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  1. 釘選的推文

    IN THIS ISSUE: "Unpopular populism" - how Brexit/Trump exposed a crisis in political thinking.

  2. 43 分鐘前

    My Twitter timeline seems to regard Hirsi Ali's security concerns as bollocks. Ok.

  3. 48 分鐘前

    Group protesting against Hirsi Ali speaking her views surprised she didn't meet them to discuss her views. 🤔

  4. 2 小時前

    There's the Daily Mail's "Legs-it" and then there's how the BBC treats a leading female politician ...

  5. 2 小時前

    Which makes this take on the humiliation of a "privileged" minor not only unpleasant but probably wrong.

  6. 2 小時前

    Piece doesn't mention the schoolboy and only Keneally and Harmer as reasons for Latham's departure. More believable.

  7. 12 小時前
  8. 23 小時前
  9. 4月1日
  10. 4月1日
  11. 4月1日
  12. 4月1日

    In a city that voted in a Labour Muslim mayor, where a Greens leader is the most popular, the deep deep unpopularity of Corbyn is something.

  13. 4月1日

    Either that or it was the fault of Hillary advisors like this one. 🤔

  14. 已轉推

    After her passionate defence of the cuts Pauline is starting to look and sound like a...slippery politician!

  15. 3月31日

    Sorry, I really am going to need a blue tick to believe this.

  16. 3月31日
  17. 已轉推
  18. 3月31日

    Funny that searing critiques of Latham never seem to include the time he ran for PM. But he's just continuing the same "real values" crap.

  19. 3月31日

    Summing up the excellent work done by Altman at the ANU. Basics card racially targeted, worse than useless. Naturally, bipartisan support.

  20. 3月31日


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