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[–]Inspirata1223 1358 points1359 points  (231 children)

Just.....leave twitter. Play your games, and spend time with your friends, and family.

[–]PCBullets 509 points510 points  (204 children)

Pretty wild that people are more upset about this then the drug supplies from Mexican drug cartels killing people or military veteran committing suicides because the support systems like the VA are broken…. What a time to be alive.

[–]Practical_Price9500 330 points331 points  (160 children)

Those issues aren’t about them, so they are not a priority.

[–]PCBullets 220 points221 points  (155 children)

Pretty interesting….

there is supposedly 1.6 million trans people in the USA but only 50 of them committed suicide in 2020.

Veterans make up about 16.5 millions and 6000 of them killed them selves.

So by a little bit of math, veterans kill them selfs at a rate 10x more.

The USA has 331 million. Drug OD deaths made up about 107k.

Again, way more deaths…..

[–]Some-Ad9778 117 points118 points  (31 children)

America is just dog shit at taking care of its vets

[–]PCBullets 58 points59 points  (5 children)

If they are dead, the government doesn’t have to pay for them. Pretty fucked up the way I see it.

Also, i was in the Corps myself so I can confirm how fucked the VA is. No one gets fired and the cycle continues.

[–]The-First-CrusadeUSMC and trans = Crippling monster addiction 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Rah. Sorry you're dealing with their shit too man.

[–]OrbitusXpandeR 5 points6 points  (1 child)

When were you in the corps and where, if you don't mind me asking. I became entwined with the VA after I separated in 2010, and at that time it really was dog shit. It was 2014 that Obama's major policy changes for the VA started taking effect and the quality of service/care at mine has absolutely skyrocketed since then. They're now better than a lot of the local hospitals, and we are known for our hospitals in my area. Not to say you're wrong, just that that hasn't been my experience for some time.

[–]PCBullets 5 points6 points  (0 children)

CA, 2008-2012, but I have heard differently from other vets depending what state you are in

[–]StylinBill 4 points5 points  (0 children)

And everyone else tbh

[–]The-First-CrusadeUSMC and trans = Crippling monster addiction 9 points10 points  (14 children)

yeah I'm a veteran and trans and my body is fucked. I have no help, in fact the military fucked me out of my benefits and now I have to argue to get them back. I'm mentally fucked up too from a lot of things which fucking sucks. I have attempted suicide 3 times in the last 4 months alone. I'm tired...

[–]PCBullets 13 points14 points  (6 children)

Please seek help, no matter what anyone says, life is the greatest resources on this planet. This includes your life as well.

It’s hard to find it but it’s there. Wish I knew the area you were in so I could refer you to resources.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (2 children)

So very sorry you are going through this.

[–]RageCageMcBeard 2 points3 points  (2 children)

Please do not go through this alone. Canadian army 14 years. I belong to a huge peer support group where we are a help line for people. There are similar groups in the USA. I’m glad you’re here. Please stay. Reach out.

[–]The-First-CrusadeUSMC and trans = Crippling monster addiction 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Semper fidelis. I made a promise to someone I love that I'm not going to die even though we are no longer together. I am honor bound to uphold it. Besides I know what's telling me to die is sickness. I have too much left to do. So much work remains. Maybe one day I'll even be happy, and not just "existing"

[–]RageCageMcBeard 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Glad to hear it. One step at a time and ever onward.

[–]theIBSdiaries 112 points113 points  (79 children)

Maybe we should give a shit about all of them? None are treated well.

[–]Charlie24601 8 points9 points  (1 child)

I'm glad to see not all of Reddit are so dense. Cheers to you, bud.

A buddy and I constantly use the phrase, "I refuse to prioritize compassion."

[–]theIBSdiaries 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I’ll remember that, good phrase.

[–]robilar 71 points72 points  (73 children)

Ya, weird whataboutism right? Like, I care about all those people and also trans people. Not that I think this whole boycott thing makes a lot of sense, but I don't get the impetus to minimize the suffering of trans people just because other people are also suffering. People don't have to fight every wrong everywhere all at once. I'm not a bad person if I join a movement to end one kind of shitty situation instead of all movements to end all shitty situations.

[–]DaffyDeeh 45 points46 points  (65 children)

I think it's the disproportionate response that's the issue. This is possibly the loudest social issue in the west and it helps the smallest group.

At some point you need to accept it's either self serving or social manipulation/virtue signalling. If the goal was to help the unfairly treated you wouldn't pick such a small, specific group that are trying to bully everyone else by law/cancelling. After a certain point it's about power and I think people know this and are finally starting to speak their minds

[–]robilar 21 points22 points  (49 children)

I think you might want to consider that this issue is being megaphoned by people with ulterior motives. Not a single trans person I know cares about this game, and this whole vitriolic thread is about a tweet with barely more than a hundred likes. Have you seen Hogwarts sales? I'd be willing to bet the game is doing fine. Nothing got cancelled. This post is obvious ragebait, and loads of people here are falling for it.

