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Title Author Published Comments Recommends Hotlisted Views
Open Thread for Night Owls: 'Blame the frailty of our democracy' for Quist's Montana loss
Joseph Bullington grew up in the small town of White Sulphur Springs, Montana. He recently spent more than a month living in and reporting on the Standing Rock resistance camps opposing the Dakota ...
Meteor Blades 06/05/2017 8 12 - -
When a joke is more than a joke
About seven years ago, singer/songwriter John Mayer gave a disastrous series of interviews where he talked about the life of a recording artist and all the women he was screwing , in the wake of ...
Doctor RJ 06/05/2017 22 15 - -
Tulsa Sheriff's 'Reserve Deputies' mysteriously amass impressive track record of ... GunFAIL CCXXXIX
The week of March 26 wasn’t an extraordinarily busy one in GunFAIL terms. But it had an interesting mix of problems. Of course, there were all the usuals: 14 people who accidentally shot themselves, eight accidental gun fatalities, seven kids...
David Waldman 06/05/2017 10 33 - -
Like the terrorists themselves, Trump wants people to be terrified
This isn’t complicated. The purpose of terrorism is to terrify people. Terrorists want masses of people to respond irrationally and live in fear. That is how they draw their power. That is their goal. But Britons will have none of it. They keep calm...
Laurence Lewis 06/05/2017 100 165 - -
Promises, promises: Senate Republicans tied up in knots over making Trumpcare affordable
Campaign Action The Congressional Budget Office keeps raining on the Republicans' Trumpcare parade. GOP leaders have promised again and again that they'll bring down premium costs, but the reality is they can only do that for the people who need...
Joan McCarter 06/05/2017 16 26 - -
Public support for Medicaid expansion under Obamacare remains insanely high
Toss this on to the pile of problems Senate Republicans are facing in repealing Obamacare and the Medicaid expansion that went with it: Medicaid expansion is ridiculously popular. Seriously, hugely popular, even among Republicans. More popular than...
Joan McCarter 06/05/2017 15 54 - -
Comey bad, Putin good, according to North Carolina Republicans
Being a good Republican in this day and age means that you like who Donald Trump likes and his enemies are your enemies. U.S. intelligence is bad, Vladimir Putin is good. McClatchy found that attitude fully on display at the weekend’s North Carolina...
Laura Clawson 06/05/2017 60 68 - -
This tiny Texas town can't afford a gas pump, but it's leading the resistance to hateful legislation
El Cenizo, a tiny Texas border town where the 34-year-old mayor gets paid $100 a month, is quickly emerging as one of the leaders in the growing resistance to the state’s discriminatory “show me your papers” law, which will turn local law enforcement...
Gabe Ortiz 06/05/2017 20 118 - -
Another Trump rift: Mnuchin v. Mulvaney on the debt ceiling
Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, former financial exec, meet budget director Mick Mulvaney, former Freedom Caucus crusader. This is where Wall Street hits a wall of ignorance. Mulvaney along with Trump's chief economic adviser Gary Cohn have...
Kerry Eleveld 06/05/2017 23 51 - -
Trumpcare obstacles are piling up for Senate Republicans, and we're the biggest one
Campaign Action There are plenty of things standing in the way of Senate Republicans finding a Trumpcare solution, much less one that could get 50 votes and also be able to pass in the House—because the House's already-passed version of Zombie...
Joan McCarter 06/05/2017 18 160 - -
Texas lawmakers spent so much time bickering over abortion, they failed to address pregnancy deaths
Texas Republicans have done a bang-up job when it comes to passing incredibly outrageous and restrictive abortion legislation this year. Last month, they passed a series of dangerous anti-abortion bills that could actually become law including a ban on...
Kelly Macias 06/05/2017 53 105 - -
Trump's departure from Paris agreement 'a nationalist manifesto of the most imbecilic variety'
German newspaper Der Speigel got a chance to see what happened behind closed doors at the recent G7 summit. What the record of those meetings revealed was leader after leader attempting to reach Donald Trump—through logic, through common sense, through...
