MINNEAPOLIS - AUGUST 06:  FBI agents investigates the scene of the I-35W bridge collapse August 6, 2007 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The job of removing debris and destroyed cars, the cost of which is estimated to be up to $15 million, was to begin today after Minnesota Department of Transportation officials said they had hired a St. Paul contractor. Searchers reported finding no new victims to add to the list of five confirmed dead.  (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)
Thank you for calling the Comcast Infrastructure Initiative. All representatives are currently busy. There is currently a 15 year wait for repairs; please have your credit card ready.
MINNEAPOLIS - AUGUST 06:  FBI agents investigates the scene of the I-35W bridge collapse August 6, 2007 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The job of removing debris and destroyed cars, the cost of which is estimated to be up to $15 million, was to begin today after Minnesota Department of Transportation officials said they had hired a St. Paul contractor. Searchers reported finding no new victims to add to the list of five confirmed dead.  (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)
Thank you for calling the Comcast Infrastructure Initiative. All representatives are currently busy. There is currently a 15 year wait for repairs; please have your credit card ready.

There is no "Trump infrastructure plan." There never was, and anyone who believed otherwise was not paying attention. As a businessman, he was continually proven a crook, and he does not have "plans," he merely says whatever the person in front of him wants to hear and then says the opposite the next day. The plan as presented was that Donald Trump was going to spend "one trillion dollars" on infrastructure. The actual Donald Trump "infrastructure" plan, now that he's banked the votes of the people he promised that nonsense to, is to cut infrastructure and you rubes will have to figure out the rest on your own.

President Trump will lay out a vision this coming week for sharply curtailing the federal government’s funding of the nation’s infrastructure and calling upon states, cities and corporations to shoulder most of the cost of rebuilding roads, bridges, railways and waterways.

Got that? It's a federal cut. By "spend a trillion dollars," casino-man Trump and his hired-on business buddies mean they'll be spending zero new dollars, they'll demand states and cities make up that difference or blame them afterward for not doing so, and they'll be selling off as much of the rest of that “infrastructure” as they can, from air traffic control to highways, to Donald Trump's banking and construction buddies. The actual plan still doesn’t exist yet, only the “contours,” but he’ll be introducing it anyway because like the tax “plan” and the healthcare “plan,” including details would only make the plan look even more farcical and implausible than the one-sheet-of-paper version.

The federal government would make only a fractional down payment on rebuilding the nation’s aging infrastructure. Mr. Trump would rely on a combination of private industry, state and city tax money, and borrowed cash to finance the rest. It would be a stark departure from ambitious infrastructure programs of the past, in which the government played a major role and devoted substantial resources to paying the cost of large-scale projects.

That would indeed be a stark departure. Going from "we have a federal infrastructure program" to "you rubes are on your own, good luck with that" is, indeed, a stark departure. It is also a stark departure from anything Republicans were willing to own up to during the election season, so get ready for quite the show as each individual Republican lawmaker claws over the rest to offer their heartfelt support for doing exactly this, and damn their own states.

This is all the brainchild of a certain brand of Wall Street denizens who sincerely, no-fooling have America's best interests in mind, and just happen to have once again come to the conclusion that selling pieces of America off to private companies to make profits from while relying on the federal government for dirt-cheap or free financing and to absorb all the remaining projects that would cost money but not turn a profit. It's the crookedest possible version of privatization, where companies get to pick and choose the profitable tidbits while sticking taxpayers with the bill for everything else. It's Soviet-style communism for the richest point-one percent of American bastards, as designed by the bastards themselves.

Mr. Trump is “trying to figure out, How do I get the most infrastructure improvements for the American citizens in the quickest fashion I can with the best return on investment for the U.S. taxpayers,” said [plan architect] Mr. Cohn, a former Goldman Sachs executive. “It’s sort of a businessman’s model.”

The White House has said Mr. Cohn will recuse himself from matters pertaining to Goldman, but it is unclear how that decision will affect any future plans by the company to bid for government partnerships in infrastructure.

Oh, just go to hell. Even mob bosses are more subtle than this.

Trump-voting America: you rubes. You pathetic suckers. It was obvious from day one that he was a liar and a crook and you bought his schtick anyway because you figured anyone you knew from the teevee had to be better than those darn gubbermint know-it-alls. Just which states do you think are going to suffer the most if the federal government doesn't divvy up taxpayer money according to need but instead tells the poorer, more rural, less profitable states they're on their own?

That's right. You cracked the code. If you don't live somewhere where private investors can make a buck off you—whether you agree to it or not—he doesn't give a damn about you. A slow clap for all the folks just now realizing this, but we’ll be preparing gen-u-ine golden trophies for all the nitwits who even now, after all this, have yet to suss it out.

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