As for the substance of your complaint, I'm with you that people shouldn't be using threats of violence. There are shitty people in every group, and that includes marginalized groups like the trans community. Plus there are people in every group with experiences that blind them to context, who aren't necessarily terrible people but who might have trouble avoiding the influences of self-serving biases (Rawlins being an apropos example). That sucks, but it's not necessarily representative, and those people are reprehensible. And it's clearly not "virtue signaling" to help one group of people that need help without expanding the effort to all people that need help. A surgeon that only does brain surgery isn't a bad person for not also working on the cancer ward. He might be a bad person, if for example he holds cancer patients in contempt, but that isn't a logical deduction from just the fact that he only does brain surgery and it isn't logical to assume that people fighting for trans rights don't care about other people's" suffering just because they aren't marching in those rallies. Henry David Thoreau touches on the moral imperative to fight injustice - Walden is worth a read.

[–]Loud-Intention-723 6 points7 points  (1 child)

I think the problem comes from posts like these. We see trans people openly minimize other people's issues to bring to the front their issue. They use lines like now you survived a fraction of what we go through. Um if you are against people putting you through something why are you wishing that on other people? The way these arguments are phrased it does not build a lot of sympathy.

[–]theIBSdiaries 8 points9 points  (0 children)


[–]243james 35 points36 points  (2 children)

Why would we care about REAL issues.

Fuck these poeple man.

[–]PurpleTornadoMonkey 12 points13 points  (1 child)

Exactly. Like, hospital visit costs are insane, food prices keep going up, our teachers are super underpaid, corporations often dump toxic ass shit in the water that causes cancer (then we fine billion dollar corporations $100,000 for it), shit like that is what we should focus on... but some idiots would rather focus their attention on gay marriage or be "outraged" they are asked to wear a fucking mask during a pandemic.

[–]243james 2 points3 points  (0 children)

What we are forgetting is this a distraction.

Notice all the hot topics? Notice all the hatred? With all the forward progress in society, WHY are we more separated and more hate? Look at politics. Jeez.

We are so silly to think we are not all equal. We are all the same. We are oppressed, equality by the rich. Wake up and stop hating on each other and stand together. Hate is dividing us, and we must stand together to address the real issues in the world.

Fkin humans.

[–]skynetempire 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Targeting a video game online is easier than actually going out and volunteering or protesting. So fuck them, play the game if you want and enjoy your life.

[–]BlueberryFF14 5 points6 points  (2 children)

We do have elected officials in congress complaing about being banned from Twitter in a hearing instead of tackling more important issues. So wouldn't expect much from fellow US citizens.

[–]PCBullets 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Elected officials are just as bad as the media.

All they do is incite anger/emotion to get views….

[–]Less_Ant_6633 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Dude. Stop. This narrative doesnt even make sense. Let's say, by some magical power, we get tapped to be in complete control of strategy and defense of the mythical, crime ridden southern border, for one year each. After 2 years, we sit down and review the stats. Turns out in your term, you made twice the arrests, seizures and deportations along the border than I did in my year. That would make me the one who is tougher on crime right? Because I caught less, that means less is happening and I am the winner, right? Do you see how stupid this argument sounds?

[–]Tomma1 5 points6 points  (1 child)

Or a couple of countries devastated by earthquakes. But thats not important cause a game I don't like came out and people are playing it

[–]unique_passive 9 points10 points  (3 children)

If modern media was better at sticking to the real issues and not outrage porn, nobody would care. The full issue would be “JK Rowling treats trans people like shit” and would be priority number 10,000 on the list of things that matter. Trans issues, rights and protections, of course do matter, but this crap over a video game is dumb, and specifically celebrity garbage takes on issues shouldn’t be wasted time dwelling on.

[–]GeneralPlus4168 9 points10 points  (8 children)

The issue at hand is not a soap box for other issues that have plagued us...the post is simply saying that it's pretty pathetic that people can't enjoy their video games without hate being pushed on them there is more hate now in the world then there has ever been all because of social media

[–]Oxygenius_ 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Most Americans, especially conservatives don’t care about veterans outside of throwing a party for them once a year.

[–]Asio0tus 16 points17 points  (0 children)

this is they way....but its becoming ever harder (for some) not to be faced with this "background noise".... im all about live and let live, trans, gays, bi, man dolphins what the fuck ever, you do you im not going to discriminate. but when you start spewing this kinda bullshit you start ruffling my feathers..... so because YOU got death threats for being trans it somehow gives you the right to do the same to others for playing a fucking video game!?....you would think the hardships you went through would mean you were extra sensitive to not do it to others....

