How To Make DIY Infused Olive Oil

Drizzle these on bruschetta, pasta and pizza.

09/08/2017 7:08 AM AEST | Updated 09/08/2017 7:12 AM AEST

We all have little tricks to make any dish taste better. For some, it's adding cheese or a condiment. For others, it's a secret herb or spice. Or maybe even a touch of sugar.

One super easy way to enhance a dish, especially if your meals feel lacklustre or are just missing something, is to use infused olive oil. While you can buy them ready made (with a steep price tag), infused oils are super easy and quick to make at home.

All you need is good quality olive oil and your choice of herbs and spices -- or a combo of these.

Here are five DIY infused olive oil ideas to get you started.


An important reminder: olive oil infused with fresh ingredients can turn rancid and grow dangerous bacteria quickly, especially when not refrigerated. For safety, make a small amount of infused oils and use the same day.

1. Garlic oil

Garlic-infused olive oil is a classic, and is perfect drizzled on top of pizza, steak, stirred through salads or used to dip crusty sourdough bread into.

To make garlic oil, place ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil in a small saucepan and add 1-2 peeled whole cloves of garlic. Gently heat oil on medium heat for 4-5 minutes, remove from heat and let the oil cool in the pan. Use the same day.

Eugene Mymrin

2. Rosemary and lemon oil

For a herby, zesty infusion, try rosemary and lemon oil which can be tossed through veggies before roasting or drizzled on top of pasta dishes for zing.

To make rosemary and lemon-infused oil, place ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil in a small saucepan, along with two teaspoons lemon zest and one teaspoon dried or fresh rosemary. Gently heat oil on medium heat for 4-5 minutes, remove from heat and let the oil cool in the pan. Use the same day.

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3. Chilli oil

For chilli lovers, try this hot infused oil and drizzle it on everything from pasta and pizza, to toasties and stir fry.

To make chilli-infused oil, place ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil in a small saucepan, along with two dried chillies. Gently heat oil on medium heat for 4-5 minutes, remove from heat and let the oil cool in the pan. Use the same day.

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4. Basil oil

One of the best ways to enjoy basil oil is drizzled on fresh bruschetta or Caprese salad. Stirred through salads and drizzled on top of pasta dishes is just as delicious, too.

To make basil-infused oil, place ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil and 6-7 fresh basil leaves in a small saucepan. Gently heat oil on medium heat for 4-5 minutes, remove from heat and let the oil cool in the pan. Use the same day.

OksanaKiian via Getty Images

5. Oregano and black pepper oil

For a herby yet peppery infusion, try this oregano and black pepper oil, which is delicious drizzled on meat before roasting and in salad dressings.

To make oregano and pepper-infused oil, place ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil, 1-2 teaspoons fresh or dried oregano and ¼-½ teaspoon crushed peppercorns in a small saucepan. Gently heat oil on medium heat for 4-5 minutes, remove from heat and let the oil cool in the pan. Use the same day.

Getty Images/iStockphoto

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