Mark Sumner 06/05/2017 50 118 - -
Karen Handel riffs on 'Devil Went Down to Georgia': Nancy Pelosi is 'looking for a seat to steal'
Jon Ossoff continues to be a better candidate than Karen Handel. With just over two weeks until the June 20 special election in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District, the race continues to be hard-fought, and Handel continues to be kind of … weak. While...
Laura Clawson 06/05/2017 46 59 - -
NSA report reveals Russian effort to hack US voting systems days before the 2016 election
The Intercept just published a story detailing a cyberattack carried out by the Russians that targeted U.S. voting systems in the run up to the 2016 elections. The Intercept writes: RUSSIAN MILITARY INTELLIGENCE executed a cyberattack on at least...
Kerry Eleveld 06/05/2017 172 162 - -
Trump's infrastructure bait-and-switch: Cut funding, blame states, and sell the rest to Wall Street
There is no "Trump infrastructure plan." There never was, and anyone who believed otherwise was not paying attention. As a businessman, he was continually proven a crook, and he does not have "plans," he merely says whatever the person in front of him...
Hunter 06/05/2017 79 129 - -
Democrats hold their fire on House races as Republicans pump money into preventing disaster
Trigger warning: This story contains graphic details of national Democrats and high-dollar donors acting irrationally and being inexplicably stupid.  The Democratic base is on fire, staging inspirational protest after inspirational protest, posting...
Kerry Eleveld 06/05/2017 125 114 - -
Trump's tweets expertly tilt the scales of justice against his Muslim ban
Lawyers on the left and right agree: The idiot in chief has really outdone himself with his latest Twitter rant concerning his flailing Muslim ban effort. Not only did he explicitly contradict his own communications team's assertion that the order...
Kerry Eleveld 06/05/2017 39 79 - -
Midday open thread: Kudos to Harvard and cheers for a very clever person
Today’s  comic  by Tom Tomorrow is Fake news media:
Barbara Morrill 06/05/2017 27 35 - -
Comey scheduled to testify on Thursday—and anticipation for the event is reaching fever pitch
Former FBI director James Comey, who Donald Trump admits to firing because he wouldn’t drop the investigation into connections between the Trump campaign and Russia, is set to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday. This is the...
Mark Sumner 06/05/2017 73 90 - -
Kellyanne Conway demands the media stop covering the things the sitting president says
One of the few problems with press secretary Sean Spicer's humiliating sidelining is that we now have to hear more from second-tier hacks like Kellyanne Conway, a liar so brazen that even the liar support network known as cable television eventually...
Hunter 06/05/2017 146 189 - -
This private immigrant detention center has had three deaths in three months
Immigrants are dying while in ICE custody, and it’s a problem that seems to be getting worse. Last week, Vincente Caceres-Maradiaga, a Honduran national, collapsed while playing soccer at the Adelanto Detention Facility, a privately operated...
Gabe Ortiz 06/05/2017 13 60 - -
Donald Trump promises to make the planes run on time
With his extensive experience in running Trump Airlines into the ground ...   The high debt forced Trump to default on his loans, and ownership of the company was turned over to creditors. … Donald Trump is obviously the right person to lead...
Mark Sumner 06/05/2017 173 129 - -
Massive win: Supreme Court strikes down North Carolina's GOP-drawn maps for racial gerrymandering
In a major victory for voting rights on Monday, the Supreme Court affirmed a lower court ruling issued last year that had struck down 28 of North Carolina’s 170 state legislative districts on the grounds that Republicans had unconstitutionally used...
Stephen Wolf 06/05/2017 65 238 - -
Trump complains about Democrats failing to confirm people he hasn't nominated
In the midst of his Monday morning Twitter rant, Donald Trump paused for the daily direct-to-Trump ego-stroking that is Fox and Friends. There, hosts eager to get away from watching Trump dump a boatload of poison into his own Supreme Court case by...
Mark Sumner 06/05/2017 136 215 - -
Republicans declare war on the media for 2018. Because declaring war on facts doesn't sound so good.
