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  1. Retweeted
    Jun 21

    It should and it must! If lending rates don’t stabilize and eventually fall, Banks will once again be labeled a ‘cartel’. Makes no sense to only ‘cap’ deposit rates while allowing lending rates to rise.

  2. Jun 21

    What tis the site's privacy policy? There's a private information gathering wall before we can use the features of the site.

  3. Jun 21

    If two or more teams are level on points, they are separated using this tiebreaker system: 1. Goal difference 2. Goals scored 3. Head-to-head points 4. Head-to-head goal difference 5. Head-to-head goals scored 6. Fair play points 7. Drawing of lots.

  4. Jun 21

    Croatia have qualified. Nigeria are out if they lose to Iceland. Argentina now relies on Nigeria to hold or beat Iceland and must win next week and hope. Goal difference hit shit.

  5. Jun 20
  6. Jun 20

    There are theories, facts, truths & then, there are discoveries. Hellbent myopic metro-mono-cable-tunnel-rail-hydro stances on prosperity should learn from mistakes/blunders all metropolitan cities are correcting elsewhere. What kind of foundation do we we want to build?

  7. Jun 19

    Ever wonder what kind of people run our newsrooms

  8. Retweeted
    Jun 19

    Typhoid is something that's quite common in Kathmandu due to contaminated water...

  9. Jun 19

    Newsrooms milking it like damn -- Here's explainer on why contaminated & soda adulterated milk is news after 5 years again & what's got to do with it all?

  10. Jun 19

    Dear EiC , how do citizens know which bottled water to avoid? Where's the list? And where's the followup of the adulterated and contaminated milk? Have they become fit for consumption overnight?

  11. Jun 19

    Today reports 74% of all bottled water sold in the market to be contaminated with 92% coliform bacteria & E. coli

  12. Retweeted
    Jun 18

    Unless prominent newspapers/sites and editors continuously feature these real issues on their front-pages for weeks on end, nothing is going to happen. From what I've seen, anything else will not do. Our voices count less than grunts

  13. Jun 18

    Forty out of forty-two dairy companies are reported to be selling contaminated and soda adulterated milk, which is hazardous to health. The news has disappeared now. The government never stopped or sealed any of these dairies. Who Is milking who?

  14. Retweeted
    Jun 5

    SCOOP: Facebook had a data-sharing partnership with Chinese telecom firm Huawei, allowing devices special access to social data, per source. Seems ZTE did not have such arrangement. These agreements have triggered major privacy/security concerns.

  15. Jun 5

    Gurkhas. Khukuris. Never understood why our fierce men are not in the Nepal Army instead of serving other nations. The then "warrior" class had their deciet game pretty neat, it seems. All fair. Love. War. Divide. Disperse. Da game still on. Few rule. Majority serve.

  16. Jun 5
  17. Retweeted
    Jun 5

    "Each 150 square feet you take away from cars gives you a cafe seat—so one parking spot equals two more people enjoying life."—Jan Gehl

  18. Jun 5

    A direct-elect President in Nepal, which has a terrible record of handling democracy & little experience in autonomous province administration is a suicide. If two-third majority is a thing, our Commies might just get inspired by China & Russia. Bal Krishna Dhungel. Rings bells?

  19. Jun 5

    So when will "OUR STUDY" happen? And what were all the responsible individuals and organisations doing until now? Following orders of corrupt politicians and goontractors?

  20. Retweeted
    Jun 5

    सन्धर्भमा, अध्ययनहरु भएको सुनिन्छ, के के अध्ययन भए, तिनीहरुको लिस्ट र रिपोर्ट बटुल्न सक्दा पनि उपलब्धि हुने देखियो ! नभए अध्ययन माथि अध्ययन, काम चाँही एकातिर पिच-खन्ने-टाल्ने जस्तो, अर्कोतिर यो लगानीबोर्ड नामक अति उत्ताउलो काचो आएछ, पब्लिक ट्रन्स्पोर्टेसन पनि बेपार जस्तो गर्छ !


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