Now having reached the ultimate ritual of the Budget, and economic management, through which the last thirty years political unravelling has been understood, the depth of the government’s problems are finally becoming apparent to all.

Unlike Labor’s previous bouts of economic rationalism, say, as under Hawke and Keating, this time business aren’t especially asking for it.

These decades of stagnant real wages is the background that is usually forgotten by billionaires like George Soros and Bill Gross when they get worked up about the rise of credit.

The re-election campaign begins

Wednesday, 27 May 2009   Tactics   3 comments 

If Labor can look credible enough on climate change, whatever the next election will be fought on, that should be enough to win it.

The state steps in

Monday, 25 May 2009   The Australian state   5 comments 

Treasury’s unusual move in projecting growth at a higher trend and for a longer forward projection is necessary to provide a guide path out of the downturn that does not come from the economic programs of the political class.

Bluff and counter-bluff

Sunday, 17 May 2009   Tactics   5 comments 

Both parties were just talking tough about going to the electorate with economic programmes that they didn’t have.

So if the downturn is unprecedented, why has then Treasury chosen this time to change its methodology to more allow for the experience of past economic recoveries than ever before?

Predictions of some officials in Washington, London and Paris that the economy would begin to recover within a year, are based on no other reason than they wouldn’t know what to do if it didn’t.

Gently falling apart – a further update

Thursday, 22 May 2008   Tactics  Comments Off on Gently falling apart – a further update 

A strangely unsettled mood seems to have settled over national politics in the last week. Debate over the Budget is still rattling around but with no coherent theme having emerged from either side while the media keep worrying over it like a dog with a bone.

The New Sensitivity

Wednesday, 14 May 2008   Key posts, Tactics  Comments Off on The New Sensitivity 

Turnbull was dead right on Sunday that the government has a political strategy, not an economic one. Unfortunately, Turnbull doesn’t seem to know what it is.

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