22 February 2017

Trump administration adopts ruthless new immigration protocol

By Eric London, 22 February 2017

Press Secretary Sean Spicer made clear that immigrants with criminal histories are only the first targets of Trump’s anti-immigrant plan.

Seventy-five years after FDR’s Japanese internment order, Trump prepares mass immigrant roundup

Stop the attacks on immigrants! For a socialist policy of open borders and full rights for all workers!

Organizers of London anti-Trump protests push pro-EU agenda

By Robert Stevens, 22 February 2017

Numbers at the London protest were around a tenth of the size of that which converged on Downing Street on January 30, after Trump’s anti-Muslim ban was ordered.

May government ends limited scheme allowing lone child refugees into Britain

By Margot Miller, 22 February 2017

The way forward in the fight against Trump and May

Mounting anti-Semitic attacks in US draw half-hearted response from Trump

By Niles Niemuth, 22 February 2017

Since January, there have been 68 bomb threats at 53 community centers in 26 states and one in Canada, and some 200 headstones toppled at a Jewish cemetery in Missouri.

Nazis in the Trump White House

The popular movement against Trump vs. the corporate media’s anti-Russia witch-hunt

More on the Trump presidency »

Amid ongoing conflicts, Pence extends olive branch to EU

By Alex Lantier, 22 February 2017

European politicians and media reacted favorably to US Vice President Mike Pence’s statements in Europe as an opportunity to mend ties with the Trump administration.

Munich Security Conference signals a new arms race

By Ulrich Rippert, 22 February 2017

The German government is using the widespread opposition to the nationalist and racist policies of the Trump administration to advance its plans for rearmament.

French neo-fascists present anti-EU, anti-immigrant program in 2017 elections

US defense chief arrives in Iraq amid renewed assault on Mosul

By Jordan Shilton, 22 February 2017

Secretary of Defense James Mattis will soon recommend an escalation of US military involvement in both Iraq and Syria.

Trump names Iraq war general and militarist as national security adviser

Southern California hit by massive rainfall

By Glenn Mulwray, 22 February 2017

Rainstorms wreaked havoc over Southern California last weekend, causing mass power outages and flooding.

California and federal government ignored numerous warnings about Oroville Dam

“This is a big kick for families that are already struggling.”
Video report: Oroville dam evacuees criticize state response, remain ready to flee

Ohio couple arrested after eight-year-old son overdoses on heroin

By Naomi Spencer, 22 February 2017

The genuinely tragic outcomes of so many children caught up in the drug crisis are compounded by official indifference.

Drug distributors fined for failing to report suspicious orders of opioids

New York police kill Brooklyn teen for pointing a fake gun

By Steve Light, 22 February 2017

A string of shootings by police of people with fake guns has occurred in recent years, including the killing of 12-year-old Tamir Rice in 2014 in Cleveland, Ohio.

Video exposes official lies about police killing in Nashville, Tennessee

Woman forced to give birth on floor of Macomb County, Michigan jail cell

More on police violence in America »

Jakarta election points to social unrest in Indonesia

By John Roberts, 22 February 2017

A chauvinist Islamist campaign against the incumbent governor is seeking to capitalise on the mass discontent of some of the poorest sections of the population.

Sri Lankan elite discusses “frightening economic situation”

By Saman Gunadasa, 22 February 2017

The country has been severely hit by the continuing global downturn and a prolonged drought that has destroyed key crops and driven up the prices of staple foods.

New in Arabic

الاشتراكية والذكرى المئوية للثورة الروسية: 1917-2017

دافيد نورث و جوزيف كيشور, ٢ كانون الثاني يناير ٢٠١٧

تصادف هذه السنة الذكرى المئوية لأحداث تاريخية شهدها عام 1917 ،بدأت بثورة شباط ، فبراير في روسيا ، وبلغت ذروتها في شهر تشرين الأول ، اكتوبر، مع " عشرة أيام هزت العالم" ، حيث تم الإطاحة بالحكومة الرأسمالية المؤقتة إنجاز استيلاء الحزب البلشفي على السلطة تحت قيادة فلاديمير لينين وليون تروتسكي.

New in Turkish

Trump’ın seçilmesi, savaş tehlikesi ve gençliğin karşı karşıya olduğu siyasi görevler

Toplumsal Eşitlik İçin Uluslararası Gençlik ve Öğrenciler (Avustralya), 22 Şubat 2017

Öğrenciler ve gençler 2017’de okula başlarken, son derece değişmiş bir dünya ile karşılaşıyorlar. Son üç ay içinde, Amerikan siyasi tarihinde görülmemiş bir aşırı sağcı yönetim göreve gelmiş durumda.

