
Prime Bale vs Prime Di Maria?? by PsycadelicChimp in football

[–]elizebethk 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Both of them become prime when they play internationals, especially Bale turns into a beast every time he plays for Wales.

Explained: How Natalie Portman's Jane Foster Became The Mighty Thor by sahyadubowik in Thor

[–]elizebethk 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Was it necessary to provide an explanation for this? I believe the movie clearly depicted the sequence of events.

I did a thing - hope it’s okay: Top Gun: Maverick - Epic Test Bombing Run by dontshootog in topgun

[–]elizebethk 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I completely agree. The final bombing run scene featuring Daredevil from Ace Combat is far more effective. I will make the necessary modifications. Thank you!