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Promote your Page

Find new customers and keep in touch with current ones by promoting your Facebook business Page.

Build an active and engaged audience for your business

Once you’ve set up your Facebook Page, you can build an audience of people who are interested in what you have to offer. People can like your Page and sign up to receive notifications when you publish updates, helping you reach customers and stay top of mind with them.

Get more likes on your Facebook business Page and grow your audience

Getting more likes for your Page will help you:

  • Let people know what your business is all about and what it has to offer.
  • Easily keep people updated about new products and events.
  • Find new customers more effectively.

How to grow your Page audience

Invite your friends

A great way to start is to invite people in your life who may be genuinely interested in your business to like your Facebook Page. They can support you by interacting with your posts and sharing your content. This initial audience helps you establish credibility, build your reputation and spread the word about your business right away.

Welcome your customers

It’s easy to invite people you currently do business with to like your Page. Just upload their email addresses or import your contacts from popular email services like iCloud, Outlook and Yahoo.

Example of a communication between a customer and your Facebook Page on mobile.
Communicate with your customers thanks to your Facebook business Page

Communicate with customers anytime, anywhere

Your Facebook Page makes it easy for people to find out more about what you offer and get in touch.

Connect on Messenger

People can communicate with your business on Facebook through Messenger, and it’s a flexible and convenient way to provide customer service.

Keep up the conversation

Stay active on your Page by replying to comments on your posts. When people know you’re interacting with them, they are more likely to feel connected to your business.

Promote a Facebook business Page to grow your audience.

Additional resources

Facebook Blueprint

Get started by taking the creating a Facebook Page elearning course. For more info, get an overview of Pages and learn how they can work for your business.

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Facebook for Business

Facebook can help your large, medium or small business grow. Get the latest news for advertisers and more on our Facebook Business Page.