[–]Slobbadobbavich 41 points42 points  (2 children)

None of the people involved in this game have anything to do with trans rights. An extremely rich woman will earn money from the game but from her perspective it will be like a drop in the ocean to her already huge wealth. In other words, the only people who are being hurt by this are the games creators and the people who want to play the game. It will have zero impact on Rowling. At this point I would prefer her to sell her IP in this franchise just so we can continue to enjoy this wonderful world she created.

Anyone who has sent a death threat to someone because they played a game is a terrible person and they should be criminally prosecuted.

[–]Alliterrration 531 points532 points  (28 children)

I really struggle to understand this.

Like I totally understand boycotting the game for these reasons, you vote with your wallet. But if you're really gonna complain about fuelling rich transphobes, when you're using an app that's literally owned by a billionaire transphobe who's mocked pronouns and gender identity on twitter, and every ad you see further keeps his media platform afloat, yet then think anyone who plays Hogwarts legacy is worse than scum, takes some serious mental gymnastics

[–]GetRekt9420 122 points123 points  (9 children)

Not only that, but probably tweeting from a phone made by child slaves in one country, with materials mined by slaves in another.

[–]Heavy_Signature_5619 52 points53 points  (1 child)

But are those slaves Trans though?!

Checkmate, bigot.

[–]lonegungrrly 11 points12 points  (1 child)

Yep, exactly. and clothes. And palm oil in your food and and and. Nothing really is “righteous” so ima play the damn video game!

[–]zephoo 23 points24 points  (0 children)

was always serious mental gymnastics

[–]Practical_Price9500 172 points173 points  (17 children)

These people only exist on the internet. They are easily avoided.

[–]Rolyat28 19 points20 points  (12 children)

They really do people in everyday life don't care if someone is playing a Harry Potter game just like no one but people on Twitter cared about Harry Styles winning album of the year over Beyonce then taking his speech out of context so they can have something to bitch about

[–]Practical_Price9500 2 points3 points  (2 children)

Why the fuck would anyone care at all about the Grammies? Like the Oscars, Emmys and Tonys, they are all just industry circlejerks that do not begin to represent the best of their respective. art forms.

[–]BirdatemycarsNever underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups 116 points117 points  (352 children)

I didnt follow the whole Hogwart’s Legacy trans controversy, can someone refreshen me up on that?

[–]locolopero[S] 211 points212 points  (246 children)

As far as I know, Jk Rowling, the creator of Harry Potter, not this game explicitly even though she gets some payment for the IP, has been very vocal in the last year about trans-people taking part in women’s spaces, such as sports and public restrooms.

The more recent updates had been about her strong opposition of allowing trans-people into female detention centers, sharing many news in her social platforms were male sexual offenders in the UK who identified themselves as female, were transferred into women’s prisons/detention centers, which later on ended up with said offenders abusing and/or raping other female inmates.

[–]Squidworth89 282 points283 points  (204 children)

The latter part of your comment is often over looked… what I get from jk is not that she’s anti trans but rather she doesn’t want trans rights at the expense of womens rights, which to me is completely reasonable given women go through hell too.

[–]sharpspider5 128 points129 points  (164 children)

She has explicitly said she doesn't think that trans women are real women

[–]BeatMeElmo 185 points186 points  (58 children)

They’re trans-women.

[–]Svete_Brid 122 points123 points  (49 children)

They’ve gone through entirely different set of difficulties and pressures and oppression than what natal women in this world have to deal with. Maybe worse, maybe not, but very very different. No worries about menstruation or pregnancy, for example.

I think some people started to lose the plot (so to speak) back in 2015 when a student theater group at Mount Holyoke College cancelled its annual performance of the Vagina Monologues because it discriminated against women without vaginas. Other colleges have since followed suit.

Even worse, a women’s shelter in Vancouver had its city funding cut in 2019 because it only accepts women who were born female.

Anyway, this is the kind of thing that J.K. Rowling is against, and that is why some people now hate her.

[–][deleted] 46 points47 points  (36 children)

The trans basically hate anyone who don’t full agree with the narrative that there is no longer male or female and you can be whatever you say you are if it’s bs considering what you physically are at that moment.

[–]Heavy_Signature_5619 32 points33 points  (0 children)

Correction: Weirdos on Twitter who attempt to speak for Trans people hate anyone who don’t fully agree with the narrative.

Let’s not blame Trans people for this, most of them just want to live their lives in peace. The overwhelming amount of people bitching about this are pearl clutching white knights who are infantilizing Trans people for their own ego.

[–]Squidworth89 74 points75 points  (7 children)

Iirc what you’re referencing is her stating trans women aren’t biologically female in support of Maya Forstater. Scientifically she’s correct. There’s a difference between man/woman and male/female.