Donald Trump has pushed the media to shake up its long-standing routine of reporting whatever Republicans say in news stories and intermittently calling out their lies in fact-checks. Now, Trump’s constant stream of blatant lies sometimes gets called...
Laura Clawson 06/05/2017 62 97 - -
Senate Republicans return to D.C. to face dreaded Trumpcare
Congress returns from its latest week-long vacation to face, once again, an Obamacare repeal and replacement bill that no one except lying Paul Ryan supports. After a week away, they're even less keen to deal with Trumpcare than before they left. ...
Joan McCarter 06/05/2017 32 68 - -
Donald Trump's petty speech to NATO was an ugly surprise even to his own team
Article 5 is the heart of NATO. It’s the section of NATO’s founding treaty where all the nations that participate in the alliance promise to come to the defense of any member under attack. Article 5 has been invoked exactly one time—by the United...
Mark Sumner 06/05/2017 74 171 - -
Idiot occupying the White House insults mayor of London ... again
He’s unhinged: What Mayor Khan said: Londoners will see an increased police presence today & over the course of the next few days. There's no reason to be alarmed. Discuss.
Barbara Morrill 06/05/2017 243 123 - -
Cartoon: Fake news media
If there’s a journalist or commentator that you think should have been included in the League of Fake News Purveyors, don’t worry — their meeting room is actually quite large, and the person ...
Tom Tomorrow 06/05/2017 36 97 - -
AP fact-check on London: Trump 'can't be counted on to give accurate information to Americans'
After Donald Trump’s three-day Twitter rampage over the London attack, as well as his claim that a robbery in the Philippines was a terrorist attack, the AP leads a fact-check with a brutally blunt assessment: President Donald Trump can’t be...
Laura Clawson 06/05/2017 119 189 - -
Trump's three day Twitter attack over London includes arguing for tougher version of Muslim ban
Donald Trump fired off a string of tweets on Monday morning using London as proof that the United States need to implement his Muslim ban. But Trump isn’t just applying pressure to the executive order that’s on its way to the Supreme Court. He’s ready...
Mark Sumner 06/05/2017 74 92 - -
Morning Digest: House Democrats breathe relief as Trump-seat Rep. Rick Nolan won't run for governor
Leading Off ● MN-Gov, MN-08 : On Friday, Democratic Rep. Rick Nolan announced that he would not join the crowded race for governor of Minnesota. Nolan instead said, "The challenges and ...
Daily Kos Elections 06/05/2017 20 29 - -
Daily Kos Radio is LIVE at 9 AM ET!
Happy Monday, and welcome to Week 20 of The Presidential Apprentice . We’re still waiting on that whole “presidential” part, though. Another garbage fire of a weekend has passed, with a ...
David Waldman 06/05/2017 - 9 - -
Abbreviated Pundit Round-up: Who are the good guys, anyway?
James Wolcott /Vanity Fair: One of the chewier ironies of the Trump interregnum is finding that I’m following former foes on Twitter and elsewhere that I once mocked, reviled, and cast into ...
Greg Dworkin 06/05/2017 309 152 - -
Open thread for night owls: 'The myth of the kindly General Lee'
At  The Atlantic , Adam Serwer dissects the southern deification of confederate general Robert E. Lee . In the Richmond Times Dispatch , R. David Cox ...
Hunter 06/04/2017 132 101 - -
Naomi Klein is right—Trump is partially our own fault. So how do we win again?
If a political party continues to do the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result each time, it is doomed to failure. Unfortunately, while the left flank of the party is ...
Egberto Willies 06/04/2017 514 142 - -
Where will you be on August 21, 2017?
During my half century on Earth, two summers really stand out as magical: 1987 and 2000. And given recent events, surely we are all about due for another exceptional summer! It turns out summer 2017 could be that very season. Because near its end, a...
DarkSyde 06/04/2017 192 135 - -
Maine saved a river that Trump wants to destroy
Although the weather on Memorial Day was cloudy, it was at least cool enough to keep most of the flying pests at bay as we gathered under the large party tent that had been set up for the day’s ...