New in Spanish

El ejército brasileño sale a las calles de Río en medio de protestas

Por Bill Van Auken, 21 febrero 2017

El gobierno envió 9.000 tropas a Río mientras el estado tambalea al borde de la quiebra y aumenta la oposición a la austeridad y la privatización.

Informe revela tortura generalizada de menores en prisiones mexicanas

Por Alex Gonzalez, 21 febrero 2017

En México, el 57 por ciento de los adolescentes encarcelados son torturados, según un informe publicado por el Centro Nacional de Derechos Humanos (CNDH).

New in French

Combien de gens mourraient dans une guerre entre les États-Unis et la Russie ?

Par Andre Damon, 22 février 2017

Au milieu de l’hystérie anti-russe incessante en provenance des médias et du Parti démocrate, personne ne soulève la question : quelles seraient les conséquences d’une guerre avec la Russie ?

Les tensions entre les États-Unis et l’Europe persistent malgré les assurances données sur l’OTAN

Par Bill Van Auken, 22 février 2017

Les discours à Munich jurant la fidélité des États-Unis à l’OTAN et prenant une ligne dure sur la Russie ne sont pas parvenus à apaiser les craintes que la politique de « l’Amérique d’abord » de Trump ne soit poursuivie au détriment de l’Europe.

Les démocrates tentent de canaliser l’opposition populaire à Trump dans une offensive antirusse

Par Joseph Kishore, 22 février 2017

Les critiques de Trump dans les médias et l’establishment politique tentent de désorienter l’opposition des travailleurs et jeunes à Trump et la rattacher aux plans de guerre de la CIA.

Les organisations représentatives des étudiants dénoncent les positions de droite des professeurs de l’université Humboldt à Berlin

Par nos correspondants, 22 février 2017

L’organisation étudiante FRIV s’est prononcée contre le militarisme et le chauvinisme anti-immigrants et en faveur de la liberté d’expression.

New in German

Wie viele Todesopfer würde ein Krieg zwischen den USA und Russland fordern?

Von Andre Damon, 22. Februar 2017

Bei der ununterbrochenen Hetzkampagne der Medien und der Demokraten gegen Russland fragt niemand, welche Folgen ein Krieg mit Russland hätte.

Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz: Auftakt zum Rüstungswettlauf

Von Ulrich Rippert, 22. Februar 2017

Die Bundesregierung nutzt die weit verbreitete Opposition gegen die rechte Politik der Trump-Regierung, um ihre eigenen Aufrüstungspläne voranzutreiben.

Trump-Regierung wegen russlandfeindlicher Kampagne zunehmend unter Druck

Von Patrick Martin, 22. Februar 2017

Mit den Untersuchungen zu einer angeblichen Beeinflussung der Präsidentschaftswahl 2016 durch Russland beschäftigen sich mittlerweile sieben Ausschüsse des US-Kongresses. Sie sollen unter anderem Beweise für Kontakte zwischen Trumps Wahlkampfteam und der russischen Regierung finden.

IG Metall und Betriebsräte spielen Bombardier-Werke gegeneinander aus

Von Dietmar Henning, 22. Februar 2017

Während Gewerkschaft und Betriebsräte einen gemeinsamen Arbeitskampf zu verhindern suchen, droht dem Werk in Görlitz mit über 2300 Beschäftigten die Schließung.

Diese Woche in der Russischen Revolution
20.–26. Februar: Der Krieg vertieft die Krise des zaristischen Regimes

22. Februar 2017

Die Russische Revolution von 1917 war das bedeutendste Ereignis in der modernen Geschichte. Zwischen Februar und Oktober erfolgten in Russland erst der Sturz des Zarismus, dann eine kurze Periode der bürgerlichen Herrschaft und schließlich die Machteroberung der Bolschewistischen Partei und die Errichtung des ersten Arbeiterstaates der Weltgeschichte. Anlässlich des hundertsten Jahrestags der Revolution wird die WSWS ein wöchentliches Feature veröffentlichen, „Diese Woche in der Russischen Revolution“, in dem Entwicklungen der Russischen Revolution und anderer historische Ereignisse auf der Welt im Jahr 1917 wie in einem Kaleidoskop dargestellt werden.

Other Languages


Appointment of "Warrior-Scholar" McMaster signals intensification of anti-Russia confrontation

22 February 2017

The appointment of McMaster exposes the utterly reactionary and undemocratic character of the official debate surrounding the Trump administration.