[–]Glittering-Lack-7889 12 points13 points  (6 children)

There actually are some people out there that say trans women are biologically female. I guess they use the technicality that there is a very rare case of people born with XX chromosomes and a penis, or XY chromosomes and a vagina, and that a few people have chromosome sets that are not XX or XY.

I tend to disagree though, because from a statistical standpoint, these genetic anomalies are far too rare to make it valid to deprecate biological sexing. So yeah. Trans women are biologically male women, and trans men are biologically rare men.

[–]Squidworth89 12 points13 points  (1 child)

I believe the technical term is hermaphroditism which isn’t trans.

[–]reisenbime 19 points20 points  (1 child)

Their logic is like saying Downs syndrome is a gender and not a genetic flaw. Anything outside of XX and XY with the according genitals attached is a mutation and a genetic print error. Like being born with a tail or six fingers.

I think that people should be able to live the way they want because I really, really don't care what others do with their own lives, they're still wrong about being "biologically" this or that if that goes against things literally governed by chemistry.

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (0 children)

There actually are some people out there that say trans women are biologically female.

They are wrong.

[–]KletsNatteEend 17 points18 points  (4 children)

Because they literally aren't. Wtf has this world turned into. In a few years there won't be female athletes anymore because it will be dominated by trans guys

[–]Sudden-Individual735 10 points11 points  (3 children)

Well, they weren't born female, that's just a fact. And sometimes! that fact might! make a difference. And that's okay.

JKR never said trans women shouldn't exist or that they shouldn't be addressed as women. She's (sometimes rightfully, often a bit overthetop) concerned about women's rights.

[–]CrunchyNapkin_96 3 points4 points  (1 child)

Well, they are not and will never be..what is so hard to understand there?

[–]Secure-Airport-1599 26 points27 points  (27 children)

100% agree. The hate she gets is crazy. The right can be extreme but so can the left

[–]manu144x 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Exactly, there are totalitarian idiots in both sides, people forget that.

[–]PreparationExtreme86 13 points14 points  (0 children)

I think the controversy gets exaggerated on both sides.

I would say JK has been bit out of line in my opinion, mainly as how she wrote a trans character in one of her recent books and she keeps doubling down on her terf-y tweets. I think her opinion often gets reduced to the one tweet that started it. It's a bit more that JK has been the troll in all of this but has portrayed it as she is being attacked.

I also think some people have been wacky about boycotting the IP.

I'm honestly tired of hearing about the drama of it all at this point. The news keeps on picking up the most extreme reactions. I am bored of it as much as I am the IP.

[–]Aegisnir 26 points27 points  (25 children)

Makes no sense to me either but honestly I don’t know what the problem is other than what I hear from other people. There is literally a trans character in the fucking game and Rowling had no influence in the development of the game if the studio’s claims can be believed. There are tons of horrible people out there that have a good product/service/etc. artists and musicians are a great example and we don’t go around harassing people for liking someone’s music just based on their personal beliefs. I buy shit because I enjoy it, not because a specific person made it.

[–]Glittering-Lack-7889 4 points5 points  (2 children)

Yeah. Take minecraft for example. It was created by Notch, who is also transphobic. But no matter how much of a trans ally I become, I'll always like minecraft.

[–]Lampshade-0 1 point2 points  (0 children)

You can also be trans in the game, fun fact.

[–]Ecstatic-Edge1212 16 points17 points  (61 children)

People have decided to boycott the game and apparently also harass streamers and gamers who play the game, bc of JK Rowlings very transphobic stance on trans issues and actively harming the trans community. I myself as a trans woman have decided to not buy the game, just bc I'm not very interested in it and also to some extend not to support JKR. But I must say that just bc you buy the game doest make you a transphobe or deserving to be sent death threats or any harassment.

[–]reisenbime 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Don't forget that greedy, unfriendly characters with large noses are jews!

[–]dylanredefined 14 points15 points  (2 children)

Jk rowling said something bad and the trans got sad so everyone mad.

[–]Latviacm 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Unhinged lmao

[–]bradenarnold 60 points61 points  (31 children)

That tweet got 7 likes, that is not a large group. Ignore the insignificant, stop giving them recognition.

[–]FletcherRenn_ 19 points20 points  (30 children)

r/gamingcirclejerk would like a word. A majority of them support harassment to everyone who plays the game. It might not be death threats but still doesn’t change that they support harassment and are a large group

Also don’t click the link if your playing the game as all the posts contain spoilers for the ending. Like literally every post is about the game and nearly every post is spoiling the game

[–]animatedhenry 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Thank you for saying. Goddamn psychos over there

[–][deleted] 36 points37 points  (3 children)

This tweet has 7 likes.

