Rudd’s new political class – an update

Thursday, 28 February 2008   Media analysis  Comments Off on Rudd’s new political class – an update 

There seems to be a very confused reaction developing to Rudd’s 2020 Summit in Canberra.

Doing it the Sydney way

Monday, 25 February 2008   State and federal politics  Comments Off on Doing it the Sydney way 

The Iemma government is being hit from two sides at the moment, one of its choosing, one not.

Why Swan is nervous

Friday, 22 February 2008   Political figures  Comments Off on Why Swan is nervous 

Saying your opponent’s spending plans are just a political ruse is one thing, saying the same for those of your own party is something else.

Off into the void

Wednesday, 20 February 2008   State of the parties  Comments Off on Off into the void 

AWAs may not make much practical sense from anyone’s point of view but neither does it make much “common sense” for a political party to have no purpose for its existence.


Sunday, 17 February 2008   Tactics  Comments Off on Aftermath 

With the apology out of the way, Rudd now intends to focus on ‘practical measures’ and the starting point of this is not Keating’s reconciliation but Howard’s intervention.

What Nelson did wrong

Thursday, 14 February 2008   Key posts, The Australian state  Comments Off on What Nelson did wrong 

If there is an iron law of Australian politics, it is that the fate of the political class and the indigenous issue are intimately intertwined.

This is about now, not then

Wednesday, 13 February 2008   The Australian state  Comments Off on This is about now, not then 

This emotionalism should be a clue that what we are really talking about is not some historic incident in the bygone past, but something to do with today.

The Liberals: Australia’s last political party

Saturday, 9 February 2008   State of the parties  Comments Off on The Liberals: Australia’s last political party 

It is one thing to write before the election about the coming crisis of the Liberals and the coming anti-politics coup by Rudd but to see it in action is something else.

The genie’s back out of the bottle

Wednesday, 6 February 2008   Tactics  Comments Off on The genie’s back out of the bottle 

Given that the government is standing at 60%+ in the polls and the Liberals can barely find a single issue they can agree on (anyone think of one?) Rudd’s performance on The 7.30 Report on Monday night was surprisingly awkward.

Rudd’s new political class

Monday, 4 February 2008   State of the parties  Comments Off on Rudd’s new political class 

There will be those who will dismiss this as a stunt. But the stunt element will lie in the fact that the 1,000 chosen will represent nothing more than themselves, and so have no social weight to push their agenda through. However, it certainly sends a message to the political parties who like to think that they do.

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