There was only one real difference between what happened last week and what the media had been witnessing since Abbott took the leadership – the public gave its verdict.

Rudd does negative better

Wednesday, 24 March 2010   Tactics   6 comments 

When Rudd says now is the time for cooperation, it is not because he actually wants the Liberals’ help.

While the Tasmanian result represents the decomposition of the old, the SA result reflects the weakness of the new.

Health may not be the winner

Friday, 19 March 2010   Tactics   6 comments 

There is something very politically useful in Labor’s health reform plan for the government, namely the anti-political attack it implies on the state governments. But what is the basis for that attack?

Unravelling Tony Abbott

Wednesday, 17 March 2010   Political figures   8 comments 

Like One Nation, Abbott’s accession to the leadership is being confused with another phenomenon – the revival of the right.

Opposing on empty

Monday, 15 March 2010   Tactics   4 comments 

If Howard couldn’t sustain a distinctive agenda in the run up to the 2007 election, why should Abbott after 2010?

Trying to do a Latham

Wednesday, 10 March 2010   Tactics   12 comments 

Latham and Rudd may have not needed to consult their party, Abbott didn’t dare consult his.

Rudd and Gillard are campaigning against an arm of government. However, it is worth noting that they are also campaigning against the parties running them, including their own.

Even before the 2007 election, Rudd was using health as a basis for his anti-political agenda.

Stoop low

Monday, 1 March 2010   Tactics   6 comments 

If the normal rules of the game applied, Rudd’s confessional moment on Insiders would have been a foolish move.