[–]4pigeons 89 points90 points  (14 children)

so, you fight hate with more hate? flawless logic

[–]oedipism_for_one 23 points24 points  (0 children)

Bombing for peace and fucking for abstinence.

[–][deleted] 15 points16 points  (3 children)

2023 is wild. JK Rowling has common sense opinions and people are losing their minds.

[–]Moist___Towelette🤦🏻‍♂️ 32 points33 points  (1 child)

I think we can all agree that separating the individual from the behaviour works best in these types of situations. Bullying is unacceptable no matter what your story is, sorry but that’s the actual truth especially if it makes you mad bc your emotional regulation is your responsibility 💯% of the time. Accountability

[–]KhajiitKennedy 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It's sad that she's using her royalties to donate to anti-trans organizations

[–]cya_next_tuesday 28 points29 points  (1 child)

Please know all trans people aren't like this...I am trans but I don't care if people play her game. As long as you're not transphobic, idrc. I just hate people like this.

[–]RQK1996 2 points3 points  (0 children)

She is not actually involved, unlike the older games, she just cashes a cheque for it

[–]Gloomy_Ad1689 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I don’t think people are aware that behind every purchase you make there is a discriminatory person who worked on it or an immoral action used to produce it. If you think buying this games so bad, then stop buying phones because I think companies using children in mines are more immoral then JK Rowling

[–]Caponara 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Humankind is truly past its expiring date

[–]moviefactoryyt 16 points17 points  (3 children)

i discussed stuff regarding this with some of my friends and we came to a consensus, just gonna copy paste from the chat because i feel there currently is such a missrepresentation:

in this drama, i think there is 4 groups of people.

  1. normal people who advocate against buying the game
  2. normal people who dont think its good to advocate against buying the game
  3. transphobes
  4. an extremly loud minority of people who are against the game paired with right trolls mudding the waters by being shitheads.

the whole issue isnt as black and white, there are transpeople disagreeing over it

from the experienced reality of a transperson it might be perfectly valid to be against the game and be dissapointed in people that do buy it (i say buy, not play) especially if their lives are already worsened due to the shit jkr is saying or even through the anti trans desinformation campaigns she is financing.

however, to a non trans persons experienced reality, this doesnt apply, they dont get affected at all which will lead to them either not knowing or not caring. if its the first, its not benefitial if they get pulled in by it through a shitstorm because then, they might just ignore it out of spite. while it might be a bit sad, most people do not want their freedom to do anything be "taken".

then there are transphobes that use this whole situation to spread unrest. ive seen it all from "jkr isnt transphobic, she is right" to " i dont like harry potter but bought the game to own the libs" to "i just spent 300$ to jkr"

[–]aussie_shane 8 points9 points  (0 children)

The whole trans outrage is just ridiculous when it comes to JK Rowling. She basically said what a large portion of the community believes. She wasn't transphobic as far as I have read just outrage from the trans community for the sake of being outraged. Similar to that outrage directed towards Dave Chappelle.

There is a MASSIVE difference between believing a person is either born male or female based on their sexual organs, and hating on individuals wanting to Transition. I haven't seen or read any real "anti Trans" comments from JK Rowling. Has she actually said she hates Trans individuals? Has she said an individual wanting to Transition shouldn't? I'm not convinced she has.

[–]SentorialH1 23 points24 points  (2 children)

"A large group" now means 200 angry twitter users out of 8billion people on the planet.

[–][deleted] 7 points8 points  (0 children)

It’s on here too. Can’t make a post in some gaming subreddits about enjoying the game without some fuckin white knight trans ally going out of their way to call you a bigot

[–]Rexkraft- 27 points28 points  (8 children)

Just a reminder that you are looking at a tweet with 129 likes of a tweet with 7 likes of soneone saying stupid shit.

With such low standards, i can can make a convincing report that godzilla is attacking New York mounted on a unicycle*.

This post reeks of ragebait.

[–]geheurjk 5 points6 points  (2 children)

... a unicycle?

[–]Svete_Brid 1 point2 points  (0 children)

No, a monocle.🧐

[–]Rexkraft- 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Brainfart, woops

[–]TeethBreak 4 points5 points  (0 children)

People are making a mountain out of an ant hill.

[–]robilar 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Effective ragebait by the look of the comments. People are really keen to bolster their bigoted viewpoints with ill-supported confirmation bias.

[–]bmann10 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Like this who situation is so stupid. Should people harass others for playing a game? No. Are that many people actually out there doing that to warrant this bullshit being such a point of discussion? No.

I’ve seen so god danm many posts about how terrible it is that people are being harassed and yet this is the FIRST one that actually shows anyone saying anything remotely bad about people who play the game. And it’s this pretty basic “if your upset about how you are being treated that’s how trans people are treated” statement. Like the person is not at all saying what OP is saying in the title.