Susan Grigsby 06/04/2017 102 135 - -
The White House search for a new FBI director has been 'chaotic', with 'no clear framework or logic'
In the wake of Donald Trump firing the FBI director heading the investigation into potential links between unprecedented Russian hacking directed at boosting his presidential campaign and members of ...
Hunter 06/04/2017 137 150 - -
Yes, I am a social justice warrior
Yes, I admit it.  I am indeed a social justice warrior. I believe in the ideals and goals espoused by Gandhi, the Rev. Dr. King, and Mandela. I believe this world can be significantly more just, more tolerant, more accepting, more open, and more...
Frank Vyan Walton 06/04/2017 114 143 - -
De Blasio and Trump see urban crime differently. Guess who the data on NYC street stops vindicates?
A new report issued this week details a fascinating, real-life experiment. Imagine, for a second, if New York City had announced that, after years of NYPD officers stopping hundreds of thousands of people—overwhelmingly black and Latino, almost nine...
Ian Reifowitz 06/04/2017 39 135 - -
A sociopathic Trump uses London attacks to promote fear and deride his London opponents
The blazing tire fire now parked in the Oval Office is never going to get better. He is never going to rise to the demands of the job; he is never going to be more than the lazy, ignorant, forever-lying ball of self-absorbed fury. He is transparently...
Hunter 06/04/2017 208 205 - -
American Sociopath
Jerk. Liar. Bully. Thug. Con artist. Scumbag. Asshole. In the four months since the inauguration of Donald Trump, these terms have regrettably become aptly descriptive staples of our political ...
Propane Jane 06/04/2017 295 300 - -
How conservative propaganda works in America: The signal and the noise
We’ve heard a lot about Russian meddling recently. What we don’t hear about is how more  than 50 years of corporate special interest group propaganda fattened the U.S. up, priming our country ...
David Akadjian 06/04/2017 129 182 - -
Dear white Trump voters with an opiate addict in the family: Your president embraces this dude
This is directly addressed to white people who voted for Donald Trump, since much of the focus of his purported “sympathy” listening session with families who have lost a loved one due to the current opioid overdose crisis targeted white America. If...
Denise Oliver Velez 06/04/2017 339 272 - -
Abbreviated Pundit Round-up
Over the last day, alerts that send the little BBC News or Washington Post tunes chirping from my phone were surprisingly few, and while they did, of course, alert me to yet another terrorist incident in London, they also informed me that: The...
Mark Sumner 06/04/2017 303 187 - -
By withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement, it's Trump and Assad alone against the world
Much has been made of the fact that Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement makes the United States an international pariah and a business disaster, that it will undermine national security, that his excuses were a series of flat-out lies,...
Laurence Lewis 06/03/2017 100 113 - -
Nuts & Bolts: A guide to Democratic campaigns—don't let your finance report sink you
Welcome back, Saturday Campaign D.I.Y.ers! For those who tune in, welcome to the Nuts & Bolts of a Democratic campaign. Each week we discuss issues that help drive successful campaigns. If you’ve missed prior diaries, please visit our group or...
Chris Reeves 06/03/2017 10 73 - -
This week in science: summer of eclipse
There’ll be an eclipse this summer across the US, and we’ll have more on that tomorrow, on Sunday Kos. But for now, finally, perhaps Tabby’s Star isn’t quite as rare an occurrence as it ...
DarkSyde 06/03/2017 40 75 - -
This week in the war on workers: A gender gap starting on graduation day
Tell me again about how the gender wage gap is because women leave the workforce to stay home with the kids, or whatever the excuse du jour is: R ight out of college, young   men are paid more ...
Laura Clawson 06/03/2017 38 57 - -
Spotlight on green news & views: Dozens of posts on Trump's premature evacuation from Paris pact
This is the 503rd edition of the Spotlight on Green News & Views (previously known as the Green Diary Rescue) usually appears twice a week, on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Here is the May 31 Green Spotlight. More than 27,100 environmentally oriented...
