Carnival Cruise Line

Success Story

Pulling vacation seekers into a Canvas

The cruise line used Canvas to raise brand consideration and engagement, reaching out to 7.7 million people, half of whom watched the entire ad.
  • over 50% of viewers watched more than 25 seconds of the ad
  • 50% of viewers watched the entire ad
  • 7.7 million viewers reached

Their Story

Exotic adventures abroad

Carnival is one of the most popular cruise lines in the world, offering quality cruises and memorable vacations to the Caribbean, Europe, Mexican Riviera, Alaska, Hawaii, Canada, Australia, the Pacific Islands and elsewhere.

Their Goal

Painting an adventure

Carnival wanted to raise brand consideration and increase engagement by using Facebook’s new Canvas format and reaching out to millions of vacation seekers across the US.
The immersive Canvas allowed Carnival to illustrate the multifaceted experience a cruise can be. Facebook viewers set sail, snorkeled alongside tropical fish, relaxed on a Caribbean beach and took in the sight of a sunset at sea, all without leaving the Facebook app.
Stephanie Leavitt, Director Social Media & Branded Content, Carnival Cruise Line

Their Solution

Conveying an experience

Carnival used the power of Facebook Canvas to take 7.7 million vacation seekers through its cruise experience and invite them to digitally explore a multitude of beautiful locations.

Inspiring wanderlust

Carnival combined animation, photos and a video to develop a Canvas that allowed people to scroll through a 5-day cruise, stopping at 3 different ports. The images and videos showed people aerial shots of the cruise ships, panoramic views of the various locales and vivid photos of some of the attractions available at the ports. The team wanted to inspire a sense of wonder, romance, excitement and adventure around a cruise vacation. When viewers get to the end of the experience, the ad encourages them to learn more on the Carnival website through a call-to-action button.

Finding vacation seekers

For this campaign, Carnival built a Custom Audience, using interests targeting to aim the Canvas at in-market vacation and cruise seekers. It also relied on Friends of Connections to target friends of people who have liked Carnival’s Facebook Page.

Their Success

Cruising to success

Canvas proved effective in helping Carnival increase brand interest and engage its key audience. The campaign, which ran from December 7–15, 2015, also delivered the following results:
  • Over 50% of viewers watched more than 25 seconds of the ad
  • 50% of viewers watched the entire ad
  • 7.7 million viewers reached
Facebook’s sophisticated targeting capabilities allowed us to reach specific audiences. That, combined with the immersive nature of Canvas, created a unique opportunity to enrich our digital media presence.
Melissa Anido-Lopez, Director Media Planning and Analytics, Carnival Cruise Line