[–]bmann10 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Like this who situation is so stupid. Should people harass others for playing a game? No. Are that many people actually out there doing that to warrant this bullshit being such a point of discussion? No.

I’ve seen so god danm many posts about how terrible it is that people are being harassed and yet this is the FIRST one that actually shows anyone saying anything remotely bad about people who play the game. And it’s this pretty basic “if your upset about how you are being treated that’s how trans people are treated” statement. Like the person is not at all saying what OP is saying in the title.

[–]bmann10 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Like this who situation is so stupid. Should people harass others for playing a game? No. Are that many people actually out there doing that to warrant this bullshit being such a point of discussion? No.

I’ve seen so god danm many posts about how terrible it is that people are being harassed and yet this is the FIRST one that actually shows anyone saying anything remotely bad about people who play the game. And it’s this pretty basic “if your upset about how you are being treated that’s how trans people are treated” statement. Like the person is not at all saying what OP is saying in the title.

[–]AgentEndive 34 points35 points  (6 children)

Newsflash: you don't have to boycott Hogwarts Legacy (or be mad about people playing it) to be pro-trans. People need to grow up.

[–]Money-Photograph-936 4 points5 points  (5 children)

Is there a reason why there harassing people that are playing Hogwarts Legacy ?

[–]Tr3caine42069 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I mean why would you listen to/take some one seriously, whos brain cannot recognize and accept its own physical shell? Would you listen to a meth head when they say "theres FBI agents scaling the house, there coming through the window on the 4th floor!!" Prob not right? I doubt that most trans folk deal with death threats daily. Lol

[–]ScottdaDM 20 points21 points  (1 child)

Imagine your life was so empty you went around harassing game streamers.

Being them might be their own punishment.

[–]SG420123 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Sounds like they need to play some video games and smoke some weed, it would honestly probably help them relax.

[–]AValentineSolutions 21 points22 points  (0 children)

This is so fucking disgusting.

[–]OWMOYKNEE 14 points15 points  (1 child)

Death threats for playing a game?! Ridiculous.

[–]SufficientWeek7142 8 points9 points  (0 children)

I would be disappointed if russia wasn’t behind pushing this stupidity too. They love this shit and you love to feel offended.

[–]Trash_Meister 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Twitter is pretty much cancer at this point. Nobody on there is of sound mind anymore lol

[–]alpacappuccino5 2 points3 points  (0 children)

This is why I hate cancel culture. All it ever does is giving people (of whom most don't even care about the cause) a free pass to bully and harass others. This is not helpful to anyone and it cetaily wont stop Rowling from saying stupid shit in the future. If you don't wanna play the game thats fine but wishing such horrible things upon others makes you just as bad as Rowling imo.

[–]TheAmazingButcher 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Ahhhhhh yes. There's that lovely tolerance they preach about so often.

[–]vick5516 4 points5 points  (0 children)

how can these people look at themselves and think they are doing the right thing? if anything this makes her a far worse person than rowling or anything she's said

[–]Electronic_General89 3 points4 points  (0 children)

i wish people like this would just get raped by a gorilla on steroids and viagra

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I’m going to buy the game now just because of these crazy fucks

[–]mistery12324 5 points6 points  (0 children)

You guys Play Hogwarts legacy to prove youre not transphobic

I play it because i am. We're not the same🗿

[–]evrsinctheworldbegan 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Was never interested in that game until now. Streisand effect at it again.

[–]Cacharadon 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Safe to say around 70% of humanity has lost the plot

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

But.. you’re ok with using twitter? Hmmm.. sounds like a lot of picking and choosing.

[–]tardislord27 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Trans people aren’t worth it

[–]barrel-aged-thoughts 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Define "large group of people". Have you met one?

It's twitter

[–]fallenranger8666 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Let's attack innocent people for their wildly indirect association with that person we don't like! Who else that sound like

[–]White-Rhino-420 12 points13 points  (0 children)

And she's on Twitter! A company owned by another billionaire transphobe lmao

[–]AbLincoln1863 8 points9 points  (1 child)

I’m not sure if large group is appropriate. They are a very vocal minority who are going way past what is appropriate. Even people who agree with the idea wouldn’t go as far as them.

[–]Pokemonandlaughs 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Came here to say this. All these issues only exist on the internet.

[–]Secret_Ad_5300 14 points15 points  (0 children)

This is the problem with America it’s always all or nothing. Life isn’t black and white. In the end what’s comical is gay/trans rights boil down to the right to choose and live your life how you want, and now their stance is you can’t do that. This all or nothing position will only further divide and push people away from listening. Another interesting aspect is the game is low lying fruit, the author of Harry Potter makes money also from Universal as well as Legos. Why not boycott these products? What’s also hilarious is they are expressing their opinion on Twitter, which is also owned by a billionaire who is against the idea of multiple pronouns.

