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Facebook Canvas Ads

Canvas ads

A customizable mobile ad format for every business.

Create an Ad

An ad format so flexible you can use it for anything

A Canvas is just that—a blank space to tell your business's story. Facebook Canvas ads are made of full-screen video and images, text and call-to-action buttons—it's up to you. With Canvas, people can swipe through, tilt and zoom in on images, making people feel immersed in the story. Plus, Canvas loads quickly, so people don't have to wait for your content to load.

Facebook Canvas video ad example from L'Occitane
Facebook Canvas Ad is interactive

A place to play

Canvas gives you the freedom to tell your story.

Promote everything with Facebook Canvas Ad

Every business, any goal

You can use Canvas to tell any story and promote anything.

Facebook Canvas Ad is a fast loading experience

Beautiful and fast

Canvas ads are full screen and load up to 10 times faster1 than the standard mobile web.

A Facebook Canvas Ad example on mobile from Lowe's

Facebook’s Canvas enabled us to tell a compelling home improvement story outside the confines of a typical News Feed ad. This allows customers to get a complete understanding of Lowe’s coordinated style without ever leaving the platform. The experience provides a unique opportunity for the customer to explore the path of inspiration to conversion seamlessly.

Brad Walters

Director of Social Media & Content Strategy, Lowe’s Home Improvement

A Facebook Canvas Ad example on mobile from Carnival Cruise Line

The immersive Canvas allowed Carnival to illustrate the multifaceted experience a cruise can be. Facebook viewers set sail, snorkeled alongside tropical fish, relaxed on a Caribbean beach and took in the sight of a sunset at sea, all without leaving the Facebook app.

Stephanie Leavitt

Director Social Media & Branded Content, Carnival Cruise Line

Tell your story with Canvas.

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