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Kyle Curlew's picture
The Liberals' new discussion paper on Bill C-51 reads like a defence of the bill it's supposed to fix | Oct 24 2016 | Kyle Curlew | The Liberal government has recently released a document called "Our Security, Our Rights: National Security Green Paper."
Brent Patterson's picture
Wallonia holds firm against CETA, Trudeau sets Monday as deadline to resolve impasse | Oct 24 2016 | Brent Patterson | The Council of Canadians celebrates European opposition to CETA.
Dennis Gruending's picture
Katharine Hayhoe talks softly to Christians on climate change. Is there a better way? | Oct 23 2016 | Dennis Gruending | Scientist and evangelical Katharine Hayhoe talks softly to fellow Christians on climate change. Is there a better way?
Mercedes Allen's picture
Free speech and the cruel shackles of empathy and mutual respect | Oct 23 2016 | Mercedes Allen | A nuanced dissection of UofT professor Jordan Peterson's campaign against trans* people in the name of free speech.
Sep 15 2016
New collection "In This Together: Fifteen Stories of Truth and Reconciliation" describes what reconciliation can mean to the individual. But are words enough? Our reviewer says it's time for action.
Sep 8 2016
'Forbidden Fruit' is Gail Pellett's raw and highly personal memoir of the year, mid-1980 to mid-1981, when she lived in Beijing as China was just emerging from its decade-long Cultural Revolution.
Aug 25 2016
All the Liberals had to do was construct legislation that complied with the Supreme Court ruling. But instead they bungled the file on assisted dying. Here's what happened.

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What's the most Liberal thing Justin Trudeau's government has done so far?

So Canada, are your faces red yet?

It looks like Justin Trudeau is walking back what Karl Nerenberg calls his "clear and very personal ownership" of the Liberal pledge to ensure 2015 was the last election to be decided under First-Past-the-Post. For many voters and advocacy groups last October, that was the one campaign promise that made a Liberal government palatable -- and now it may not happen.

"Under Stephen Harper," PM Trudeau told Le Devior, "there were so many people unhappy with the government and their approach that people were saying, 'It will take electoral reform to no longer have a government we don't like.'

"But under the current system, they now have a government they're more satisfied with and the motivation to change the electoral system is less compelling."

Ha ha ha. I think the phrase is: "If the president does it, that means that it is not illegal." Sure it sounds entitled, self-important and deluded -- but for those of us who remember the Liberal governments of Paul Martin, Jean Chretien and, er, Kathleen Wynne, this is just Liberals Liberalling. Broken promises and the LPC go together like gum and nuts.

But maybe electoral reform is only cocktail talk for policy wonks and political science grads. Then we might look at Bill Morneau -- the finance minister! -- who saw no problem inviting mining magnates into his home for a $1,500-a-plate fundraising dinner (oh yeah, we called that one too). Or maybe at the Liberals' announcing climate targets with much pomp and circumstance and then do precisely zero to reach them. Whatever, man, it's the feeling that counts.

Welcome back, Liberal Party of Canada. It's been awhile.

So what's the most Liberal-like act of Liberalling Justin's Liberals have Liberalled?

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