Earlier Perspectives »

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

This week in the Russian Revolution
February 20-26: War deepens crisis of the Tsarist regime

20 February 2017

The Russian Revolution of 1917 was the greatest event in modern history. Between February and October, Russia passed from the overthrow of the Tsar, through a short episode of bourgeois rule, to the conquest of power by the Bolshevik Party and the establishment of the first workers state. To mark the centenary, the WSWS is publishing a weekly feature that will provide a kaleidoscopic view of the revolution and the global events of 1917, an epochal year in world history.

WSWS Editorial Board Chairman David North discusses upcoming lecture series on Russian Revolution

The ICFI is initiating its commemoration of the centenary of the Russian Revolution of 1917 with a series of online lectures. David North, chairperson of the International Editorial Board of the WSWS, will give the first lecture, “Why Study the Russian Revolution?” The lecture will be streamed on YouTube on Saturday, March 11 at 5:00 pm Eastern (US). Four biweekly lectures will follow.

Register for the lectures today at wsws.org/1917

Socialism and the centenary of the Russian Revolution: 1917-2017

By David North and Joseph Kishore, 3 January 2017


Talk show host Bill Maher: Intelligence agencies “our last line of defense”

By David Walsh, 22 February 2017

In an extraordinarily foul outburst February 17, HBO’s Maher referred approvingly to Egypt and Turkey as countries where intelligence agencies had intervened against a “crazy” dictator.

US late-night comics fall into (anti-Russian) line

How many people would die in a war between the US and Russia?

By Andre Damon, 21 February 2017

Trump’s “America First” policies and the global eruption of economic nationalism

By Nick Beams, 21 February 2017

As Trump promotes America First nationalism at South Carolina Boeing plant
UAW to launch “Buy American” campaign

A reply to New York Times op-ed author Myles E. Johnson on racialism and “critical thinking”

By David Walsh, 20 February 2017

Columnist Myles E. Johnson on Beyoncé at the Grammys
The New York Times opens its pages to frenzied racialism

US-European tensions remain despite reassurances on NATO


Australian governments’ decade-long cultural wrecking operation

By Richard Phillips and Linda Tenenbaum, 22 February 2017

Today, the ruling elites regard genuinely critical and creative voices with suspicion or outright hostility.

Daniel Barenboim conducts the Bruckner symphony cycle in New York

By Fred Mazelis, 20 February 2017

A late 19th century composer who has some detractors gets his big moment at Carnegie Hall.

British actor John Hurt: 1940-2017

By Kevin Martinez, 17 February 2017

New Arabic

Arabic translation of “Socialism and the centenary of the Russian Revolution: 1917-2017”

We are publishing here the Arabic translation of the January 3 WSWS perspective article, “Socialism and the centenary of the Russian Revolution: 1917-2017”


Student representative body denounces right-wing positions of professors at Berlin’s Humboldt University

By our correspondents, 20 February 2017

IYSSE meeting defends Bremen University Student Union against attacks by Jörg Baberowski

The election of Donald Trump, the danger of war and the political tasks facing young people

By International Youth and Students for Social Equality (Australia), 20 February 2017

ISO endorses IYSSE application for club status at New York University

By Isaac Finn, 16 February 2017

Open Letter to the International Socialist Organization
Reverse ISO position supporting political censorship at NYU

NHS FightBack

Patient at Britain’s Newham Acute Day Hospital launches campaign to fight closure

By our reporters, 18 February 2017

Socialist Equality Party

A wave of class struggles in Sri Lanka: Workers must fight for a socialist program to defend their rights

By the Socialist Equality Party, 18 February 2017

Socialist Equality Party (UK) public meetings
Trump and Brexit: For a socialist opposition to economic nationalism

11 February 2017

Public meetings in Australia and New Zealand
The political significance of Trump and the accelerated drive to war

10 February 2017

The Trump Presidency

Trump White House under mounting pressure from anti-Russia campaign

By Patrick Martin, 20 February 2017

Democrats seek to channel opposition to Trump behind anti-Russia offensive

By Joseph Kishore, 16 February 2017

Fast-food mogul Andrew Puzder withdraws as Trump labor nominee

By a reporter, 16 February 2017

More on the Trump presidency »


Eighty years since the victory of the Flint sit-down strike—Part one

By Jerry White, 15 February 2017

Eighty years since the victory of the Flint sit-down strike—Part two

Georgi Valentinovich Plekhanov (1856–1918): His Place in the History of Marxism

Security and the Fourth Internaional

Security and the Fourth International
The Smith Act trial and government infiltration of the Trotskyist movement—Part one

By Eric London, 8 December 2016

Security and the Fourth International
The Smith Act trial and government infiltration of the Trotskyist movement—Part two
Why wasn’t Joseph Hansen a defendant in the Smith Act trial?