[–]Formal-Macaroon1938 9 points10 points  (3 children)

Why can't we just buy the game and also support pro trans legislation/politicians?

It's not like you not buying the game really impacts her in any serious way. Hell depending on the contract she could have already gotten her payday.

[–]LostnFoundAgainAgain 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Reports say she is taking a cut of the money due to that it was too much to fully buy out the rights in one payment.

That said, I don't understand it because if I stopped buying things where people who I don't agree with politically were getting my money I would stop buying a lot of things.

It is a game and the developers have spoken out against her as well, this is something they have jumped on but there is thousands of others they could do but don't, it is a bit idiotic.

Also the game sold 500k copies on Stream alone on release, if anything they can giving it more attention.

[–]kawkz440 8 points9 points  (0 children)

When you live such a privileged life, you have to threaten death to video game players on Twitter. And I thought the right wing idiots "auditing" ballot boxes during the election were wackos.

[–]RareIndividual1880 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Mental illness is a hell of a thing

[–]wake071 6 points7 points  (2 children)

Trans people can be so intolerant

[–]YUNoSignin 8 points9 points  (0 children)

The logic lmao. I got bullied by some randos, so I'm entitled to bully others because I have it worse

[–]243james 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I will gladly play Harry Potter. Fuck these poeple.

[–]FinalVegetable6314 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Complain about being bullied then bully anyone that doesn’t agree with you. Rinse and repeat

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Fucking ignore them. It’s that simple.

[–]marmatag 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Sending death threats makes you the villain. Always.

[–]Bomberman707 1 point2 points  (0 children)

They are wishing violence and death on people. How is this not violating twitter policy? How are they not being banned for dangerous and harmful comments?

[–]King_Gent99 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Do people not realise that acting like this doesn’t bring support to your cause, if anything they’re simply falsely representing the community as a bunch of lunatics. Threatening people and ruining their fun doesn’t make them support you. no matter how good or righteous you think your cause is this will only turn people away from you.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I love playing hogwarts legacy. Now someone give me some death threats

[–]Jake_AA 1 point2 points  (0 children)

They are insane just let them be outraged while people that enjoy the game continue to play.

[–]conjurer28 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I just have to laugh. Out of all the forms of revenue jk Rowling has, they go after something she has absolutely no involvement in..

[–]davidisallright 1 point2 points  (0 children)

The biggest problem is that these folks are using the same tactics that awful right wing extremists would use.

[–]Kwikasfukii 1 point2 points  (1 child)

They really cherry picked this problem out of all the other stuff going on in the world. The corrupt governments, oil companies destroying the planet and buying people out, modern slavery, what they did with the Velma show.. all that and they’re going off the rails about some comments which if I remember correctly, weren’t even suggesting she’s not all for trans. It’s being blown way out of proportion.

[–]Similar_Worth4387 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It's just totally self centred. Main character syndrome

[–]ripeGardenTomato 1 point2 points  (0 children)

"If you buy hogwarts legacy you're supporting and making a billionaire transphobe even more rich " meanwhile they are also spreading their hate speech from a platform that is making another transphobic billionaire richer.what a group of dimwits these people are

[–]AkselTranquilo 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Leave Twitter, touch grass, play your video games.

[–]AutotoxicFiend 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Them: "People have threatened to murder me because they disagree with my life choices. Why can't we be a more tolerance civilization?"

Also them: "You don't share the same viewpoint as me? You deserve to be threatened with murder."


[–]kpud075 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Imagine, you're a class of people that has endured or been beaten by bullying and harassment online. You know how it feels. You know how scary it can be. And your response to a fucking video game that has nothing to do with that pain and only having the meekest association with a singular privileged dumb bitch individual in English is "let's bully and harass, and make death threats until no one is left standing."

I honestly have a hard time believing the ironic harassment is actually from LGBTQ+ members and allies and more likely just trolls taking up a new "cause" to be shitheads about.

[–]FoxyFox0203 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I'll never BUY the game, I encourage people not to, but this is extreme.

This ideal is an extremist view and I hate that the people making these comments are part of or trying to "protect" my demographic and it hurts to see this.

[–]Short_Ad_9383 1 point2 points  (0 children)

People are allowed to not agree with being gay straight by lesbian trans or queer. No one is allowed to threaten or try to hurt any person for how they choose to live. Get a grip people

[–]scalper84 1 point2 points  (0 children)

The thing that always baffle me in these situations is that the former oppressed almost always want to opress others. ffs people let’s just get along.

[–]Ratlyff 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Having solved all the worlds' problems, people with nothing better to do turn their attention to a fantasy game.

[–]Front_Pomegranate706 1 point2 points  (0 children)

The irony of abusing someone for indirectly supporting an Anti Trans author on a a service owned by someone who is also Anti Trans.

