Džiberski luciferluci Željka Mitrovića“: Kusturica javno kritikovao Zadrugu by [deleted] in serbia

[–]lukalux3 26 points27 points  (0 children)

On je protiv Zapada i kapitalizma a koristi Apple. 😆



Da li u Srbiji postoje objektivni mediji? Kome verujete? Šta čitate? by ChatPtg in serbia

[–]lukalux3 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Beta i Fonet, po stoti put. Što se tiče stranih medija AP i Reuters.


Žaklina Tatalović: Dokle ćete deliti ljude ? by Ser_Nikolaus in serbia

[–]lukalux3 24 points25 points  (0 children)

Današnji snimak 53:40. Ukratko lažete i Šolak hteo da uništi Srbiju, narod koji je protestovao nije rulja već su političari rulja, hijene i lešinari koji su na to pozvali. Novinarka je nevaspitana što postavlja potpitanja.


In the middle of June, a monument to Milosevic will be erected in the center of Moscow by lukalux3 in europe

[–]lukalux3[S] 131 points132 points  (0 children)

A bronze figure of academician Dragan Radenović, about three meters high, will be placed in the middle of June in the square of Europe in the center of Moscow.

A monument to the former president of Serbia and FR Yugoslavia, Slobodan Milosevic, will be erected in Moscow in mid-June, announced Dr. Marat Bashirev, one of the initiators of the group of professors of the Higher School of Economics of the National Research University in Moscow, and Dr. Aleksandar Zaldastanov, leader of the popular "Night Wolves" motorcycle club close to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The monument is finished and has already been delivered to Moscow. Professor Bashirev emphasizes that Milošević was the first major victim of the criminal NATO led by the USA, and that for historical reasons Serbia remained Russia's only sincere ally in Europe. Milošević paid for the defense of his homeland with his life. Many betrayed him then, and the DOS government kidnapped him and sent him to The Hague. They couldn't break him, he held on heroically accusing NATO, led by the US, of committing a crime against humanity. We Russians then made a big mistake by not resolutely defending Serbia.

The leader of the "Night Wolves", Dr. Aleksandar Zaldastanov, claims that the preparations and works for the installation of the monument are in the final phase, that Milosevic was one of the few statesmen who prophetically predicted what would happen to us and that he deserved a monument in the center of Moscow.

Dragan Radević, vice-president of the Board of Directors of the "Sloboda" Association, says that the Association initiated such an initiative, several years ago in Serbia, to erect a monument in Belgrade and name a street or square after him, which was forwarded and is now waiting in the parliamentary procedure. At that time, the conceptual design of the monument to the Russian academician and distinguished and well-known Serbian sculptor Dragan Radenović was created.

Radević continues, they accepted that initiative in Moscow, and as we have been informed, the monument to President Milošević will be opened in mid-June at a solemn ceremony on Europa Square in the center of Moscow.

In4s is a pro-serb and pro-russian source and isn't reliable, but others sources have confirmed that the monument is already made and is in Russia. The only thing now is to decide where to put it.

Jutarnji dnevnik RTS-a o protestu održanom u petak, 12.05.2023. by Ser_Nikolaus in serbia

[–]lukalux3 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Vidim, znači 13.05.2023. oko 08:19. Inače namerno nema te vesti u uvodu vesti a i pitanje je koliko su gledane jutarnje vesti...


Jutarnji dnevnik RTS-a o protestu održanom u petak, 12.05.2023. by Ser_Nikolaus in serbia

[–]lukalux3 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Kog datuma je ovo emitovano? Ne mogu da nađem kad motam unazad.

Naslovi tabloida o današenjem protestu by Ser_Nikolaus in serbiancringe

[–]lukalux3 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Nije, on je čak i najgori. Desetine hiljada je bilo a ne 10 hiljada.

Je li Srbija diktatura? by Vladimir_Syanovsky in serbia

[–]lukalux3 44 points45 points  (0 children)

Da je dobro - nije, ali još nismo na nivou Turske a kamoli Rusije.

The Democracy Index 2022:

Croatia 6.50 flawed democracy

Serbia 6.33 flawed democracy

Turkey 4.35 hybrid regime

Russia 2.28 authoritarian

Freedom House Democracy Scores:

Croatia 54 Semi-Consolidated Democracy

Serbia 46 Transitional or Hybrid Regime

Russia 5 Consolidated Authoritarian Regime

V-dem 2023, Liberal Democracy Index

Croatia 0.65

Serbia 0.27

Turkey 0.12

Russia 0.07