Pragmatic and out of touch

Friday, 27 April 2007   International relations  Comments Off on Pragmatic and out of touch 

Now that the War on Terror is being superseded by the Global Warming agenda, Howard has similar problems to those faced by Beazley six years ago.

What is Anzac Day but a media farce?

Friday, 20 April 2007   International relations  Comments Off on What is Anzac Day but a media farce? 

Rescheduling the dawn service to suit media timetables does no more than illustrate that Anzac Day is already the very definition of media spectacle; a playing of images, visuals and symbols with very little content.

Rudd’s glass jaw (Part III)

Monday, 16 April 2007   International relations, Key posts  Comments Off on Rudd’s glass jaw (Part III) 

When Rudd says that global warming is now on an equal footing with national security, that is a pretty accurate reflection on the balance in international relations between the US’s War on Terror and the climate change agenda of its rivals that is now gaining ground.

Rudd’s glass jaw (Part II)

Saturday, 14 April 2007   International relations, Key posts  Comments Off on Rudd’s glass jaw (Part II) 

Australia’s subservience to international trends is often the great unspoken of its politics.

Rudd’s glass jaw (Part I)

Friday, 13 April 2007   International relations, Key posts  Comments Off on Rudd’s glass jaw (Part I) 

The critical change that is making this electoral cycle different from that of 2001 and 2004 is not Rudd but the falling apart of the US’s War On Terror agenda.

Fresh, new and dead

Thursday, 12 April 2007   State and federal politics  Comments Off on Fresh, new and dead 

Another day, another new Liberal state leader.

No New Labor

Monday, 9 April 2007   State and federal politics  Comments Off on No New Labor 

An amusing well-written piece in today’s SMH by Paul Sheehan which unfortunately disproves precisely what he sets out to prove

One-eyed for the two-party system

Friday, 6 April 2007   Media analysis  Comments Off on One-eyed for the two-party system 

If there is any media bias these days it is more to push the idea that there is still a viable opposition and two-party system operating in the state at all.

No one wants Howard’s IR agenda

Thursday, 5 April 2007   State of the parties  Comments Off on No one wants Howard’s IR agenda 

Howard must be one of the world’s few national leaders to have ever launched an attack on unions that even business didn’t need.

The hollowness at the heart of Hicks

Thursday, 5 April 2007   International relations  Comments Off on The hollowness at the heart of Hicks 

What better conflict for a hometown naiveté to get involved in than a full-scale military intervention by the world’s largest powers who themselves did not have a clue what to do once they got there.