LAUREN BOOTH: French, coquettish and cute ...our ladettes need a lesson in girliness

Lauren Booth: Young girls should be more French in manner than English

I remember my school days well. Ah yes, having my bag flung with gusto from the top deck of the 113 by the skinhead girls in my year.

Followed by my desperate efforts to convince the surly driver to halt between stops so I could retrieve my homework from the middle of the road.

Great days. Back then in the Eighties, the cult of aggression among young ‘gels’ (as our headmistress, clearly in denial about teaching in a comp, used to call us) was still in its infancy.

So, the violence that I experienced at the hands of Jane and her slack-jawed cronies, was more psychological than physical.

Everyone in school was shocked when the usual lunchtime aggression turned from name-calling and hair-pulling to punching and kicking.

Once, a girl had her ribs broken when she was punched to the floor. Another was kicked by several girls for refusing to do their homework any longer. Yet how tame and (worse) how mundane that violence seems by today’s standards.

A report this week revealed that the number of crimes committed by girls is sky-rocketing, with those of 18 and under committing more than 58,000 crimes last year. That’s seven every hour.

For the first time, violent crimes have overtaken theft as the most common offence among women and girls.

There is no doubt that the availability of cheap booze plays its part. But that lets parents off the hook in many ways.

After all, if it’s peer pressure and licensing laws that are to blame, what can any of us ‘oldies’ do at home to shape, much less tame, our daughters’ worst inclinations?

Yet, the dreaded Jane and her mob weren’t drunk when they went marauding through the school halls back in 1986. There were no alcopops 20 years ago.

Nonetheless, their sort of behaviour formed the beginnings of today’s ladette culture. A culture that tells young women that being female means less than being a male.

And here’s the crux of the matter, the very heart of why more and more young women ape the worst excesses of some men: if mothers don’t hail the attributes of being a woman to our daughters then why shouldn’t those daughters aspire to be young men instead?

By female attributes, or social mores, I mean that we have it in our genes to be ‘the gentler sex’.

That playing with dolls leads to caring about how we dress, that by encouraging our daughters’ interest in neighbours’ babies (and good old babysitting) we also encourage the gentler aspects of a girl’s character.

Oh how unfashionable! What next, eye-fluttering and giggling? Well, why not? In British culture, sexual competitiveness has replaced mutual respect. So why aspire to something so ultimately self-defeating as sameness?

How tragic that being a young woman is significant for many girls only because by baring their flesh they can use this to win male attention.

France, where I live with my daughters, is not (yet) experiencing the same level of teen-girl violence. I watch in fascination as my daughters Alex and Holly, aged eight and six, behave differently when they speak French than they do English.

They tilt their heads and a little smile that can best be described as coquettish (in its most innocent form) plays on their lips. In English they are blunt, bold and straightforward.

This may just be a language-based social tic. Except that what they are learning at school is undoubtedly how to be young ladies. Here, you see, girls are both consciously and unconsciously encouraged to be coy, polite and ‘coquinne’ (cute).

We can all cringe at these words but bigger values seem to hide just behind them. This idea of femininity means that girls are considered as worth protecting, by society and their male peers.

This establishment of gender roles begins at school. My girls relish telling me stories of Alexandre getting a clip around the ear for being cheeky, while Bastian had his hair pulled by the teacher for punching a girl in his class.

The parents tacitly agree with such punishment because, after all, who would let a boy bully a girl?

Alex adores the way her maths teacher, a man, calls her ‘Miss Darby’. Such old-fashioned politeness seems quaint. In reality it reinforces to pupils the fact that the sexes are different and that those differences matter.

Girl violence comes from self-loathing and insecurity. No happy, stable human being gets a ‘kick’ out of harming another. Girls who carry out such attacks have been brutalised by society. The message in UK schools and beyond is this: be the same, to be different is to be the ‘weaker’ sex, fight for your rights.

I will fight for something a little different. I want my girls to be... girls. In France, school isn’t cool and boys who disrespect girls get their hair pulled by female teachers. And, in the rural areas, that’s about as bad as it gets between girls, too – raised voices and hair-pulling. Long may it stay that way.