Meteor Blades 06/03/2017 30 81 - -
The GOP brutally gerrymandered Ohio's legislature, but Democrats could block future GOP maps in 2018
Daily Kos Elections' project to calculate the 2016 presidential results for every state legislative seat in the nation ventures to Ohio, a traditionally swingy state that took a hard right turn in 2016, and where the GOP dominates the state...
Jeff Singer 06/03/2017 20 68 - -
The nation's pollsters mull over what went wrong (and right) in 2016
One thing compounding the pain of the 2016 election—on top of, y’know, the actual consequences of losing—was the way that the loss seemed to come out of nowhere. Polls, for the most part, showed Hillary Clinton winning, both at the national level and...
David Jarman 06/03/2017 100 57 - -
Voting Rights Roundup: Stubborn Texas Republicans face potential redistricting 'Armageddon'
Leading Off ● Texas: Like their brethren in North Carolina, Republican legislators in Texas have been embroiled in racial gerrymandering lawsuits almost since the moment they passed new redistricting plans following the 2010 census. Earlier in 2017,...
Stephen Wolf 06/03/2017 27 86 - -
View from the Left: Trump trashes the planet to distract from Russia
Among Donald Trump's cabinet members, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has thus far dominated the pr*sident's time. By Politico's count last month, Tillerson had met with Trump 22 times, while Environmental Protection Agency destroyer Scott Pruitt...
Kerry Eleveld 06/03/2017 63 95 - -
How Fox News deals with 23 million Americans losing health insurance: Blame the CBO for saying so
Possibly because somebody in the office lost a bet, Vox watched and categorized the entirety of Fox News's "coverage" of the Congressional Budget Office's conclusion that the Republican rollback of ...
Hunter 06/03/2017 45 112 - -
Trump is still spouting falsehoods about NATO, and it's yet another sign of his incapacity
Donald Trump's bizarre speech to NATO last week was yet another opportunity for America's fact-checkers to do that thing they do, patiently explaining that even though this orange-hued fellow keeps ...
Hunter 06/03/2017 117 148 - -
Gun violence at the hands of an intimate partner a leading cause of death for American women
 June 2 is National Gun Violence Awareness Day. While gun control advocates across the country try to bring attention to the issue of mass shootings, it’s critically important for us also not to lose sight of the fact that hundreds of American women...
Kelly Macias 06/03/2017 56 101 - -
Stung by O'Reilly firing and Hannity's decline, conservatives seek revenge on ... Rachel Maddow
Knock yourselves out, kiddos . [T]wo conservative groups are launching new initiatives aiming to adopt the left’s tactics against liberals like Rachel Maddow. The groups plan to pressure ...
Hunter 06/03/2017 345 257 - -
Trump's advisers won't say if he still believes climate change is a 'hoax.' But what does it matter?
While Donald Trump was pissing off Europeans a week ago, White House economic adviser Gary Cohn said of his views on climate change: "He came here to learn. He came here to get smarter. His views are evolving, which is exactly as they should be." ...
Meteor Blades 06/03/2017 59 92 - -
DC mayor slams fake ICE flyers telling people to report undocumented immigrants
NBC 4 Washington reports that numerous fake ICE flyers featuring instructions to report undocumented immigrants to immigration agents or risk jail time were posted in a Washington, D.C. neighborhood today. “If you see something, say something,” states...
Gabe Ortiz 06/03/2017 19 59 - -
Special counsel Mueller adds to his investigation the probe of ex-Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort
Sadie Gurman, Eric Tucker and Jeff Horwitz report: The special counsel investigating possible ties between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia’s government has taken over a separate criminal probe involving former Trump campaign...
Meteor Blades 06/03/2017 27 84 - -
Abbreviated Pundit Round-up: Chickens will come home to roost
Jonathan Chait /NY Magazine: Everything Conservatives Said About the Paris Climate Agreement Is Already Wrong Why was the right so certain that India and China would continue to ramp up their ...
