The media has missed that it is not the illegal refugees that is the issue as much as the international context in which it is happening.

Review of 2008 – Labor

Wednesday, 24 December 2008   Key posts, State of the parties  Comments Off on Review of 2008 – Labor 

It was the political assault on the old power bases of the party that was the underlying theme of federal Labor in 2008.

Spot the Liberal

Friday, 3 October 2008   State and federal politics  Comments Off on Spot the Liberal 

So much for the election of a Liberal Premier shaking up Rudd’s federalism.

No revival, just decay – another update

Thursday, 25 September 2008   State and federal politics  Comments Off on No revival, just decay – another update 

Labor can push emission cuts out to well beyond the political life of anyone in the government. Unfortunately the Murray crisis creates expectations over what it can do and highlights its impotence now.

Libs re-emerge to a changed landscape

Monday, 15 September 2008   State and federal politics  Comments Off on Libs re-emerge to a changed landscape 

The Nationals’ problem is not some demographic phenomenon of sun-seekers retiring on the NSW coast but a political one. They are the most obvious victims of an unravelling of the old two party system that is affecting all of the parties.

No revival, just decay – an update

Tuesday, 9 September 2008   Media analysis  Comments Off on No revival, just decay – an update 

By proposing a deal with Labor in the first place Grylls and Carpenter have already changed the old bi-polar landscape.

No revival, just decay

Monday, 8 September 2008   State of the parties  Comments Off on No revival, just decay 

Those who think the election results across the country on Saturday showed the inevitable swinging back of the pendulum following the election of the Rudd government, must have been squinting at them with one eye.

The mythical truisms of Australian politics

Tuesday, 19 August 2008   State and federal politics  Comments Off on The mythical truisms of Australian politics 

What seems to be one enduring legacy of the Howard era has been the decline in political commentary in this country.

A whiff of political decay

Tuesday, 6 May 2008   State of the parties  Comments Off on A whiff of political decay 

There are a couple of features of Troy Buswell’s farcical tribulations that highlight the state of decay of both major parties, but especially the Liberals. The first is that we are hearing about it.

No womb to go back to

Tuesday, 22 January 2008   State of the parties  Comments Off on No womb to go back to 

Let’s be blunt. Nelson was not invited to yesterday’s meeting of Liberal state leaders because he was not wanted. But would he have wanted to go anyway? Probably not.

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