
sigh...here we go again by greentreefer in WhitePeopleTwitter

[–]PurpleTornadoMonkey 29 points30 points  (0 children)

One time she showed up 3 minutes late to class and got detention!

Neighbor shoots 14-year-old as kids play hide and seek outside, Louisiana cops say by greentreefer in news

[–]PurpleTornadoMonkey 23 points24 points  (0 children)

The obvious solution to this is to start arming 14 year Olds playing hide n seek! - The NRA. And Republicans, probably.

Public School in Vinita, Oklahoma will not serve a normal lunch to kids with lunch debt over $35 by galacticnoel in oklahoma

[–]PurpleTornadoMonkey 0 points1 point  (0 children)

How do you know they haven't? Just assuming crap you know nothing about. Just like the racists who hate people they never met, will never meet, just judging everyone based on your own hate and insecurities.

Public School in Vinita, Oklahoma will not serve a normal lunch to kids with lunch debt over $35 by galacticnoel in oklahoma

[–]PurpleTornadoMonkey 5 points6 points  (0 children)

School supplies, up to date books? How about we give teachers more money? You know, if you had kids basic things you would want them have.

Public School in Vinita, Oklahoma will not serve a normal lunch to kids with lunch debt over $35 by galacticnoel in oklahoma

[–]PurpleTornadoMonkey 1 point2 points  (0 children)

"They can easily bring their lunch or pay cash that day for lunch..." umm except you know not every family can "easily" afford to pay or bring lunch every day right? Not everyone's in a bubble like you, some people live paycheck to paycheck dirt poor. But hey emphanthy is clearly not your strong point.

[Backlash spoilers] Superstar return by TomasRoncero in SquaredCircle

[–]PurpleTornadoMonkey 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Loved him back in the day. Use to rock his baby blue red apple shirt all the time.

Embarassing for a grown man to do this shit. by girolski07 in trashy

[–]PurpleTornadoMonkey 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Of course this douchebag runs away after being a complete asshole to a random person just trying to do his job. Fucking asshole.

Victims of mass slaying in Henryetta may have been raped, family says by natechute in oklahoma

[–]PurpleTornadoMonkey 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Feel so bad for those poor kids and the families. Fucking coward had to kill himself like many of these people do.

Fan puts her baby on the stage during a concert to grab the singer's attention by anmolraj1911 in iamatotalpieceofshit

[–]PurpleTornadoMonkey 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Plus you gotta hold him up the while damn time making the experience worse or you be even more obnoxious and bring a stroller and incon everyone around you.

GOP is scared shitless of Gen Z by Imaspinkicku in WhitePeopleTwitter

[–]PurpleTornadoMonkey 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Funny how people who want to start wars never have battled in one and want to send other people to do it for them while they are safe in their mansions.

How do we feel about going for Naz Reid in Free Agency? by Theyoungsquid in Thunder

[–]PurpleTornadoMonkey -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

Never heard of him but those stats you posted are clearly solid for when he played. The thing is I imagine we draft a big to backup Chet, someone who would be more physical or brings something different to the game than his. If we don't, why not C was clearly the biggest weakness this season.

Kyrie Irving Rumors: 'Lakers Are Disinterested in Pursuing' Mavs Star in Free Agency by _eviehalboro in nba

[–]PurpleTornadoMonkey 0 points1 point  (0 children)

How's Westbrook "controversial" though? He isn't an insane flat earth believer he's a legit good guy off the court and name one teammate who's said anything bad about him?

The suspect in a Texas mass shooting vanishes, and authorities have 'zero leads,' FBI says by Mia_Harpper in news

[–]PurpleTornadoMonkey 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I'm shocked Texas cops fucking fail at their job arresting a mass murderer yet again. Shocked. It's almost as if they are all incompetent pussy ass cowards who shouldn't even have their jobs. Murica.

Cleveland, TX shooting by Snoo89162 in texas

[–]PurpleTornadoMonkey 0 points1 point  (0 children)

What sucks is he is still at large (as far as I know) and he's Mexican (I'm Mexican by the way, I mention it for a reason) he's in driving distance from there so I imagine he went there.

Worst Booking Decisions in WWE History? by Ok_Piano_7129 in WWE

[–]PurpleTornadoMonkey 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Not the worst but BAD was burying Zack Ryder because he got over on his own. The crowd were shouting his name when THE ROCK was speaking was selling merch, he pretty much started the whole wrestler youtube/online show fad.

The way my family treats their animals. They love collecting them but hate taking care of them (most of them die within the first few years but no one in our city cares when I report it). by [deleted] in mildlyinfuriating

[–]PurpleTornadoMonkey -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Just my experience, we have an outside dog and he has a doghouse he never uses. Whenever it rains he ALWAYS finds a way to escape the fence but we can't have him inside (he's a pretty big pit) and he pees inside and poops. So the solution is just put him in the garage.

Got damn do I miss this trio there presence not being on tv together is definitely felt by DaigoWithAGun in WWE

[–]PurpleTornadoMonkey 9 points10 points  (0 children)

When they were talking to Randy Orton and were like, damn Randy, how many groups have you been in? You give a whole new definition to the word groupie! They were so fun and funny during their peak.

Love to see respect between fighters after a fight! by Peaceful-Samurai in ufc

[–]PurpleTornadoMonkey 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Reminds me of like the nba playoffs, there could be an intense 7 game series where opposing teams don't say shit to each other but once it's over they usually give hugs and high fives.

Saw Guy Fieri filming Dinners Drive ins and Dives at a birria truck on Venice Blvd just now! by bort1313 in LosAngeles

[–]PurpleTornadoMonkey 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I thought he was a douche only based on looks when I first saw him on TV. That was me being ignorant. He's always positive and does charitable things, and seems like a really nice guy.

It's pretty sad when people need to move their entire family to avoid anti-LGBTQ policies by thatguy9684736255 in WhitePeopleTwitter

[–]PurpleTornadoMonkey 587 points588 points  (0 children)

I hate when people say crap like, if you don't like it why don't you just move to Canada or something. Uh, most Americans can't just literally move somewhere else like this. It's so stupid.

Did Ken pull his earlobes as a hint to something? by According-Tomato-301 in Jeopardy

[–]PurpleTornadoMonkey -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Someone always uploads the new episodes on youtube hours before it actually airs every day. Just youtube jeopardy and you can find the newest ones.