Greg Dworkin 06/03/2017 340 179 - -
Open thread for night owls: Trump regime appears eager to bury Senate torture report forever
(If you have the stomach for it, here is a link to more of Botero’s paintings on Abu Ghraib.) Andrea Germanos at CommonDreams writes— It Appears Trump Administration Wants to Bury Senate ...
Meteor Blades 06/02/2017 77 96 - -
God has a message for Donald Trump
In the wake of Donald Trump’s announcement that the planet can drop dead, God had a message for the petulant man-child: The nations were angry, and your wrath has come. The time has come … for destroying those who destroy the earth.”  Asked...
Barbara Morrill 06/02/2017 68 63 - -
Attorney says Texas Republican's ICE call will 'almost assuredly' be used in lawsuit against SB4
Texas House Representative Matt Rinaldi’s very poor decision to call ICE on hundreds of peaceful demonstrators protesting the state’s discriminatory “show me your papers” law could come back to bite him right in his racist ass. An attorney involved in...
Gabe Ortiz 06/02/2017 14 82 - -
Trump's proposed budget cuts rip the rug out from under people with disabilities
The Trump administration has decided that providing Americans who have suffered debilitating illnesses or disabilities with just enough resources to stay fed is much too generous. As far as Trump budget director Mick Mulvaney is concerned, people...
Kerry Eleveld 06/02/2017 71 110 - -
Professor receives death threats, cancels book tour after Fox airs her speech criticizing Trump
Conservatives absolutely love free speech—but only when it applies to them. In the past few months, they have feigned outrage about several prominent right-wingers like Ann Coulter and Milo Yiannopoulos being disinvited to college campuses amid...
Kelly Macias 06/02/2017 49 124 - -
Republican senator says U.S. 'coddled the Putin regime' under Obama, stays silent on Trump
The sitting president of the United States is under investigation for collusion with Russian interference in the 2016 elections. The president’s son-in-law, a top adviser, reportedly asked for a secure back channel to talk to Russia that would evade...
Laura Clawson 06/02/2017 75 96 - -
ICE agents arrest undocumented dad with no criminal record at USCIS appointment
Remember this: when Donald Trump and Department of Homeland Security Sec. John Kelly tell you that they are only targeting dangerous criminals and “bad hombres” for arrest and deportation, they are lying to you. USA Today shares one of the most...
Gabe Ortiz 06/02/2017 71 72 - -
Cheers and Jeers: Rum and Resistance FRIDAY!
From the GREAT STATE OF MAINE… Late Night Snark: Evil Republicans Edition "A [Montana] Republican congressional candidate named Greg Gianforte apparently body-slammed a reporter. Some Republicans are defending him, saying the body slam wasn't a...
Bill in Portland Maine 06/02/2017 136 71 - -
The minute they graduate from college, women can expect to earn $3 an hour less than men
At the liberal Economic Policy Institute, analysts Elise Gould and Teresa Kroeger report that significant gender gap above: Right out of college, young men are paid more than their women peers—which is surprising given that these recent graduates...
Meteor Blades 06/02/2017 90 74 - -
Donald Trump's Twitter account is a 'gold mine' of information for investigators
Conducting an independent investigation into clandestine links between a presidential candidate and a foreign government sounds like a recipe for spending a lot of time digging through obscure documents, piecing together chains of emails, and tracking...
Mark Sumner 06/02/2017 139 262 - -
Cartoon: Pick your health care plan
The Affordable Care Act is a vast improvement over what came before, but it’s just a step towards single-payer and ending the parasitic health insurance racket. Follow me on Twitter @...
BrianMcFadden 06/02/2017 32 68 - -
Trump tried to sneak in lifting Russian sanctions before anyone could stop him
The “deep state,” composed of government employees who wage a surreptitious campaign against Trump, is a fantasy of the alt right. But in the early days of the Trump regime, workers in the State Department did engage in a conflict to ward off a move so...
Mark Sumner 06/02/2017 120 186 - -
Desperate pro-Trumpcare Republicans are attempting to cover their butts. It's not going well.
California Republican Rep. Steve Knight held his first town hall meeting since voting for Trumpcare, and he might be regretting it. While Knight and some other Republicans in districts that voted for Hillary Clinton are trying to pretend they’ll serve...
