2013 could be summed up as the year when neither Labor under Rudd, nor the Coalition under Abbott proved capable of filling the gap left by the exhaustion of Labor’s historical project under Gillard.


Tuesday, 24 December 2013   State of the parties, Tactics   25 comments 

If the left’s last hope is disruption from the Liberal right, so Abbott is helped by the phoney polarities of the left. The pas de deux continues.


Monday, 9 September 2013   State of the parties   22 comments 

The end of that tension in Labor is because Rudd’s failure has meant there is now no one in Labor who can turn an attack on the party’s existing power structures into an electoral asset.

Rudd’s problem was that he did not clarify why he was distinct from the party that had dumped him and the institutions that had blocked his return, which would have given the “New Way” slogan any meaning.

AdWatch: Labor’s negative ads

Sunday, 25 August 2013   Tactics   4 comments 

The debate showed how much Rudd, rather than maintain the aura of incumbency he so well established when he returned, has needed to take up the negativity himself. Shouldn’t the ads be doing that?


Monday, 19 August 2013   State of the parties, Tactics   12 comments 

In failing to make its anti-political attack on the Coalition, Labor is seeing it rebound and they being the “political” operators.

Could it be that the RBA had more influence over election timing than Sussex St?

Running on empty

Monday, 5 August 2013   Tactics   11 comments 

The common theme running through the message is a new way economic policy is being viewed, namely that government is not responsible for the state of the economy, rather just for protecting the electorate from the worst of it.


Tuesday, 30 July 2013   State of the parties   14 comments 

The political agenda we see now are the leftovers from a time when the major parties represented clear social bases in the electorate which they no longer do.

Preparing for war

Sunday, 24 March 2013   State of the parties, Tactics   42 comments 

You think it’s about Rudd v Gillard? You ain’t seen nothing yet.

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