[–]Seamonkey_Boxkicker 1 point2 points  (0 children)

When has fight fire with fire ever actually worked without leading to more conflict down the road?

[–]Snoopy474444 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Horseshoe theory at play big time

[–]LightFull5021 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Pack it in she only said what she thinks, not like she killed anyone

[–]talonus00 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Lucky for us that Twitter ain't real. Yay video games

[–]Wynndee 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Anyone who threatens death to another human being in effort to somehow force their support are people that will never get my support. Its absolutely outrageous that they think this is OK for ANY reason. I will always support humans right to be who they want, but this is bullshit!

[–]Low-Feeling- 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It's not even worth it to write an opinion on this .

[–]LoopyMercutio 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Honestly, it’s gotten to the point where the trans community is losing supporters and allies due to their ally’s and their harassment of gamers (even gamers who haven’t bought or played the game, or even considered buying it). While I get it, they don’t want people buying or playing that game, genuinely threatening folks or doxxing them for it isn’t right. And it invites retaliation, as well, and that’s something anyone and everyone should probably worry about.

[–]MitchTye 1 point2 points  (0 children)

So glad I don’t have a twitter account and don’t post my life in social media

[–]K3rat 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Is all this still only linked to J.K. Rowling saying that she didn’t think people who were born with increased testosterone (because they were born with testicles) should be allowed in bathrooms for people who were not born with testicles. Given her being the survivor of domestic abuse I can understand her perspective.

[–]ImmoralBoi[🍰] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Twitter is a cesspool that's only good for NSFW Art pages, everyone else are just deranged psychopaths that will bitch about something that have little to no knowledge about nor any common sense for that matter.

[–]for_sure_not_a_lama 1 point2 points  (0 children)

One of my house mates got death threats for playing this game. He is a trans male.

A couple of them began calling him a her just to offend him. Imagine being so pro trans rights that you start mis gendering a trans male on purpose just because he played a game you dont like.

[–]Ogreblack 5 points6 points  (1 child)

Yeah consumerist activism is the lowest form of activism. They’re not out in Florida boycotting Disney or at the stores that sell the HP books, they’re just attacking people who want to play a game. And they’re doing it on Twitter, who is owned by a man that seems to support JK Rowling.

I don’t have strong opinions on her or musk because I know shit’s not black and white. Just the irony of continuing to feed into all the other evils of the world while complaining on a platform that supports the person they’re condemning.

It’s amazingly palpable.

[–]MrPineApples420 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I’m just waiting for the musk tweet about how much he’s enjoying the game…

[–]EarthInteresting2792 7 points8 points  (5 children)

Why is everyone so angry about what someone does in their own home especially when it doesn’t involve anyone else.

[–]Warbleton 5 points6 points  (3 children)

I dont understand how we can live in a world where we've gone from people thinking 'heaven' was just above the clouds.

To advance so far, we can now use nano technology to go inside someone's body and find issues we can then solve from across the world remotely with a surgeon and a robot.

And we've got people arguing if a male who was born a male with a cock and balls is now a female because they said they are.

[–]TwoAndAHalfQueefs 3 points4 points  (0 children)

"You want a gold star". The irony lol.

[–]pleetis4181 3 points4 points  (1 child)

What is wrong with people?

[–]Barrelroll706 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Social media

[–]throwaway83759372 2 points3 points  (0 children)

It’s a pretty dope game not gonna lie

[–]Longshot1969 1 point2 points  (0 children)

What a shocker, that people who are anonymous on the internet act like asshats.

[–]plink-plink-bro 3 points4 points  (5 children)

You know what... i'm not a big hp fun and i'm definetely not transphobic but i might play the game now just to mess with dickbags

[–]TheConboy22 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Yes, the trans community has been incredibly hostile towards me on numerous occasions. Running into them on Overwatch throughout my years of playing that has never been pleasant. What sucks is that I stand up for their rights, but the people that they incorporate into their "movement" are often really shitty toxic people. People who just associate themselves with their group and do nothing but create hostile negative environments wherever they go.

[–]Reasonable-Island-57 14 points15 points  (23 children)

Find it funny how one of the most protected class of people in existence claim to be the most oppressed.

[–]PsYcHo4MuFfInS 3 points4 points  (1 child)

This whole boycott is so stupid to me... 1st: do you really think Rowling makes money off of individual copies sold? She made her money when she gave the rights to Warner Bros. to make the game 2nd: there are trans people in the game and you can play as a trans person. 3rd: the money goes to the developers who made the game and spent tons of time on it

[–]Federal_Sympathy4667 2 points3 points  (1 child)

I really hope someone takes legal action vs some of these fucks, pretty sure death threats aren't under freedom of speech protection in most countries.

[–]Tweetydabirdie 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I can’t think of a single country where it would be protected.