Laura Clawson 06/02/2017 72 213 - -
Newt Gingrich has pro-Trump book coming out. My anti-Trump book is better. Pre-order it today!
On June 13, Newt Gingrich will release his new shit book about Donald Trump: UNDERSTANDING TRUMP explains the president's actions so far and lays out a vision for what Americans can do to help make President Trump's agenda a success. A...
kos 06/02/2017 207 205 - -
Spicer and entire White House staff develop collective amnesia on Trump's climate change views
“Our lips are sealed!” is the new motto of White House staff when it comes to whether Donald Trump still believes climate change is a “hoax.” After Environmental Protection destroyer Scott Pruitt and Press Secretary Sean Spicer fielded at least eight...
Kerry Eleveld 06/02/2017 80 85 - -
Steve Bannon appears to have gotten a 'retroactive' waiver on ethics rules he had already violated
How crooked is the Trump White House? Crooked enough to apparently invent whole new ways to be crooked. The Trump administration may have skirted federal ethics rules by retroactively granting a blanket exemption that allows Stephen K. Bannon, the...
Hunter 06/02/2017 96 131 - -
Undocumented dad of U.S. military veteran arrested by ICE, faces deportation
The father of a U.S. military veteran is facing possible deportation after he was arrested by ICE agents at home, according to a Spanish-language Univision 45 Houston report. Israel Solano, who served a tour in Afghanistan, said he was awakened by an...
Gabe Ortiz 06/02/2017 24 66 - -
Midday open thread: Rightwing provocateur O'Keefe sued for a million; Trump's trove of climate lies
Today’s comic by Mark Fiore is The Kushner Kables: •  What’s coming up on Sunday Kos … Dear white Trump voters with an opiate addict in the family: your president embraces this dude, by Denise Oliver Velez How conservative...
Meteor Blades 06/02/2017 18 52 - -
Trump holding rally Saturday to celebrate his middle finger to the world ... maybe you should attend
Donald Trump and his staff are really in love with this whole “Pittsburgh, not Paris” alliteration thing they’ve got going on. The adulation-hungry popular-vote-loser’s team is staging a “Pittsburgh, not Paris” rally on Saturday outside the White...
Laura Clawson 06/02/2017 122 82 - -
Mind-meld: Trump's fictional '400-pound' hacker meets Putin's '3-year-old' hacker
Two heads of state in the world right now maintain that the Russian government didn't perpetrate a cyber attack on the U.S. election last year: Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. Following on his assertion Thursday that a Russian patriot might have just...
Kerry Eleveld 06/02/2017 17 46 - -
ACLU sues South Carolina county for arresting and jailing people too poor to pay court fines
America does an excellent job at shaming its poor people. Sure, there are state and federal programs that exist to help them. And in this way, we can pat ourselves on the back and make ourselves feel better about our supposed sense of charity. But look...
Kelly Macias 06/02/2017 18 87 - -
Dallas Fed Reserve chief: Trump's crackdown is keeping immigrants home and hurting the economy
Popular vote loser Donald Trump isn’t hellbent on merely destroying our environment and relationships with long-time allies across the world, he’s also set on running the economy into the ground through his anti-immigrant crackdown. Take it from Robert...
Gabe Ortiz 06/02/2017 19 84 - -
'History will condemn us' for walking away from Paris pact, Ossoff says. Crickets from Handel.
With a new poll showing him with a tiny lead (within the margin of error) and early voting underway in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District, Jon Ossoff condemned Donald Trump’s decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris climate pact: “I agree with...
Laura Clawson 06/02/2017 22 101 - -
Special Counsel Mueller takes over criminal investigation into Michael Flynn's role as foreign agent
Michael Flynn may have taken a nice paycheck from Russian state media RT when he visited Moscow to sip champagne with Russian leaders and give Vladimir Putin a standing ovation, but the money he brought home from that trip is just a fraction of what he...
Mark Sumner 06/02/2017 55 123 - -
Trump asks Supreme Court to immediately reinstate his Muslim ban
Last time Donald Trump's Muslim ban got shot down by an appeals court and Trump threatened "SEE YOU IN COURT," the Justice Department instead decided to rewrite the inherently flawed ban. Now that the rewritten order suffered an even more decisive...
Kerry Eleveld 06/02/2017 40 65 - -
Senate Republicans consider taxing employer-provided health insurance
Republicans have found a way to make their healthcare plan even less popular, by taxing employer plans. The idea, which would mean changing how health coverage works for an additional 177 million people plus employers, was raised but not adopted in the...
Laura Clawson 06/02/2017 175 97 - -
Kremlin-backed bank contradicts Kushner's explanation for December meeting
The White House has been struggling to explain why exactly Jared Kushner had several secret contacts in December with the Russians, including one in which he met with the head of a Russian state-run bank mid-month. Suffice it to say, none of the...
Kerry Eleveld 06/02/2017 160 264 - -
Trump orders agencies to ignore information requests from Democrats
Asking then FBI director James Comey to flat-out drop the investigation might be the most obvious attempt by Donald Trump to obstruct the Trump–Russia investigation. But it’s far from the only move he’s made to block the truth from coming out. ...
Mark Sumner 06/02/2017 524 348 - -
Trump didn't just condemn us to environmental disaster, he made time for some non-climate lies, too
As he announced that he would withdraw the United States from the Paris climate pact, Donald Trump concentrated most of his lies on the Paris accord and the environment. But he made time for a ...
Laura Clawson 06/02/2017 31 75 - -
'We will continue to lead' on climate, nearly 100 mayors pledge in rebuke to Trump
Campaign Action Donald Trump pulled the United States back from climate leadership in the world by pulling out of the Paris accord … and as it turned out, he pulled the federal government back from leadership in the United States. A host of mayors,...
Laura Clawson 06/02/2017 131 163 - -
Cartoon: The Kushner Kables
x Vimeo Video I’m sure there’s a perfectly innocent explanation for all of this Russia intrigue, right? Right? This ...
Mark Fiore 06/02/2017 6 41 - -
Donald Trump is a petulant, whiny man-child, and treating him like an adult just cost the world
Donald Trump’s political philosophy can be summed up by four words: What would Obama hate? With an antipathy that predates—but was certainly reinforced by—President Obama making sport of Trump at the 2011 White House Correspondents' Dinner, predicting...
Mark Sumner 06/02/2017 194 239 - -
Gov't reports weak job gains in May, just 138,000, and revises March and April gains downward
In the weakest overall jobs report of 2017, the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ said Friday that the economy added 147,000 private-sector jobs in May, but the public sector shed 9,000, for a net gain of 138,000 new jobs. A consensus of experts surveyed...
Meteor Blades 06/02/2017 93 61 - -
Morning Digest: After six months, Montana GOP still searching for a challenger to Sen. Jon Tester
Leading Off ● MT-Sen: Republican Ryan Zinke was widely expected to challenge Democratic Sen. Jon Tester in 2018, but Trump threw a huge wrench in Team Red's plans when he picked the congressman to lead the Department of the Interior in December....
Daily Kos Elections 06/02/2017 6 37 - -
Daily Kos Radio is LIVE at 9 AM ET!
Friday at last! Not that Friday means any reprieve from the madness. In fact, weekends are usually even crazier under the Trump Junta than weekdays are. But still, there’s something comforting ...
David Waldman 06/02/2017 - 9 - -
Abbreviated pundit roundup: Trump vs the planet
We begin today’s roundup with The New  York Times and it’s take on Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris agreement: Only future generations will be able to calculate the full consequences of President Trump’s...
Georgia Logothetis 06/02/2017 300 154 - -
Open thread for night owls: City elects youngest person ever to hold office in Texas
At The Nation, Jae Jones writes—Prairie View University has a long history of political engagement, but for the first time several students ran for local office and won two open seats: Prairie View A&M students haven’t forgotten Sandra Bland,...
Meteor Blades 06/01/2017 83 100 - -
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